TSA-Nazis catch Rihanna Sheik Bin-Laden- World is now safe!!

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03 May 2011, 01:44

Who's arguing? I don't like arguing.

I'm American. I like LOLz.
And thanks to the absence of "Value-Added Tax" in my country, I can afford LOLz too!


03 May 2011, 13:36

Brian8bit wrote: The BBC is carrying the headline "World safer without Bin Laden, says Obama". No. It's not. It's still full of fucking Americans Texans.
Fixed that for you.

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03 May 2011, 13:42

I love Texas and Texans. They rock!



03 May 2011, 16:08

I want a Texas subforum here so I can chat with ItlnStln.

This picture makes me cry everytime I look at the framed copy next to my monitor.


03 May 2011, 16:31

*Gives Ripster a hug*

A manly bear-hug, of course.

And a slap on the ass. Like a football/baseball slap on the ass.


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03 May 2011, 17:09

itlnstln wrote:
And a slap on the ass. Like a football/baseball slap on the ass.
Are you referring to real football or that american football thing.
I heard some people call american football "pussy rugby", but i can't subscribe to that one.


03 May 2011, 17:46

Go away. This is mine and ItlnStln's subforum you pussy.

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 03:35

From afar, the Americans are currently behaving like Palestinians or Israeli celebrating in the streets after one of the opponents was killed, and don't mention the collateral damage, because it is not worth mentioning. War drove them to this lack of civilization - babies have been killed - and to a savage blood thirst based on feelings on revenge. Embarrassing really. The WWII trials were not a thing of beauty, but at least there was dignity, law, order and trial. Back to the dark ages of lawless revenge then. Press conferences timed at prime time. Release photographs of which Riefenstahl would be proud. The idiot electorate must be fed. And just like the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, it won't solve anything. A warlord was killed, according to the US government. The next one steps up. More innocent people will get killed. Globalization is relentless. In 10 or 20 years, this will be seen as part of the beginning, which started 9-11. Unfortunately, the start of what they call the war against the American imperialism and Zionism has been utterly and totally brilliant. Considering their resources, they couldn't have done any better. It is eery to see how almost everything in OBL's declaration of Jihad over a decade ago, has become reality. The seed was planted, I think he lived longer than he anticipated. Our only hope to limit the bloodshed is a continuation of the middle-east spring revolution.

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04 May 2011, 08:51

You, Welly and RiGS should get together sometime and go bowling.

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 12:28

keyboardlover wrote:I am an idiot and loving it.
I guess you were as loudly an idiot when the US government declared there were WOMD in Iraq. I wonder, since it turned out those were lies and a total fabrication designed to sell idiots an illegal war, what was the point they won the trust back, so you put your blind trust in them again? Was it when Obama decided those lies were ok and the guys who produced them would not be bothered? I think throwing a country in an illegal war with lies is high treason.

But you won't answer or engage, because you have no capacity. You are a total idiot, and loudly proud of it. Your only capacity left is to produce fallacies, which also makes you a nasty piece of shit. Pretty. I suggest a brain amputation, it can only work out better. Perhaps if you cannot think, you should shut up instead of portraying yourself as an idiot and a nasty piece of shit.

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04 May 2011, 13:58

Are mods allowed to misquote and directly insult people here? No wonder nobody ever posts.
It's like they say "If you're hanging out at DeskThority.nap, better bring a book!"


04 May 2011, 14:08


It was a sad day when Webwit left GH.

Welly vs. Webwit was pretty epic. Maybe not quite as epic as XsPhat vs. Webwit, though.

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04 May 2011, 14:18

Some people can't handle the internet.

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 14:41

You can't handle me. So far you are losing, and suffering a crushing defeat.

You look like a football idiot in an American high school for who intellect is suspect. Someone says something smart, and your stomach disagrees with it, and the only answer you can produce is "Duuuuuh" and point jeeringly at the suspicious source. Except when you turn around to look for the support, there is no one cheering. You need to be reminded you are not in high school now and that this thing of triumphing idiocy is an American thing not prevalent in the rest of the developed world.

Still, better than the cowards, I guess. Like ripster, always a big mouth, but when issues start to count, or inconvenient truths are being discussed, he cowers away in silence. How convenient for him.

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04 May 2011, 14:44

Sigh...Life isn't about winning and losing webwit. It's about how you play the game.

At DeskThority everybody get a trophy!


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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 14:49

That is still a fallacy and not an argument.

The funniest part of it is that you are part of a crumbling empire, the patient only kept alive by external entities like China, to suck the rest of the life out of it, which is more profitable. Good idea to doze off when bigger issues get discussed, and wash that foul taste away by watching American Idol or playing another game of Portal 2.

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04 May 2011, 14:53

Only Americans truly know what's going on in America.

You know nothing other than biased propaganda from our own media.

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 15:02

"Webwit is not an American and is brainwashed by media propaganda" is yet another ad hominem attack. My counter still says 0 signs of actual intelligence over there.

Which part of my argument was caused by media propaganda, what was the explicit propaganda, and what is your counter argument of that part? Tip: don't talk about me, talk about my arguments. I don't think you can do it, but hey, I'm just showing others.

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04 May 2011, 15:05

Webwit, I have a confession to make.

I literally haven't the foggiest idea what point you're trying to make or argue.

Let's make up, ok?

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Gasbag Guru

04 May 2011, 15:06

I have two more hours to waste at work. I was hoping you guys would go on for at least that long.

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 15:12

Webwit: The story does not make sense. List of arguments.

Webwit is pushing propaganda, based on nothing other than opinion.
Webwit is jealous because Americans do everything better.
Webwit is less intelligent than the mods at OCN.
Webwit doesn't respect other people's countries and cultures.
Webwit thinks something is wrong with everyone else in the world, and should look at himself.
Webwit misquotes and directly insults people here.
Webwit can't handle the Internet.
Webwit thinks life is about winning and losing.
Webwit isn't American so he doesn't know what's going on in America.
Webwit knows nothing other than biased propaganda from our own media.

Yes, but since you haven't tackled any of the list of arguments yet, hereby they default as the Truth and I declare victory.

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04 May 2011, 15:15

The funny thing is, half of those comments were jokes. Ripster was right, you Germans/Dutch really don't have a sense of humor!

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 15:17

Add to list:
Webwit has no sense of humor. As a matter of fact Germans/Dutch don't.

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 15:17

keyboardlover wrote:Only Americans truly know what's going on in America.

You know nothing other than biased propaganda from our own media.
The point is to show this lame troll how it's done. :twisted:

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04 May 2011, 15:29

How what's done?

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 15:44

Your question is in the queue. Let's FIFO it. So which part of my argument was caused by media propaganda, what was the explicit propaganda, and what is your counter argument of that part?

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04 May 2011, 15:59

Dude, I already told you, I have no idea what your argument IS!

(And at this point I'm starting to wonder if even you know what it is).

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 16:15

Strange. You seemed to have violently disagreed with arguments of which you have no idea what they are.


04 May 2011, 16:33

Arguing with a mod is an especially perverse form of entertainment. This is why I do it all the time in the OCN Mechanical Keyboard Guide thread despite having half my posts in the thread deleted.

Deleting a post is an especially effective retort.
You Mad Bro.jpg
You Mad Bro.jpg (7.48 KiB) Viewed 5657 times

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Wild Duck

04 May 2011, 16:45

Wait. So he has a list of counterarguments to the arguments he disagreed with of which he had no idea what they were, but can't present them because I would banish his ass in a fit of rage? An excellent defense, in all its sophistication and irrefutable logic.

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