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G83-3000 "MX-ification"?

Posted: 22 May 2019, 07:23
by Darkshado
I found a Cherry G83-3077-SBU while browsing classifieds and I wonder...
(Winkeyless, US ANSI, NCR-branded beige case, assuming PBT dye-sub judging by the S letter code)

How stupid / crazy / labor-intensive / feasible is modding the caps to fit on an MX board ?
Relatedly, is this case compatible with G80 form-factor PCBs, as-is? Once hacked at with a rotary tool?

Re: G83-3000 "MX-ification"?

Posted: 22 May 2019, 09:39
by Findecanor
I have modded a couple 1×1 G83 keys to fit info a G80 keyboard by cutting stems off G80 keys and gluing them into keys from the G83 keyboard. Doing this by hand, it was time-consuming and difficult to get the stems lined up correctly.
I tried to not Dremel the G83 stem all the way but to leave a shallow circle to guide where the MX stem would go, but unfortunately the circle's inner diameter is a little smaller than the MX stem and I am not sure that it is even correctly centred.

Maybe it would work better if you would 3D-print MX stem inserts to go into G83 keys that had the rubber dome stems removed. But then those would probably reduce the key travel of the keys on the home row, because those are so low to begin with.
Also, G83 and MX don't share the same stabilisers either.

Re: G83-3000 "MX-ification"?

Posted: 23 May 2019, 05:39
by Darkshado
Are the profiles the same?
Does the outer diameter of the G83 stem fit in the housing of an MX switch?
In any case, your info confirms my suspicion that it's well into "must be proficient in CAD and have access to a 3D printer" territory, which isn't my situation at the moment.

What about the case? Any info?

