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Micro Switch 64SW5-3 Keyboard

Posted: 01 May 2020, 21:09
by forter4
Been wanting one of these since seeing Haata's Micro Switch 64SW1-4 or Chyrosran's Micro Switch 53RW4-1
This thing looked dirty and beat up, but it didn't take much cleaning to get it to "like new" status. I think this was just stored somewhere and was just left to collect dust, because everything is perfect. For all intents and purposes, this is basically NOS
Looks to have been made on the 11th week of 1975
I LOVE the blue keycaps. Some interesting things I noticed:
  • Realized that the "names" of these boards indicate the number of keys, the type of Micro Switch, and then not sure what the last two digits are lol
  • The blue keycaps have a shiny finish, while the rest of the keys are shiny on the sides and have A BIT of a texture on the top. Stressed "a bit" because it's not nearly as textured as Beamspring keycaps. I really like it, though I do prefer to have it shiny all around like the blue keycaps or Haata's and Chyrosran's Micro Switch
  • Both the Shift Lock key and the Upper Case key are locking switches; not sure why two are needed
  • The F and H keys have a bit of inconsistency in their legends, but honestly doesn't bug me at all
  • This is my first SW-series Dual-magnet Hall Effect switches, and jesus, these are super smooth. I'd say the smoothest linear switch I've ever tried, and probably my favorite feeling switch now over the beamspring (but only by a hair), mostly because I prefer a heavier weighting and these are pretty heavy
After this, I think I finally reached the end of this hobby in terms of buying stuff. There are a few things that I would still be on the look out for, like a board with Fujitsu or Alps magnetic reed switches, or something lilke this, or this

But I think I'll probably be doing a "clear my closet" sale sometime in the next 2-3 months, because other than a few boards, I plan to sell most of my modern boards because they just aren't as interesting as boards from the 70s or 80s