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Buxton Collection: interesting collection of input devices

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 12:57
by konz

Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 23:17
by Input Nirvana
Thanks for that post. Interesting.

I especially like the black Datahand with the blue keys. I wish mine had those colors!

Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 23:34
by webwit
I've seen that black early DH200 with blue caps on ebay once, and asked Lynn from Datahand about it. She claimed the blue caps must be died or something, because they came with dark gray ones (like on the white one). Unless it's the same DH200 here, she was wrong ;) They were nicknamed the "Black Beauties". She also said she had some NIB of those.
Image5.jpg (274.85 KiB) Viewed 3405 times
Now from rare to rarer...
black.jpg (54.83 KiB) Viewed 3405 times

Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 23:55
by Input Nirvana
The bottom pic (black Datahand with white palm pads) has the "up" thumb keys...must be the last models made, Personal or Pro II?

I still want to follow through on your idea of a Datahand without the boxy cases...just the pad and keys. My Datahand is almost brand new, so I won't cannibalize it. Maybe a beater or those ancient models would work to experiment with.

I would like having black palm pads.

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 00:13
by webwit
The bottom one is, I have been told, a prototype or showcase model for when they tried to acquire HP as a client for bigger distribution. The HP Datahand. It didn't happen.

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 00:33
by Input Nirvana
Probably unrelated, but I read a blog that of a former employee of HP was given a company provided Datahand for his RSI.

Hmmm...showcase model, might as well make them all black rather than holding out that color for a partnetship that may never exist.

Maybe you're right and they have a couple thousand left, unassembled in the manufacturers warehouse in Mexico till the manufacturer gets paid.

Also, it seems to me that the tiny keys would Rit-Dye petty well.

Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 12:30
by daedalus

Prototype M13s

Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 13:01
by webwit
Hey now.