More on the rubber dome switch in Acer 6511-KW?


17 Jun 2015, 09:22

Anyone has more info on this switch? This should be a rubber dome switch found in Acer 6511-KW. However, they usually have their rubberdomes topped with Alps mounts, but this one is diff ... at best it reminds me on Cherry rubber domes: . Anyone knows more about these:
Acer 6511-KW switch caps.jpeg
Acer 6511-KW switch caps.jpeg (224.57 KiB) Viewed 2273 times
Acer 6511-KW switch caps 2.jpeg
Acer 6511-KW switch caps 2.jpeg (465.64 KiB) Viewed 2273 times
Acer 6511-KW switch caps 3.jpeg
Acer 6511-KW switch caps 3.jpeg (411.82 KiB) Viewed 2273 times
I was adding a Wiki gallery for Acer 6511-KW: when I encountered these switches -- but according to Wiki (top paragraph) Acer uses "Alps-mount Acer dome with slider switches, which are rubber dome over membrane".
Last edited by zts on 17 Jun 2015, 11:20, edited 2 times in total.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jun 2015, 10:29

Bigger companies like Acer often produced different revisions of their keyboards. I have not seen this one either. Thanks for adding to the Wiki btw. Something I should be doing more. It seems Daniel Beardsmore is not active here anymore which is a big loss for DT.


17 Jun 2015, 10:42

^ Yes, I was also surprised, seebart -- for example the 6311-KW (that I also put a gallery on wiki ) has exactly what you'd expect, Acer switch topped with the black Alps mount). It also has the identical housing as the 6511-KW. Anyways, the discovery process is fun I guess :lol: Too bad Daniel Beardsmore is not active ... he has a ton of the highest quality stuff in wiki :(


17 Jun 2015, 11:10

Off topic, but.. could you please retitle this thread with a more informative title? Could everyone else also try to use informative titles? Thanks. (For instance, "More info about the rubber dome switch in the Acer 6511KW?")

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jun 2015, 11:15

jacobolus wrote: Off topic, but.. could you please retitle this thread with a more informative title? Could everyone else also try to use informative titles? Thanks. (For instance, "More info about the rubber dome switch in the Acer 6511KW?")
Valid point. I'll try to keep that in mind. Not really off topic at all.


17 Jun 2015, 11:19

jacobolus wrote: Off topic, but.. could you please retitle this thread with a more informative title? Could everyone else also try to use informative titles? Thanks. (For instance, "More info about the rubber dome switch in the Acer 6511KW?")
Fair enough :|

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17 Jun 2015, 20:20

This looks quite a bit different from a Cherry G83, which uses a circular stem exactly ¼" in diameter, and a flat tab at the 12 o'clock position to keep the keys from rotating. The G86 uses pretty much the same thing, except that the keys have two tabs, the location of the second one varying to keep keys from moving across rows. (The second tab can be removed to allow this, with a slight increase in rotational wobble.)
Naked Cherry G86-61410
Naked Cherry G86-61410
g86-board.jpg (407.58 KiB) Viewed 2197 times
Cherry also rotates the 12 o'clock stem on the convex (modifier row) keys. Why, I can only guess, but it does cause problems if you (like me) really can't stand having the `~ key in the modifier row.


17 Jun 2015, 20:41

^ Thanks, Mal-2 ... I guess we'll just have to assume that it's an undocumented proprietary Acer rubber dome.

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