Cherry OG Danish Dyesubs, the Schneider G81-3090 SAM

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21 Dec 2019, 22:16

Something quite special showed up at my place today; a keyboard wearing Cherry OG Danish dyesubs. Enter the Schneider G81-3090 SAM:






I've been looking for Scandinavian OG dyesubs (in general - Swedish in particular...) for a very long time. These are the first I've come across. And they were for sale. Naturally, I bought them and the keyboard they're on. I don't know for sure Cherry Danish dyesubs haven't been documented before, but if they've, I've not seen them.

As it's a Schneider branded keyboard, it's Cherry's German-style icon mods, and so much better for it. One has to love Schneider for their dedication to bringing the same mod-experience to all locales they provided a keyboard for. Well, except for the ANSI enter as seen on the SAQs.

As for the keyboard itself, the case has some small scuffs on the sides and suffers from some yellowing. The MYs are as atrocious as ever; these are the third generation and while the first gen MY is passable, these have no redeeming feature. They're shit. The dyesubs, however, look more or less pristine and are just about as wonderful as keycaps get.

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22 Dec 2019, 14:03

I was made aware of that Schneider dyesubs usually are a slightly different colour to regular Cherry dyesubs.

This wasn't something I noticed while looking at the keyboard yesterday, so I was initially skeptical. Fortunately, I've some other dyesub sets to compare them to and put some SAG on there for comparison. I was being lazy, so I only changed the WASD and the Caps Lock.


Lo and behold, the alphas are definitely a darker shade than Cherry dyesubs. The mods, however, seem to be nigh on identical. I can't discern any difference anyway.

In the end, my laziness made for a nice little SAG-gamer set.


23 Dec 2019, 12:22

Nice found,same schneider dyesub Germany layout.
dyesub1.jpg (313.83 KiB) Viewed 3320 times

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26 Jan 2020, 18:18

Nice. Would like to own this + DE. =)

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17 Mar 2020, 20:50

Very nice find, congratulations Khers! I think I remember someone else posting a Danish dye-sublimation a few years ago. And from what I seem to remember, it was on Reddit.

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