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Moving to non staggered keyboard

Posted: 28 Jul 2014, 12:06
by mjl
I just got me a used TECK and am currently trying to get to terms with the new non-staggered layout. I'm on my third day typing on it and I'm just about to throw it against the wall. Repeatedly.

Are there any tips to make the transition less painful? It's not so much the keys that are in a totally different place, but due to the missing staggering, I'm constantly hitting the wrong keys. It's especially prominent with C<->V, V<->B,`<->1.

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong and should totally change my hand posture or something...? Any hints welcome before I get really violent with that poor keyboard.



Posted: 28 Jul 2014, 14:02
by davkol
You're doing it wrong. ~_^

When I switched to typematrix for the first time, I started from scratch. I didn't attempt to change my muscle memory—I built a new one. Each finger moved forward/backward without any lateral movement. I could type in 30 minutes and it became my second nature in only a few days.

Shortcuts and position of keys like Enter or Backspace were a different story though. I struggle with them every time I try a new layout, at least the very first few days.

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 10:00
by mjl
Fair enough. It's getting better by the day and I no longer have violent thoughts. I do pause every now and then trying to remember where that &(!@#$& key has gone though.

I'm now in the "how should I remap the board so that it's easier to type and no one but me can use it MUHAHAHAHA"-phase. Fun.