TSA-Nazis catch Rihanna Sheik Bin-Laden- World is now safe!!

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30 Apr 2011, 12:18

Excellent job done by the Heroes who keep the US safe -
Safe from any foreigner even THINKING about going there..
Now why does this make me want to watch 'Das Leben der Anderen' again ?
0428-rihanna-full-body-scan-18-480x720.jpg (57.92 KiB) Viewed 5617 times
So, You thought you could hide those bombs from US -BIATCH ??

More pictures of the TSA-Heroes catching the deadly terrorist'n'b-singer !!
http://www.thesuperficial.com/rihanna-b ... dy-scan-16

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Wild Duck

30 Apr 2011, 13:52

Obviously they were suspecting she was hiding a bomb under one of her armpits.

I haven't visited the US in over 15 years, and I avoid visiting them like a plague or like someone would have avoided a visit to Germany in November 1938.

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30 Apr 2011, 18:30

The USA kicks ass. P.S. I always knew Rihanna was a terrorist. Thank God they checked her!

Her career's been going down the tubes for a while...


02 May 2011, 06:48

Damn we Americans are good.

Once again proving why we are the ONE World SuperPower.
Obama Osama He's Dead.gif
Obama Osama He's Dead.gif (481.9 KiB) Viewed 5564 times

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02 May 2011, 07:24

ripster wrote:Damn we Americans are good.

Once again proving why we are the ONE World SuperPower.
Obama Osama He's Dead.gif
First victim of the PSN breach.

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02 May 2011, 09:06

I could only get angry watching Obamas re-election speech. I mean, address to the nation on the death of Bin Laden.

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02 May 2011, 14:49

Brian8bit wrote:I could only get angry watching Obamas re-election speech. I mean, address to the nation on the death of Bin Laden.
Lol. That's what worries me, watch his approval rating go up now. Meanwhile, realistically he had nothing to do with it.


02 May 2011, 15:51

It's not like the Republicans have anybody running against him anyway.

Well, you do have Donald Trump.


02 May 2011, 20:25

Funny. The last president starts by going after Bin Laden and gets bogged down in a war in Iraq. The current President winds down the war in Iraq and Bin Laden is killed.

Ripster's animated .GIF is teh lulz.

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02 May 2011, 20:33

bushfinger.gif (292.67 KiB) Viewed 5502 times
(NO, just like Osamas birth-certificate it is NOT 'photoshopped', unlike the image of the 'dead Obama Bin Laden' )


02 May 2011, 20:46

webwit wrote:Obviously they were suspecting she was hiding a bomb under one of her armpits.

I haven't visited the US in over 15 years, and I avoid visiting them like a plague or like someone would have avoided a visit to Germany in November 1938.
Have you been to Texas? We're almost like a whole other country.*

*Almost. Just missed passing the secession bill by a few votes.

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02 May 2011, 20:56

itlnstln wrote: Have you been to Texas? We're almost like a whole other country.*
*Almost. Just missed passing the secession bill by a few votes.
So, none of the Bushes where eligible either ?


02 May 2011, 21:05

Meanwhile in Libya Gaddaffi and his Virgin bodyguards continue to evade the mighty EU.

At LEAST make them real women.

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02 May 2011, 21:08

When Gaddaffi dies, I call dibs on the bodyguards.


02 May 2011, 21:12

Peter wrote:So, none of the Bushes where eligible either ?
He's in Dallas now. They don't count. They're not really Texans up there. In fact, due to serious Gerrymandering, none of the major cities count in voting here in Texas. It's how they keep the liberals from gaining any type of elected office. All of the mayors and other office-holders in the major cities here are Democrats but hardly any of the State legislators are Democrats and I think none of the Federal legislators from Texas are Democrats.

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Wild Duck

02 May 2011, 23:11

The story does not make sense. They say they preferred him dead, but if one goes in like that it is to take a person alive. Which would be logical because you want to, uhm, debrief the guy, like Sadam. Otherwise you bomb the place. They say they didn't do that to protect the innocent, except in all those wikileaked cases, like the famous bombed wedding. This has been consistent, because after a tip they rather kill innocent civilians by bombing the place than go in on the ground and risk their own lives. So it's a sick claim. Looking at the crashed helicopter my guess is the operation was at least a partly fuckup. Body tossed into sea, no pictures? Story stinks. So now we have a story from the USA government (pathological liars) with major inconsistencies. I.e. you have no way to know what really happened and no tools to separate truth from lies, and everybody is parroting the propaganda.

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03 May 2011, 00:02

And then we have Webwit pushing yet MORE propaganda, based on nothing other than opinion.

And around and around it goes! Hop on y'all!


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Wild Duck

03 May 2011, 00:12

Yes, if you think something is propaganda, clearly that is propaganda, as proven by your elaborate counterpoints.

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03 May 2011, 00:26

It was the hypocrisy of Obamas speech that really annoyed me. And the hypocrisy of every other single person that crawled out of the woodwork to regurgitate similar bullshit (such as Tony Blair). Good job. He's dead. But don't you dare get on a fucking moral pedestal to proclaim this killing righteous. We won't even start on the number of people, Americans, British and other allied nations service personnel and civilians who died to achieve this one goal. Was it worth it? Was it fuck.

The BBC is carrying the headline "World safer without Bin Laden, says Obama". No. It's not. It's still full of fucking Americans. And moralists who think the best way to encourage change is to do it through aggressive foreign policy and military action.

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03 May 2011, 00:29

You're just jealous because Americans do everything better.

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Wild Duck

03 May 2011, 00:34

Like intellectual discussions.

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03 May 2011, 00:36

I'm not jealous. I'm despondent.

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03 May 2011, 00:38

webwit wrote:Like intellectual discussions.

Edit: ok, the British do ONE thing better (sometimes).


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Wild Duck

03 May 2011, 00:46

Ignorant and triumphantly proud. A wonderful combination, sir. Unfortunately this won't solve the problems of the world, but enjoy your high till the next counterstrike.

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03 May 2011, 00:49

Deskthority.Not: a forum for Euro trolls to bash America/Americans?

As fun as that sounds, nevertheless, I STILL prefer GeekHack.

On second thought, even the mods at OCN are probably more intelligent.

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Wild Duck

03 May 2011, 01:00

The only one not trying here is you.

Everyone with half a brain knows you cannot put trust in what governments communicate to you, it can be truth or it can be lies. It is not even a matter of picking sides or being anti-American. It is about how governments work and a major event was communicated by one. That is a starting point of a discussion. For you it is the end, because it clashes with your patriotic pride or feelings of revenge, or whatever. So I you don't mind I'm gonna doze off now.

If it makes you feel better, I'm on the side of the USA. I think they are a bunch of grasshopping pharisees of the worst kind, but I prefer it over having to dress my gf in a burqa.

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03 May 2011, 01:20

Huh? Anyway, unlike SOME people on this forum, I for one respect other people's countries and cultures.

For example, the Dutch. Before, you could only get chicken OR waffles, but the Dutch were the first to put them together.

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Wild Duck

03 May 2011, 01:27

Why, the Dutch are even more of a bunch of grasshopping pharisees. Still taking it personal. More of a problem of how the baby boom generation has been ruling. Actually, more of a problem of humanity in general. But in this specific event we're discussing events from your country of origin.

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03 May 2011, 01:29

Pro tip: when you think something is wrong with everyone else in the world, it's time to take a look at yourself.
Last edited by keyboardlover on 03 May 2011, 01:49, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

03 May 2011, 01:37

You still haven't given actual arguments yet and have yet to leave the territory of ad hominem and other fallacies, so I'm no longer gonna try.

Sometime we can have a nice discussion about Shell, our modern equivalent of the Dutch East India Company, the world's first mega corporation. Hovering between position 1 and 3 in yearly lists of biggest worldwide company. It is also one of the most evil entities in the world.

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