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Dell Microsoft Intellimouse 1.3A PS/2 - $0.7 flea market find!

Posted: 05 Nov 2017, 13:05
by green-squid
I found this cool mouse today! It didn't have a ball and a cover, so I hacked one up from an other mouse. I really like it.


I also found this Texas Instruments calculator for $1.4, but it's kind of slow.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017, 19:18
by rich1051414
As much as I am a fan of vintage tech, wheel mice are a memory I do not want to revisit.

My memories of wheel mice are clouded by the sound they make when you slam them on the table multiple times out of frustration.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017, 19:32
by andrewjoy
rich1051414 wrote: As much as I am a fan of vintage tech, wheel mice are a memory I do not want to revisit.

My memories of wheel mice are clouded by the sound they make when you slam them on the table multiple times out of frustration.
Some wheel mice where OK , some of the higher quality ones had the black coated ball ( not sure what it was some form of carbonised rubber or somthing. They also had much better optical sensors.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017, 20:07
by green-squid
rich1051414 wrote: As much as I am a fan of vintage tech, wheel mice are a memory I do not want to revisit.

My memories of wheel mice are clouded by the sound they make when you slam them on the table multiple times out of frustration.
I like a lot of ball mice! I'm using the one in the post right now, actually!

Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 06:14
by Findecanor
rich1051414 wrote: As much as I am a fan of vintage tech, wheel mice are a memory I do not want to revisit.
Are you referring to mice with wheels on the top, the bottom or the inside?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 08:28
by Starck
I remember there was a Quake 3 player (Zero4) who used this mouse when there already where very good optical mice. And he won al lot!

Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 19:30
by rich1051414
I guess it was simply the cheap ones I used, but I remember them having to have the rods cleaned religiously otherwise they would stick and jump around like crazy. I am surprised no one else here had such memories. It makes me think my childhood was a lie.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 22:25
by andrewjoy
rich1051414 wrote: I guess it was simply the cheap ones I used, but I remember them having to have the rods cleaned religiously otherwise they would stick and jump around like crazy. I am surprised no one else here had such memories. It makes me think my childhood was a lie.

Dont buy cheap mice :P.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017, 15:22
by rich1051414
I realized today that many older mice did not work well with direct sunlight, and I remember the room the family computer in was also the sun room. I wonder if this played a part in my deep hatred of ball mice.