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Best artisan keycap

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 01:32
by ohaimark

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Round 3 rules:
Please vote for the artisan keycap of the year!

The final round ends on Saturday 10 December, 20:00 UTC. You can change your vote until the end of the round.
The full results will be published at the end of the awards.

Official nominees:

KeyKollectiv x Booper | Kosmonavt
Kosmonavt, a collaboration between two impressive shops, is intended to convey a "lost in space" theme. Making a keycap with resin immersed items is difficult, but this artisan is something unique. A three step process consisting of five silicone molds and 18 to 24 hours is necessary when bringing Kosmonavts to (un)death. Teasers and hints released by the team promoted the caps' bleak atmosphere (or lack thereof).

Is impressive outcome for first official artisan collaboration, da?

eat_the_food | Fugu
Eat_the_food stormed into the artisan market with an unprecedented level of quality and output. Puffer fish, or Fugu, is a dangerous Japanese delicacy. Poorly prepared Fugu contains tetrodotoxin, a poison which operates like Sarin and other nerve agents. While eating a keycap might be safe, it certainly isn't recommended. The keycaps are, however, likely to kill your wallet.

Bite me.

Clack Factory | Flux Keypacitor
Technology keeps getting smaller and more power efficient. Doc would be proud to know that his flux capacitor has been adapted to the latest tritium glow vial technology. Let's travel back now! Just hammer out 88 WPM and provide your keyboard 1.2e-10 gigawatts to get things rolling.

Are you telling me that this sucker is NUCLEAR?

Key Kollective | Fruit Reboot
The Kollective revisited its Snackeys series to revitalize an amazing product. One can almost taste the fruits of their labor. The convincing colorways and easy to use form factor make the Snackeys a healthy alternative to less ergonomic keycaps.

Please don't get bent-outta shape about the blanks in the bottom right hand corner.

Jelly Key | ?
Sticking a galaxy inside a keycap is no small matter, but Jelly Key somehow does it. The fact that Jelly references artists, dreams, and other creative forces turns his website into a monolith that would stymie Dave.

The thing’s hollow -- it goes on forever -- and -- oh my God! -- it’s full of stars!

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 04:48
by Tesel
I need one of those jelly keys... such a beautiful keycap.

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 09:34
by DanielT
I have to say that I have expected something else for the final vote... I mean no caps from HWS/Binge, nubbinator?! But if this is what the masses like who am I to say something....

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 14:48
by Jokrik
Fugu... yeeee....

but no brocaps?

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 15:42
by Findecanor
I'm usually no fan of artisan keycaps, but that Flux Keypacitor gets my vote for sure.
A reference to one of my favourite movies of all time, it glows in the dark ... and it looks as if it could actually be used without piercing my fingers...

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 18:36
by fohat
Findecanor wrote:
that Flux Keypacitor gets my vote for sure.
I have seen one in real life. It is truly extraordinary.

Now I am sorry that I did not nominate Gloyz, she has done some great things this year, although I too have little personal interest in this area.

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 18:49
by HannahPeach
Fruit Reboot all the way!!

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 23:48
by vivalarevolución
I think we all actually live inside the galaxy in the Jelly Key.

Posted: 05 Dec 2016, 00:28
by DirtierDan
I'm not really a fan of artisans, but I love me some fugus

Posted: 05 Dec 2016, 04:35
by Belfong

Re: Best artisan keycap

Posted: 05 Dec 2016, 05:29
by Techno Trousers
I've never owned an artisan key cap, but I think that fugu one is very awesome looking and original.

Posted: 05 Dec 2016, 16:48
by ohaimark
In alphabetical order, the top two contenders are:
Clack Factory | Flux Keypacitor
Jelly Key | ?
Please remember to vote!

Posted: 05 Dec 2016, 21:41
by Chiovatto
Jelly Key of course! Such a beautiful artisan, such sad that I forgot to apply for the keycap giveaway :(

Posted: 06 Dec 2016, 15:43
by CeeSA
I am not suprised mofu, that's disgusting....

Posted: 07 Dec 2016, 07:36
by drevyek
I want to give it to Fruit Reboot... but the Kosmonaut was so well done. Seeing one for the first time at the Halifax Meetup was breathtaking. Absolutely fantastic.

Posted: 07 Dec 2016, 08:09
by mrboovn
Voted :D

Posted: 08 Dec 2016, 00:59
by vivalarevolución
I'm surprised Fruit Reboot is so popular. I appreciate good craftsmanship, but I find it kind of tacky. That's just my opinion from the cheap seats, though. I don't intend to insult these artisans, as they all are very impressive.

Posted: 09 Dec 2016, 02:20
by Rama
Jokrik wrote: but no brocaps?

Posted: 09 Dec 2016, 02:58
by vivalarevolución
Rama wrote:
Jokrik wrote: but no brocaps?
Tough crowd.

Posted: 09 Dec 2016, 03:25
by Rama
vivalarevolución wrote:
Rama wrote:
Jokrik wrote: but no brocaps?
Tough crowd.
Haha really just wanted to use that gif tbh. I'm loving what ETF is doing :)

Posted: 09 Dec 2016, 10:00
by Shihatsu

Posted: 10 Dec 2016, 00:07
by Binge
Rama wrote: Haha really just wanted to use that gif tbh. I'm loving what ETF is doing :)

Rama Rama I'ma let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!

Posted: 10 Dec 2016, 21:23
by HannahPeach
so.. who won?

Posted: 10 Dec 2016, 21:24
by seebart

Posted: 10 Dec 2016, 22:31
by livingspeedbump
Well, KK won the popular vote at least, though they lost the electoral vote it seems. Lame.

Posted: 10 Dec 2016, 22:35
by mrboovn
livingspeedbump wrote: Well, KK won the popular vote at least, though they lost the electoral vote it seems. Lame.

Posted: 10 Dec 2016, 22:38
by ohaimark
We were voting for the best keycap, not the best artist. I think limiting it to specific caps gives new artists the best chance of making it to the finals.