Unpopular opinions thread


21 Oct 2019, 23:40

That's not very authentic... They are not signing any songs with the drink. :-þ

BTW. Only a few people from a region in the North even eat Surströmming. The rest of us keep away.

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Wild Duck

22 Oct 2019, 00:12

Pah, next thing you'll claim is that the Swedes don't sport horned helmets and the males don't keep herds of blond wenches.

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22 Oct 2019, 05:57

No Vikings wore horned helmets.
Wenches be legit though.

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28 Oct 2019, 01:38

Well, it seems that in the end my opinion is the second most unpopular in the whole country. Goodbye, stupid light blue and white nation, I will never be part of your pit of shit and depression, your ideas don't represent me. Not only I don't identify with almost half of the electoral roll, but I have NOTHING in common with the other half. Today I declare myself spiritually devoid of all nationality, I don't want my children to inherit this cultural curse.


28 Oct 2019, 12:48

PlacaFromHell wrote:
28 Oct 2019, 01:38
Well, it seems that in the end my opinion is the second most unpopular in the whole country. Goodbye, stupid light blue and white nation, I will never be part of your pit of shit and depression, your ideas don't represent me. [/img]
When you said stupid blue and white country, I thought you were talking about Israel. I was going to say, "Watch out - you don't want the ADL after you!"

Here's an unpopular opinion: International Law should be followed by ALL countries, INCLUDING the US and Israel. The hypocrisy and double-standards are disgusting.

If Israel has "a right to defend itself", then Iran has a right to defend itself. Syria has a right to defend itself. Palestinians have a right to defend themselves. If Israel has "a right to exist", then Palestine has a right to exist.

But you can't criticize Israel AT ALL - even obvious violations of international law, bombings of civilians with phosphorous, possession of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, invasions and attacks on sovereign states, financing and support of terrorism. If you criticize Israel in the slightest, you're called an "anti-semite" or accused of trying to start another "holocaust".

I keep thinking of a quote from an old Bonanza episode, where an old woman says, "There's a law for you-uns and a law for we-uns - and it ain't the same law!" That's one of the truest sayings I've ever heard.


28 Oct 2019, 14:09


BTW. Any country that has withdrawn from the International Criminal Court, has by doing so stated that they intend to perform war crimes, genocide or other crimes against humanity. It should follow that these states should be considered Rogue States and that the civilised world should not cooperate with them until they choose to re-enter the international community and let investigations take place. That would be reasonable, right?

Countries that have withdrawn include USA (under war-criminal G.W. Bush), Russia (under war-criminal Putin), Israel (under war-criminal Sharon) and The Philippines (under Duterte).
Last edited by Findecanor on 28 Oct 2019, 17:39, edited 1 time in total.

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28 Oct 2019, 17:33

mr_a500 wrote:
28 Oct 2019, 12:48
PlacaFromHell wrote:
28 Oct 2019, 01:38
Well, it seems that in the end my opinion is the second most unpopular in the whole country. Goodbye, stupid light blue and white nation, I will never be part of your pit of shit and depression, your ideas don't represent me. [/img]
When you said stupid blue and white country, I thought you were talking about Israel. I was going to say, "Watch out - you don't want the ADL after you!"

Here's an unpopular opinion: International Law should be followed by ALL countries, INCLUDING the US and Israel. The hypocrisy and double-standards are disgusting.

If Israel has "a right to defend itself", then Iran has a right to defend itself. Syria has a right to defend itself. Palestinians have a right to defend themselves. If Israel has "a right to exist", then Palestine has a right to exist.

But you can't criticize Israel AT ALL - even obvious violations of international law, bombings of civilians with phosphorous, possession of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, invasions and attacks on sovereign states, financing and support of terrorism. If you criticize Israel in the slightest, you're called an "anti-semite" or accused of trying to start another "holocaust".

I keep thinking of a quote from an old Bonanza episode, where an old woman says, "There's a law for you-uns and a law for we-uns - and it ain't the same law!" That's one of the truest sayings I've ever heard.
I agree, the modern society thinks that the way of be fair is just turn the opposite the classic injustices. I bet if I say that O.J. Simpson is a murderer, someone in the US will be offended just by the fact I said that someone who is not white is a murderer. Without going so far, someone said me that I "should be in jail for hate crimes again LGBT community" because I was disappointed with the fact that the Argentine State finances aesthetic surgeries for transsexuals, in a country where people still die from tetanus. Typhus is even reappearing, a MEDIEVAL DISEASE, but my taxes HAVE to go to silicone boobs, WHAT THE FUCK.
It is true that the Middle East is a violent place and they may need a not-so-democratic system, but at least they should be fair among those who want to be fair. I am so sad to see children locked in that environment.

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17 Nov 2019, 08:27

Beer: for me, it seems to come down to the selection of hops, and what I like in that regard can so often depend on my general mood. As a rule I'm not generally a fan of fizzy lager but occasionally a really cold one on a hot summer's day can be nice; though I generally prefer the bland ones to those with a bit too much personality, so e.g. Kronenbourg will do me fine.

Other beers: I love the Belgian dubbels/trippels but they make my liver weep. English ales are a mixed bag because there's one popular hop I absolutely loathe but I'm not sure of the name of the specific "filth hop". Not that it would help as so many of them don't say what they are anyway, but for example I can't stand Black Sheep's flagship beer but some of their other stuff is lovely.

And also the amount of roasting: I really like dark beers and porters, but as long as they haven't gone OTT. For me, stuff like Guinness is the beer equivalent of Starbucks coffee.

Coffee: well there's another thing, similar to beers I suppose. I have my own preferences but generally the fresher the better, which means no pre-ground unless it's in sealed capsules. And no scalding it either (oh hai Starbucks...). My E61 machine is poorly so I have a Nespresso for convenience. Pros and cons, though: pros, it's convenient and the coffee is nice; cons, the capsules are impossible to recycle (and it's impossible to get them to collect them), the range of flavours is limited and their Barista milk frother tends to cover the kitchen in semi-frothed milk.

Lord of the Rings: liked the books, was meh about the films. Jackson's vision totally didn't mesh with mine and he focussed on all the bits I skimmed and ignored the bits I enjoyed. There also seems to be a certain amount of controversy i.e. appropriating my culture to bludgeon someone else's.

Politics: meh.

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Wild Duck

17 Nov 2019, 11:08

vometia wrote:
17 Nov 2019, 08:27
My E61 machine is poorly so I have a Nespresso for convenience. Pros and cons, though: pros, it's convenient and the coffee is nice; cons, the capsules are impossible to recycle (and it's impossible to get them to collect them), the range of flavours is limited and their Barista milk frother tends to cover the kitchen in semi-frothed milk.
Must be location where they can't work out the logistics or something. I get a free recycle bag each order and return the previously filled one at the same time. Then they make bikes or something out of them.
nespresso_recycle_bag.jpg (522.31 KiB) Viewed 31410 times

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17 Nov 2019, 11:48

We get the bags but the delivery drivers refuse to collect them. We're tried a few times but it's always "nah, they'll send somebody else to fetch it." I wasn't convinced either, and that's before the somebody else had a proper chance to fail to turn up.

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Wild Duck

17 Nov 2019, 15:04

I'm disappointed you didn't take this opportunity to recycle them into your own custom alu keyboard. :mrgreen:

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17 Nov 2019, 16:26

They do that? I must drink more coffee!

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03 Jun 2020, 04:59

I don't understand the appeal of putting your diodes on display. Is this some sort of fashion statement? What's the point? Why is did this trend take off? My butt hurts every time a new design comes out with this as a feature. And these days my butt is hurting quite frequently.


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03 Jun 2020, 05:06

How else are people going to know it uses all through hole components? I guess you could put the diodes by the switches but then it has a bunch of empty space there and IMO it would look weird.


03 Jun 2020, 07:51

snacksthecat wrote:
03 Jun 2020, 04:59
I don't understand the appeal of putting your diodes on display. Is this some sort of fashion statement? What's the point? Why is did this trend take off? My butt hurts every time a new design comes out with this as a feature. And these days my butt is hurting quite frequently.
It's space saving and decorative. Also this is kind of like transparent cases.


03 Jun 2020, 08:43

I think the original was Plaid, which was a cheap DIY thing, without case or plate: only FR4 bottom, standoffs and acrylic cover.
I suppose the reason had been to avoid having exposed diode legs in-between switches and to allow a thick acrylic plate (which would be cheaper and easier to get done DIY).
Now, PCB-mounted switches could have diodes inside themselves, but if there is a plate: many plate-mounted switches nowadays are instead made for SMD LEDs, and you would risk damaging the diode if it is slightly out of alignment when you put the switch on top.

Some of these PCBs support Kailh Choc switches, but those are so low-profile that there wouldn't be room for diodes next to them on the top side — so all through-holes components would have to be separate.

I think the example in the picture is bollocks, though.


22 Sep 2020, 21:45

ANSI is superior to ISO
numpad is better than numline
Apple keyboards having 19 F keys
ergonomic keyboards make my hand hurt :(

and most importantly

when I ain't wearing a mask in a convenience store and the cashier says "wear a mask. do your part" I say "I ain't doing my part cause this ain't a fucking play"

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22 Sep 2020, 22:51

>I ain't doing my part cause this ain't a fucking play

Look out everyone, we got a harass over here :roll:

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23 Sep 2020, 01:13

- Python is an ugly language to program in.
- Not a fan of dogs. I much prefer snakes or spiders as pets, and so does my grandmother (she's got my tarantula currently).
- I'd rather have a Rover (not Land Rover, for those who don't know what Rover was) than any other average. A green Rover 75 in particular is a gorgeous car that would be a pleasure to drive until it eventually dies after a few kilometres.
- I'd rather have an Aston Martin V8 Vantage Le Mans (1998-2000) than any other performance car.
- Rallying > F1.
- Fallout 4 wasn't THAT bad.
- Star Trek Discovery and Picard weren't THAT bad.
- Most of this personal ranking: DS9 > TNG > ENT > TOS > VOY > LDS > DSC > TAS
- This personal ranking after the first two: TMP > First Contact > The Undiscovered Country > The Wrath of Khan > The Search of Spock > Nemesis > 2009 > Beyond > the other TOS/TNG films > Into Darkness

- Bigfoots are the coolest Model Fs.
- M1s and M2s ain't that bad to live with once you've recapped them.
- Capacitive buckling springs > beamsprings. I know some in fact agree, nor am I implying beamsprings are bad (they're still God-tier), but I feel many automatically hold beamers on a top-tier pedestal from just 'word of mouth'.
- Everyone gets the message that vanilla rubber domes are not the most desirable things in the world, but the endless shitting on them is tiresome. At the end of the day, cheapo rubber domes serve a vital purpose - enabling the masses to use computers without breaking the bank. Granted, competition from £30-40 no-name Outemu/Gateron "mechs" are getting tough, but a £5 Lenovo or Dell rubber dome keyboard is still an easy sell.
- Cherry MX blacks sound alright. Speaking of which, I don't hold Cherry nearly as seemingly villainous as some may do. They (along with Unicomp to a lesser degree) carried a huge mantle during the '00s when "mechs" were not nearly a revered en masse as they are now.
- Topre gets just a little too much hate. I know angering the Topre gang is a meme at this point, and it can be funny, but I have to admit, I wouldn't mind an HHKB.
- I couldn't care less if my keyboard is ISO or ANSI. I find good in both. For ISO, the ISO enter is extremely comfortable for hitting with my pinkie and having \ and / mirror each other on the same row is aethestically pleasing. For ANSI, the 2u left shift is also quite comfortable. Realising it's impossible to resolve the two competely, my favourite layout is in fact JIS since at least it's the most functionally-good layout for me.

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23 Sep 2020, 02:12

Time for some de-stress:
-American pizza should be burning in hell.
-Corona is overrated.
-Angled keycaps are highly superior than straight keycaps.
-Linear SKCL-SKCM Alps switches are even more boring than Cherry MX black.
-Democracy and absolute real liberty (excluding liberty-based models which are not about moral liberty but agree with the benefits of certain liberties) are both stupid utopias.
-Streamers are too improvised and boring.
-Having very high round guns just for civilian personal defense is stupid and can cost your life, not only you can cause a lot more damage to someone with just clothes using a .25 ACP as the bullet ricochets inside the body, but also you can have a much better management of your gun.

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23 Sep 2020, 02:44

Forgot the best one. NETFLIX SUCKS ASSSSSSS

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23 Sep 2020, 03:08

I actually enjoy using scratchy dirty old mechs. As long as the scratchiness is nice and even. Is a different form of "tactility" feedback if you will.


01 Jan 2021, 00:52

I've got an unpopular opinion... wash bears are awesome! (although they're called "raccoons" where I am, I prefer to use the European term for them because they're like little bears.. that wash)

Americans and many Canadians consider these guys to be filthy pests, like large rats that cause problems. They do get into garbage bags and rip them open if you're dumb enough to leave them outside, but you can't blame it on these guys. They're very smart and they're just looking for food, like all animals.

I've invited these guys into my kitchen. They're intelligent and gentle. The whole family came to get nuts. Who could look at this face and not feed this guy? (their favourite food is hazelnuts)

wash bear big guy.JPG
wash baby.JPG
"They mostly come at night.... mostly."

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01 Jan 2021, 08:29

They're so cute. Some animals get adapted to the human society quite easily.

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01 Jan 2021, 08:54

Racoons are great. They're extremely intelligent and well tempered for undomesticated animals. Some animals are considered pests because they are a blight like mosquitos or locusts, but racoons are considered pests because they are intelligent enough to get into places that we don't want them.


01 Jan 2021, 17:02

Yes, exactly. Look at this guy. It's hard to believe that this is a wild animal. He's totally relaxed and trusting.

wash bear relaxing.jpg
If he wanted to, he could have clawed or bit the hell out of us, but he's very gentle and careful.

We had the whole family here, but now it's winter and they're hibernating.

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Wild Duck

01 Jan 2021, 18:02

I always have to laugh at the irony, when humans call other animals a pest.

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02 Jan 2021, 04:24

sharktastica wrote:
23 Sep 2020, 01:13
- Python is an ugly language to program in.
- Not a fan of dogs. I much prefer snakes or spiders as pets, and so does my grandmother (she's got my tarantula currently).
- I'd rather have a Rover (not Land Rover, for those who don't know what Rover was) than any other average. A green Rover 75 in particular is a gorgeous car that would be a pleasure to drive until it eventually dies after a few kilometres.
- I'd rather have an Aston Martin V8 Vantage Le Mans (1998-2000) than any other performance car.
- Rallying > F1.
- Fallout 4 wasn't THAT bad.
- Star Trek Discovery and Picard weren't THAT bad.
- Most of this personal ranking: DS9 > TNG > ENT > TOS > VOY > LDS > DSC > TAS
- This personal ranking after the first two: TMP > First Contact > The Undiscovered Country > The Wrath of Khan > The Search of Spock > Nemesis > 2009 > Beyond > the other TOS/TNG films > Into Darkness
I don't find many of them that controversial. I kept trying to like Python but eventually gave up: I just don't, no matter how ubiquitous it seems to be. Then again I use Bash for scripting which is slow, inconsistent and, erm, "differently aesthetic". But I keep using it as I've yet to find anything I actually like.

I like dogs but they're too energetic.

I used to have a Rover 214. It wasn't a bad car and the engine was surprisingly enthusiastic. It survived many miles of my driving with only a single gearbox failure and a few dents that needed to be hammered out. Maybe not the most memorable car they've ever done but it was okay. It was red.

Much the same with Aston Martin vs. other supercars. Even by the '80s I was starting to think that Ferraris and Porsches were clichéd and rather anachronistic in the case of the latter.

And yeah, F1 is dull and has been for years.

I like FO4. Bethsoft's take on Fallout gets way too much hate and I never really "got" the obsession with how superior New Vegas is: IMHO it and FO3 are much of a muchness. They seem to have finally sorted out their ancient engine with FO4 too, it looks pretty good (especially compared to FO3 and Skyrim), performs reasonably well and doesn't crash constantly; and is still modder-friendly.

I haven't watched the more recent Treks but thought DS9 was underrated and Voyager was tedious.

As for keyboards, I think I'm guilty of assuming the worst about Cherry because people kept going on about the awesomeness of MX Blues and I really didn't like them. Still don't, but I've found I do really like MX Reds, even the new ones. If I can't have a Model M (which I can't right now as it's gone 3am and it'd wake my other half) then MX Reds do the job quite nicely.

I still don't like ANSI keyboards mainly as I never seem to get on with horizontal return keys, though it seems most people prefer them. My main gripe about both ANSI and ISO is the almost OCD thing with keeping the main part of the keyboard in a neat rectangle: I think that causes all sorts of problems and actually I find wibbly edges better for positioning my hands. I never will get used to F/J being the One True Way.

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02 Jan 2021, 06:05

vometia wrote:
02 Jan 2021, 04:24
I don't find many of them that controversial. I kept trying to like Python but eventually gave up: I just don't, no matter how ubiquitous it seems to be. Then again I use Bash for scripting which is slow, inconsistent and, erm, "differently aesthetic". But I keep using it as I've yet to find anything I actually like.

I like dogs but they're too energetic.

I used to have a Rover 214. It wasn't a bad car and the engine was surprisingly enthusiastic. It survived many miles of my driving with only a single gearbox failure and a few dents that needed to be hammered out. Maybe not the most memorable car they've ever done but it was okay. It was red.

Much the same with Aston Martin vs. other supercars. Even by the '80s I was starting to think that Ferraris and Porsches were clichéd and rather anachronistic in the case of the latter.

And yeah, F1 is dull and has been for years.

I like FO4. Bethsoft's take on Fallout gets way too much hate and I never really "got" the obsession with how superior New Vegas is: IMHO it and FO3 are much of a muchness. They seem to have finally sorted out their ancient engine with FO4 too, it looks pretty good (especially compared to FO3 and Skyrim), performs reasonably well and doesn't crash constantly; and is still modder-friendly.

I haven't watched the more recent Treks but thought DS9 was underrated and Voyager was tedious.

As for keyboards, I think I'm guilty of assuming the worst about Cherry because people kept going on about the awesomeness of MX Blues and I really didn't like them. Still don't, but I've found I do really like MX Reds, even the new ones. If I can't have a Model M (which I can't right now as it's gone 3am and it'd wake my other half) then MX Reds do the job quite nicely.

I still don't like ANSI keyboards mainly as I never seem to get on with horizontal return keys, though it seems most people prefer them. My main gripe about both ANSI and ISO is the almost OCD thing with keeping the main part of the keyboard in a neat rectangle: I think that causes all sorts of problems and actually I find wibbly edges better for positioning my hands. I never will get used to F/J being the One True Way.
Was the 214 the older or the "25-style" shape? The older ones didn't look half bad, especially the T-bars. I pretty much grew up with Rovers/MGs; my father had an old-style 4xx, a 620, and finally a 75, and my mother had a ZR, a hatchback ZS and then a saloon ZS. (Unfortunately, she then rage-quit MG since the looks just weren't worth the constant repair bill, and thus now has a Mondeo lol).

I wasn't alive in the '80s, so I looked up to the likes of the F40 and 959 when I was a child. :lol: But the cars I grew up with (360, F430, Enzo, and countless 911s) were just boring. The DB7, Vanquish and the aforementioned Le Mans on the other hand were all stunning! Outside of Aston, the the Veyron and Zonda peaked my interest though (former out of sheer marvel and latter due to striking looks) but I'd never want to own either even if I had the money!

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02 Jan 2021, 13:22

webwit wrote:
01 Jan 2021, 18:02
I always have to laugh at the irony, when humans call other animals a pest.
Is it hypocritical? Definitely. Ironic? Depends on whether you expected humans to be a pest or not :P

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