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Unbalanced Sensitivity on new CH Products DT225 Trackball

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 22:23
by faceyourfaces
Less than a week ago, I received a new DT225 in the mail and I'm loving its smoothness. The only issue is that the sensitivity is unbalanced moving left/right and up/down. Moving up is faster than moving down and moving right is faster than moving left. Do you guys know of any fixes for this? I really want to keep using this trackball but the extremely low sensitivity for moving down and left is making it less enjoyable.

Posted: 13 Jan 2015, 13:09
by meow a cat
I don't own the CH trackball (I'm jealous though, I've always wanted one), but download CH Control Manager from CH's website. From there you will be able to control probably absolutely everything on your trackball. I bet you could do custom binds and macros on the mouse buttons if you want. The software will definitely allow you to change the sensitivity, and to be honest it probably just needs a calibration and it will work fine. They use analog potentiometers in their sim gear, not sure about the trackball, but they need to be calibrated every time you unplug them and plug them back in. If you don't you wind up with wonky axes.

I've been using CH sticks/throttles/pedals exclusively for years, but I've tried just about everything out there, and CH has BY FAR the best software. You can do anything you desire with it in terms of programming. I also hope you're prepared to pass this trackball down to your great-great-grandchildren, because their gear is incredibly well made. :mrgreen:

Check out CH Hangar to talk to other CH owners, and to talk to the guy who wrote the software (Bob Church?).



Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 23:51
by faceyourfaces
Thanks a lot for the advice.

Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 06:35
by meow a cat
No problem, happy to help! :)

Did you solve your problem?

Posted: 17 Jan 2015, 14:21
by faceyourfaces
The issue has seem to solved itself, thankfully. I did sign up for CH Hangar though, just in case anything happens in the future.

Posted: 17 Jan 2015, 19:05
by meow a cat
I highly recommend the CH Control Manager, it will let you do some neat things with your trackball. Glad to hear things worked out!
