The Beamspring Briefcase

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29 Oct 2018, 23:24

Ever since I acquired and converted my first beamspring I've had a neat idea in mind for a portable beamspring in a briefcase. Today I am one step closer to this reality. I just received a vintage 1960's Mad Men style briefcase today which I thought looked really cool. The module I am using is the one which originally came from my 3741 data station so I will need a new pcb. I want to get the metal plate either re-coated or paint it black to match inside the case. It will take a while for this to completely come together as I bounce between projects and life so I apologize in advance for slow updates.

Without much further ado I present this prototype.
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The money shot:
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29 Oct 2018, 23:31

Well someone had to make a beamspring portable.... gl :lol:

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29 Oct 2018, 23:39

The Beamspring Briefcase

You’ve got my attention!


30 Oct 2018, 01:22

I wish I could make some retro-laptop similar to this
6a00e55290e7c4883301b7c712d18f970b-800wi.jpg (83.14 KiB) Viewed 2747 times
I was in love with that briefcase for sooo long...

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30 Oct 2018, 01:46

Wow that is way cool. I would definitely be up for suggestions on making this into a retro laptop. It took me quite a while to find the right brief case.

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30 Oct 2018, 01:55

Very cool idea! Looking forward to it!

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13 Nov 2018, 05:00

kakan wrote: Well someone had to make a beamspring portable.... gl :lol:
Never seen one, but it was portable.


OP, awesome project - looking forward to watching your progress.

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15 Nov 2018, 03:24

With a vintage typo! "inquity"

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15 Nov 2018, 17:56

No telling though if that is really a beamer. It could also be Micro Switch.
Darkshado wrote: With a vintage typo! "inquity"
Reminds me of a write up of the 3741 Data Station that refers to software as "soft wear".


19 Nov 2018, 02:47

What happened to the PCB I gave you?

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20 Nov 2018, 22:05

__red__ wrote: What happened to the PCB I gave you?
Hey __red__ it's been a while! It's still with the data station. I actually have two of these modules, the nicer one being in the data station while the original I am re-purposing for this project. I also have a set of grey keys from a Selectric which I am going to use along with some of the other original keys.

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