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fixing lifted pads KBP V60 MTS?

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 01:02
by itzmeluigi
I lifted pads on U,J,N keys but for some reason the M key doesnt work also. Is there anyway to fix these pads or is the board pretty much done? I have no idea how to go about fixing this. The rest of the keys do work though. If its possible to fix that would be a huge relief.

I have a bunch of SKCM Blues and planned to use them in this board im hesitant to buy another one though.This is the only board available at the moment that i could install the switches into since the GB for the 60% Alps board already ended.


Is there any hope fixing it or is it considered junk at this point?

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 02:06
by Matt_
You can either scrape the soldermask and make a bridge between the component leg and the exposed trace (as explained here, although it may be difficult with small traces), or forget about the dead pad and run a wire between the leg and the nearest connection point. From what I can see, it should be easy enough, just connect the leg of J to that of H, but you'll have to solder N to a side of a SMT diode; nothing impossible, just be careful. In any case, there is no reason to consider the board junk, you can still make it work, just be careful when making those connections.

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 02:18
by andrewjoy
Running wire is the easy way to do it. Scraping solder mask is another way but you need to watch that you don't scrape too hard.

The wire jumper option is easy to do with normal solder , scraping back the mask and soldering to the trace is easy to do with paste.

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 03:08
by itzmeluigi
I took and brake and came back to the board and now more keys dont work, E,8 U,J,N, F and L.

I have no idea what to do other than bridge wires to different switches.

i tried running the wire since im not comfortable scraping anything. I tried running a wire from J to H, and N to a SMT diode, but nothing changed.

Edit: I got the J and N keys working by running a wire from J to H and soldering N to a SMT diode ( i used the wrong pin at first ). But there are keys that dont have any damange to them such as, E the wont work for some mysterious reason. J and N the keys with the most damange now work though :)

Edit2: Its working perfectly now :D :D The keys that werent damaged the SKCM Blue contact pins were very dirty, rubbing alcohol fix that. Ultimately Matt_'s advices is what fixed it all for me. Thank you so much, you saved me from having to get a new board or abandoning the project, i appreciate it so much :D :D :D


Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 16:41
by Matt_
Glad to hear that you got it to work ;)

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 16:50
by andrewjoy
nice work. i would put some hot glue or kapton tape over the wire , you dont want them moving and making it worse :)

Posted: 04 Dec 2015, 06:56
by Mattr567
Glad it got it fixed.

Any tips for soldering on the V60 MTS PCB? Im going to be swapping SKCL Green into mine soon, as soon as I can get a hold of a proper soldering iron.

Posted: 04 Dec 2015, 12:41
by andrewjoy
Flux, lots of flux. Add some fresh 60/40 solder and then suck it off. Get some flux clean or 90% IPA as well and give the PCB a darn good clean before you solder in the new switches , the fux is only good once. Then add fresh flux and go nuts!