A layout based off the Model M: left nav cluster and layered multipad.

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06 Sep 2017, 04:00

As much as I enjoy Model M keyboards, and as much as I believe their layout proved to be a vast improvement over the older XT layout, I always felt it could have been even better, had certain choices been made at the moment. Some compromises were undeniably necessary (like having the numpad keep the nav layer), some not so much; in particular, I always thought the nav cluster should have been put to the left of the alphanumeric central area, instead of extending the keyboard ever more to the right (leaving the mouse too far off, which later gave rise to TKL as a thing, SSKs notwithstanding).

I've wanted to build a keyboard from scratch for some time now, and I figured that instead of simply buying the parts for a 60%, why not put all those ideas floating inside my head into a new design? Who knows if it might turn out to not be total garbage? :mrgreen: Here we go!

Basic design directives:
  • The physical layout starts off the well-known "enhanced keyboard" layout and shuffles some things around; the alphanumeric block is not to be touched, except the bottom row, as modifiers will be changed a bit.
  • The Esc and function keys block stays the same (although its separation from the main block is reduced from 1U to 0.5U).
  • The nav cluster is moved wholesale to the left of the alphanumeric block. The general idea is to have the user navigate with his left hand (not that different from the current usage of WASD as cursor keys) and use the right one for numeric data entry and things like that.
  • Redo the modifier keys so there are two of each (Shift, Control, Alt, and AltGr/Meta) on each side of the keyboard. I would have preferred to set them in a symmetrical manner, but the desirability of having the Ctrl key back on its traditional/Unix placement and the emergence of the Windows keys (Win/menu) made this impossible to attain.
  • The lock lights should be placed right next to the respective keys (Caps Lock and Scroll Lock).
  • The Caps Lock key is moved off to a more proper place.
  • The numpad is replaced by the multipad.

What is the multipad?

At first I thought I'd simply remove the nav layer from the numpad, as it's redundant. Do that, get rid of the Num Lock key and... why not put the now vacant layer to better use and assign other characters? Back in the day, I would have killed to have a hexadecimal numpad, so why not put an hexpad where the nav layer was? Nowadays, on the other hand, I use several typographical symbols and diacritics that aren't really assigned to any regular layout, so why not go with that instead? In the end, I decided that the best course is to have a numpad with four layers, to be cycled through with a single, dedicated key; the keyboard would sport four color-coded lights above the numpad to indicate which layer is active.

I have my own ideas of the sets of characters for each layer in the multipad, and undoubtedly other people will have their own. Since keyboard programming is now easy, this could be customized to the user's satisfaction, and the only real issue would be to get printed keycaps to match whatever the user has programmed.

The multipad is a simple 5x4 grid of 20 keys (not counting other four keys above it, at 0.5U). I never understood why the zero key should have been a double wide one and the plus one a double tall, even more so if that meant leaving off the comma and some other deserving character, so both were replaced by two 1U keys each. The numpad Enter key got the same treatment (as I feel it's unnecessary, given that the main Enter key is right next to the multipad), but could be reintroduced if need be.

With all this in mind, I got to work on the Keyboard Layout Editor, and this is what I've come up with:
model_N_d2.png (73.79 KiB) Viewed 3264 times
Note the diferences in both multipads — the one in the ISO version still has the nav commands on the green layer, while in the ANSI one it contains typographical symbols. Also note how the "Pad Mode" key has different designs (one Spartan, the other one, not so much).

I'm still not entirely happy with the way I've set up the modifiers. Perhaps I could shuffle them about a bit, reduce the Win/Menu keys to 1U and set them up like this:
model_N_d2_alternate_mods.png (5.98 KiB) Viewed 3264 times
The proper-sized space bar has enough room to split it and add a Backspace there, as Zobeid Zuma mentioned on keyboards-f2/the-heresy-t17299.html#p384587

What do you guys think? Your opinions will be welcome. :-)

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06 Sep 2017, 13:37

I genuinely don't understand why people think Ctrl is better in the Caps Lock position than in the bottom-right position. Do you guys never use undo, cut, copy and paste or something? Oo

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06 Sep 2017, 13:43

Chyros wrote: I genuinely don't understand why people think Ctrl is better in the Caps Lock position than in the bottom-right position. Do you guys never use undo, cut, copy and paste or something? Oo
I use 'em all the time (plus Ctrl-A, "Select All"), but I use the Ctrl key on the right side of the keyboard to that effect.

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06 Sep 2017, 17:58

Converting the 4x5 numpad to a hexadecimal input area is pretty cool. If it was me, I would see about just replacing stabs / springs / hammers / keys on a model M or F to the same effect (though you wouldn't get the arrows and 6 pack moved over that way).

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06 Sep 2017, 18:14

0100010 wrote: Converting the 4x5 numpad to a hexadecimal input area is pretty cool. If it was me, I would see about just replacing stabs / springs / hammers / keys on a model M or F to the same effect (though you wouldn't get the arrows and 6 pack moved over that way).
Interesting idea — between the mod you describe and a Soarer's converter, I could craft a working prototype and test out different ideas/modes/sets for the multipad (although, with it being a working buckling spring prototype, I'd be tempted to leave it at that and abandon the rest of the project :mrgreen:).

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08 Sep 2017, 00:45

I've kept thinking about the modifiers' placement. How to a) manage to have two on each side of the keyboard; b) make both sides of the Control Argument happy (see Thomas' comment); c) change as little as possible the extant modifiers (something that I did do nicely on draft 1, but lost a bit in draft two)? AND keep the whole thing symmetrical? I realized (thanks in part to /r/DownvoteOrFeed 's comment on reddit) that symmetry is actually less important than I first thought.

With that in mind, I got to work again, and this is how the layout's draft stands now:
model_N_d3.png (72.61 KiB) Viewed 3150 times
  • Extant Caps Lock becomes Left Ctrl; extant left Ctrl becomes AltGr/Meta.
  • Pressing Ctrl-AltGr-PadMode swaps them, so extant left Ctrl remains left Ctrl and extant Caps Lock becomes AltGr/Meta; the same keystroke (ok, ok, AltGr-Ctrl-PadMode) swaps them back.
  • Left Shift, left Win, left Alt, right AltGr/Meta, Menu and right Ctrl are unaffected.
  • As in draft 2, right Shift is split to create a 1U right Alt.
No, no right Win key whatsoever. No Fn key, either (do we need it, really?).

With this new arrangement, the space bar remains 7U (which keeps feasible the idea of splitting it into a 3U Backspace and a 4U space bar).

What do you guys think?

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08 Sep 2017, 04:27

While I always prefer the 1.5-1-1.5-7-1.5-1-1.5 bottom row myself, if you really want to split the spacebar on an M /F, you'll need a Code key and matching wheelwriter spacebar.

This means losing the left Alt.

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08 Sep 2017, 04:41

0100010 wrote: While I always prefer the 1.5-1-1.5-7-1.5-1-1.5 bottom row myself, if you really want to split the spacebar on an M /F, you'll need a Code key and matching wheelwriter spacebar.

This means losing the left Alt.
No split space bar, then! Thanks for the input.

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08 Sep 2017, 13:17

I love the split Code/Long Spacebar from the IBM Actionwriter/Wheelwriter machines and have one on my [home] daily driver.

[BTW the the other Actionwriter caps are hot as well... check Thomas' Review https://youtu.be/907sWRVJ_xM]

Here is a potato picture of mine:

It does take up the space for *both* 1.5 Alt on a Winkeyless layout, so yeah. Not a problem for me, per se, since I have a custom mapping (and have ordered RGB keycaps to support it):

Caps = Ctl
Alts are in Ctl positions
Code is GUI key [which is useful for me, since this is hooked up to my Mac]
The extra ISO key near left-shift is a Fn key [I have basically the F-key row programmed with additional functions, but will continue with more]
Tapping both Left and Right shift triggers Caps Lock

In software, a tapping the Ctrl key (in Caps position) issues ESC, so it is much more comfortable with VIM.

The Code key is sweet since it makes the same glorious *clang* that the space does, more or less, which is the fun of the M/F. Also, since I am *heavily* biased [by typing style alone] to hit meta keys on left and hit space on left, it requires no really adjusting to for me and since MacOS uses that a lot for hotkeys, is very comfortable. Requires some remapping on things for playing FPS games on the Mac to be comfortable, but doable.

Looking at the multipad, one of the things that may be easier on you (and something I am going to try) is having a Compose key and composing in software: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key

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08 Sep 2017, 14:05

Ah, thanks for the pic, forgot about right Alt.

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08 Sep 2017, 14:28

pixelheresy wrote: Looking at the multipad, one of the things that may be easier on you (and something I am going to try) is having a Compose key and composing in software: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key
Thanks for the input. I did not consider the Compose key for this design because it has a different intention, which is allowing the user to input symbols that are less frequently used (fractions, uncommon [for a given language] diacritics, rarely used typographical symbols, etc.), but not optimizing the layout for them. My idea, on the other hand, is to have different sets of characters that are frequently used readily and comfortably available on the multipad: do you entry numbers on spreadsheets all the time? Put the multipad in numeric mode! Do you write MAC addresses all the freakin' time? Set it to the hexpad mode! Do you do have to write down the names from everyone and their dog within the EU all the time? Diacritics to the rescue! Etcetera.

The four sets of characters that I've put in my draft are the ones I've cooked up based on my own experience, but, indeed, this WILL vary from user to user (*); I want the multipad to be programmable for precisely this reason. Heck, nowadays I would benefit more from having the multipade mode 2 to output strings I type all the time at work (like «`find . -type f`») than the hexpad in my draft.

That said, the Pad Mode key could be overloaded to function as a Compose (and/or Fn) key, but I want to be fully clear on my own design directives first, and then think about adding that.

(*) A mathematician friend I mentioned this to wants a "Greek alphabet" mode for the multipad. And I bet he'll come back to me mentioning a "math symbols" ( ⇔ ∀ ∃ ∆ ∇ ∈ ∉ ≈ ≡ ∅ etc.) mode this weekend as well. I am certain my niece will want an emoji mode once she hears about this. The list goes on...

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08 Sep 2017, 15:19

Totally understood. Yeah, for me, it's all about special language characters and diacritical marks with a few symbols. Also compose is designed to be straightforward, since otherwise I won't remember without legends.

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