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Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 14:29
by Muirium
XMIT wrote: Recall that I've got about a pound and a half of RAL 7030 gray powder coat paint left over, and access to a nice local powder coating facility, if anyone wants to send their F107 shells to me for painting. pyrelink did and he seems very happy with the result.
Hmm… now there's a thought.

I'm likely to swap around caps anyway, so an F107 with a good case but bad paint, and lacklustre caps — especially the clear topped ones, which I don't care for — would be a nice idea. I could send it to you for a spot of rejuvenation.

To be sent to my American address, when you're done, of course!

Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 17:09
Sure, sounds fine to me. I hope you're bringing a big suitcase with you this time. I suggest refreshing your knowledge of the maximum size and weight of luggage allowed on your flight. :-D

I'm waiting, like everyone else, for more information from REVENGE about inventory, pricing, and shipping for his keyboards.

Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 17:43
by Muirium
Heh, I'll be very limited this time for full keyboards. Those Unicomp caps are top priority. As is getting GBs done at the beginning rather than the end of my stay!

F107s are big. I can't see capacity for more than 2 of them, frankly. Before I go investigating the price of a second hold bag. Could well still be cheaper than mail, mind. I do fortunately have free storage over there, if I'm patient.

Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 17:43
by hammelgammler
Man i just got the AT, and i freaking LOVE the Model F! Hopefully I can get my hands on two F107.

Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 18:02
by Muirium
See what the fuss is about? The AT is an amazing board. Model Fs are buckling spring done right.

As for Kishsavers: yes, they're even more solid. And the 107 is huge! Bigger than an AT, and so much heavier.

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 02:06
by hammelgammler
Indeed. I never thought that F's are so much better them M's. They are lighter (which i love), and snappier. I just like it a lot more.

Oh and yeah, I saw that a F107 weights about 4kg, maybe a bit more. That's really heavy! :D

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 02:21
by Redmaus
hammelgammler wrote: Indeed. I never thought that F's are so much better them M's. They are lighter (which i love), and snappier. I just like it a lot more.

Oh and yeah, I saw that a F107 weights about 4kg, maybe a bit more. That's really heavy! :D
Yes, they do. It's wonderful. I was able to check out XMIT's F107 and I was not dissapointed. :)

The full metal case is very sexy :geek:

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 02:47
how is the f107 compared to a displaywriter?

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 05:30
by Redmaus
MECHGAMER wrote: how is the f107 compared to a displaywriter?
Displaywriter is a beast...

I actually like the way the F107 feels more because there isn't as much hollow space inside sompared to the displaywriter.

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 06:57
what about to any other beam spring?

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 07:24
MECHGAMER wrote: what about to any other beam spring?
Very different, not directly comparable. Some people think the beam spring feels like a crisper version of Cherry Blues.

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 07:34
by jacobolus
REVENGE wrote: Some people think the beam spring feels like a crisper version of Cherry Blues.
Those people are crazy or have lost all nerve function in their fingers. ;)

Beam spring switches feel absolutely nothing like MX blue.

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 07:55
by Muirium
If MX blue is a keen 4 year old who likes singing along to country music on the radio, then Beamspring is Pavarotti performing Nessun Dorma.

This comparison also applies to physical size.

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 23:07
by pyrelink
Weight and size is really the only downside to any model F. They feel significantly better then any other switch or Model M (to the point where I find it hard to enjoy typing on membrane buckling spring now), sound great, and have those glorious thick legend one piece keycaps. The only thing I don't like about my F107 is how much farther I have to have my mouse over to the right, and how heavy it is on my desk. That's why I still desperately want a Kishsaver/77 Key.

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 23:09
by Muirium
That's what your left hand is for. I find mousing on the right end of anything larger than a TKL unbearable. So I pick it up and go leftie. It's good to balance the mousing load between your hands anyway.

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 03:25
I saw that XMIT found a displaywriter at elecplus's warehouse, but is not selling it yet.

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 03:55
Also, where did everyone get their kishsavers? I heard kishy got his for $23.95 inc. shipping :o

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 05:25
by Redmaus
MECHGAMER wrote: I saw that XMIT found a displaywriter at elecplus's warehouse, but is not selling it yet.
I don't think he is planning to sell it. :?

I just hope I can get some other alps boards from him soon :mrgreen:

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 05:56
Maybe some IT recyclers will have some 4704s, there are quite some banks in my area.

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 07:27
I actually saw a beam spring 3727 go for $387 some time ago. That pretty much made me want to buy the Cyprus beam spring.