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Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 01:24
by Hypersphere
Ah nano! (or pico). I love it! This is in part because I started with pine email, which I still use, and so when it came to text editors in unix/linux, I was already familiar with nano/pico commands. The purists around me insist I must learn Vi/Vim, but thus far, nano is doing everything for me that I need in a text editor.

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 01:48
by webwit
If you use nano/pico and leave your workstation without locking, I can't resist and change the default editor to Emacs. Then observe as the victim tries to get out.

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 10:37
by woody
Daniel Beardsmore wrote: So, there's one other person in the world who uses Nano … Heh.
It is a bit of a paradox. I am stuck to the basic toy "nano" because of inertia and laziness, yet I miss the power of the editors I was so productive and comfortable with before that. And as noted, the similarity of nano/*pine is another small win on the road of the least common denominator.

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 12:19
by andrewjoy
Daniel Beardsmore wrote: So, there's one other person in the world who uses Nano … Heh.

Nano's keybindings are stupid, but at least it tells me what I'm supposed to press and when, which is useful when I don't use it often enough to remember, and when it differs from absolutely every other program on the planet. OK, there's still a load of stuff in Nano I can't remember or get mixed up with (that's not on the cheat sheet at the bottom of the screen), but it's not the headache that is trying to use vim on an occasional basis, which behaves like a thing possessed.
i think thats the main thing , if vim had the basics at the bottom then i would use that, if i must use vim i use tmux and open the manual next to it :)

i am not afraid to admit i am jsut too stupid to remember all the key bindings

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 17:26
by DanielT
The best editor is the one you know how to use best and that's it :)
I use Vi because a long time ago when I started to work with Solaris and UNIX that was available and that I learned to use.
It's the same with the best switch or best OS or best anything.

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 17:29
by Muirium
Yup. I use BBEdit / TextWrangler, which I love for being a fine GUI as well as a powerful keyboard driven programmable editor. But I would, wouldn't I! ... the-rings/

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 17:49
by DanielT
This is epic :)) It's so real :)
And Yes Microsoft Word it's Barad-dur , for me it's easyer to create a document in LaTEX than in Word, I curse like a sailor every time I have to use that Office Suite, and working in a bloody corporation that means a lot :D

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 18:56
by Hypersphere
Muirium wrote: Yup. I use BBEdit / TextWrangler, which I love for being a fine GUI as well as a powerful keyboard driven programmable editor. But I would, wouldn't I! ... the-rings/
TextWrangler is great. It is my default text editor on OS X, unless I am using the Terminal, in which case, I use nano. TextWrangler includes command-line tools, and so I have not felt the need to upgrade to BBedit.

On the rare occasions when I have to use Windows, I used Notepad++ as my text editor.

Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 02:34
by stratokaster
webwit wrote: If you use nano/pico and leave your workstation without locking, I can't resist and change the default editor to Emacs. Then observe as the victim tries to get out.
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I simply cannot resist.

"Emacs and Vim walk into a bar. The bartender tries to quit."

Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 03:04
by webwit
I once did a gig at a place where security was paramount. As a kind of joke/punishment, if you left your workstation without locking your machine, you'd be punished by people writing silly emails to all from your machine, installing nasty software or desktop themes, etc.
However, they overestimated themselves. I came with my hhkb with blank keys and colemak layout. I left my machine in Emacs (I don't even use it). I left my workstation without locking. I came back after 10 minutes with a tasty espresso, witnessing a small crowd around my machine. Desperately trying to fuck it up, and failing. They never managed to even quit Emacs. Security by obscurity!

Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 03:10
by stratokaster
All jokes aside, I use Vim as my primary text editor because it allows me to use the same keybindings on Windows, Linux and Mac. The last thing I want to think about when writing a long article is what key I have to press to copy or paste or delete something.