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A Suggestion and a Question

Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 21:18
by microsoft windows
It would be more convenient if the thread titles instead of the users who created them were in bold. It's no big deal, but it would just make browsing a little easier.

Also, how do I enable the viewing of signatures?

Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 21:29
by sixty
Signatures are globally disabled. You can view them by clicking the little "▼" next to a username. This may or may not work properly on your web browser, since it uses somewhat modern technology.

Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 21:57
by microsoft windows
Thanks for pointing that out!

I go on this forum on my Windows 98 laptop, using Opera 10. It doesn't render too well in MSIE5.

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 09:52
by bugfix
Why not Opera 11?

I mean Opera is great, but even better in the current version.

Posted: 24 Feb 2011, 22:21
by microsoft windows
I haven't gotten Opera 11 to run in Windows 98. But Opera 10's still a great browser.