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post your virtual desktop

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:20
by sth
we have a real desktop thread but not a "desktop" thread?
well, if we DO have one, it's old and i hate it :x :x :x :x
post your stuff!
"dirty" gliders

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:34
by seebart
why not:
Unbenannt.jpg (647.14 KiB) Viewed 5637 times
I get a lot of my backgrounds here:

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 17:27
by ramnes
At work:



Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 17:48
by IvanIvanovich
I've been kind of stuck on this one for quite awhile now...
Screenshot-(1).jpg (358.32 KiB) Viewed 5614 times
wallpaper and rainmeter config by me.

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 19:21
by ramnes
Goes well with CMY mods I guess? :D

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 21:19
My work system is a Linux machine running the spectrwm tiling window manager. I don't like distractions when I'm trying to actually get stuff done and my desktop reflects that.

After much thought - and access to any monitor I could want and having tried almost every setup in existence - I still use a single Dell 3007WFP-HC 2560x1600 LCD from 2007.
2015-04-23_2560x1600.png (61.83 KiB) Viewed 5574 times
More typically this is littered with terminal windows, something like this mockup:
2015-04-23_2560x1600.png (246.64 KiB) Viewed 5568 times
310 days of uptime. :ugeek:

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 21:56
by Spikebolt
So you guys all use Linux and program in C or what o.o


Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 22:21
by ramnes
Python, but yeah, Linux is the only way.

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 22:26
Generally C, yes. I use vim with :colorscheme delek usually.

Though at the moment I have to trudge through some C++ for my current task. :x :evil:

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 22:31
by ramnes
Is that me or you open a new terminal window for each vim XMIT?

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 22:32
by Spikebolt
I admire you low level guyz with your structs and mallocs. I mostly do web development heh

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 22:48
ramnes wrote: Is that me or you open a new terminal window for each vim XMIT?
I typically do yes. Specifically, these are separate instances of xterm. Sometimes I'll use tabs in vim (tabedit, gt, gT) and my usual diffing tool is vimdiff which uses a split. But, since I have tiling window manager and am used to the way it splits and shuffles windows, I usually let the window manager do its job.

This is another reason I like code formatted to 79 columns: I know I can fit five full height terminals using the "fixed" font in xterm.

Though, on some days - like April Fool's - my desktop looks like this, with some help from Cindy:


Posted: 01 May 2015, 09:20
by sth
im liking this lavendery lilacy stuff. who knew?!


Posted: 01 May 2015, 11:20
by Daniel
Hehe, you're still playing opentyrian? You're fontsize would be too small for me, I'm using pixelsize 14 on most of my machines.

Posted: 01 May 2015, 11:27
by scottc

Code: Select all

:shock: !

What's your wallpaper from? Looks familiar.

Posted: 01 May 2015, 12:43
by sth
opentyrian is fun :D foodship9

i go back and forth between this and 14. they both look good but my eyes are still sharp so i might as well abuse them.

scottc - i dunno i just get pics off cyberpunk/80s/90s tumblrs, blow them up to 1920x1200 and gaussian blur them. wallpapers dont last more than a few days for me :maverick:

Posted: 01 May 2015, 13:46
by Duncaen

Posted: 01 May 2015, 14:19
by scottc
Oh no, now there's photographic evidence of my editor bashing in #deskthority...

Posted: 01 May 2015, 14:34
by sth
Duncaen wrote: Image
dvtm :maverick:

Posted: 01 May 2015, 17:44
by IvanIvanovich
20 Minutes into the Future... aka Max Headroom, one of my favorites! I really wish they would re-release that in HD.

Posted: 01 May 2015, 17:47
by scottc

Posted: 02 May 2015, 19:48
by Madhias
I have again installed Linux, namely Arch, only because I want to have such an awesome looking desktop. But which window manager to choose? I heard awesome is a PITA when updating, for dwm I need to know C, for XMonad I have to learn Haskell, so I think I'll go for now with i3. Or Openbox?

Posted: 02 May 2015, 19:54
by scottc
i3 is excellent. I love it. Definitely recommend it!

Posted: 03 May 2015, 17:33
by amospalla
I've used awesome for years, but moved to i3 and used it for a couple of years. I recommend it.

Posted: 03 May 2015, 18:58
by ramnes
I used Awesome, i3, and now Qtile. Qtile is more "experimental" but definitely a good choice if you like Python. Otherwise i3 is great, but it really lacks of customizability. I think I will try StumpWM and bspwm one day, they both look pretty neat.

Posted: 04 May 2015, 08:39
by sth
Madhias wrote: I have again installed Linux, namely Arch, only because I want to have such an awesome looking desktop. But which window manager to choose? I heard awesome is a PITA when updating, for dwm I need to know C, for XMonad I have to learn Haskell, so I think I'll go for now with i3. Or Openbox?
you don't really need to know C at all to use dwm, or lua for awesome, or haskell for xmonad. you can use it straight out of the box just fine, but if you want to change things, the config file is just a bit confusing without [$lang]. if you have edited config files of more than one format, then you should be fine as long as you can pick up on the syntax and then type make & && make install.

that said i have never found a tiling wm i liked, especially on 2 monitors. there is something sloppy to me about having my monitors "out of sync" so to speak. dwm has patches that keep tags on both monitors synced so i suppose that's promising. i have been using openbox for like 5+ years now and i always come back to it. xml config is dumb though :maverick:

Posted: 04 May 2015, 13:49
by andrewjoy
I like i3 as its so well documented. DWM and the others may be amazingly well written but good software is pointless without good documentation.

Thats also why arch is the best distro as its documentation is amazing.

Posted: 12 May 2015, 19:13
by Madhias
Oh my, since yesterday I am failing in using a bitmap font in URxvt. I've had so many various errors, from the window manager not working at all, to cannot open the URxvt terminal, to wrong display output like dots, etc.

Posted: 20 May 2015, 04:46
by Ace
XMIT wrote: ...I still use a single Dell 3007WFP-HC 2560x1600 LCD from 2007.
I knew it.........I knew I couldn't be the only one. Finally! Someone to call my own! :o

Although, if I may ask, have you tried any of the new 21:9 Ultrawide setups? I've been considering moving to an Ultrawide for quite some time now....

Posted: 27 May 2015, 12:05
by sth
working on a low-impact raspberry pi based workstation, here's a scrot:


might add some kind of bar, might not :maverick: