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Cortron 2825903-00C

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 06:37
by HaaTa
This keyboard might look familiar. I have one very similar that I got from Ascaii a number of years back (he still curses that he sold it too me not realizing it used Magnetic Pulse/Valve switches :P).

The other keyboard was likely OEM'd for Univac, this one, I'm not quite sure.


Yep, another solid plastic keycap :D

Home row dishing


Uenna? and Georgia? Thanks for the purdy keyboard.


Damn, that's a big double shot.


Flickr Album

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 14:50
Ah, I see the annual spamming of the Photos forum has begun, just in time for the DT Awards. Welcome back from New Zealand. ;) Did you get to meet xwhatsit?

EDIT: Looks like the photos are from the end of October perhaps before the trip, another thread implies you are still there.

This reminds me that I should get some more photos of a few odd boards I've got lying around the house.

This looks quite a lot like a Sperry or Unisys terminal keyboard given the arrow arrangement on the left hand side.

Would you look at the single legend numbers and the placement of the parens? Very interesting.

These boards have such a great spherical profile, better than SA. Get 3D scans if you can. :evilgeek: I hope someone eventually makes replica key caps in this shape.

(Your Google Photos link in the OP is broken.)

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 15:07
by Chyros
So these are the full-height ITW magnetic valve switches then? Cool, don't think we had a picture of them before :) . They're very interesting switches. The keyboard looks really badass with that black, blue and red colour scheme too :D .

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 17:35
by seebart
Really nice keyboard, too bad we don't get to see anything like this from you here the rest of the year. ;)