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Datacomp MTX-124 or DSK-131 ?

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 14:20
by Myoth
Hi, so I while browsing ebay and searching for nice keyboards to snatch, I stumbled upon this ... 1438.l2649.

After I fell in love with it, and searched for info on it and didn't find anything, I decided to make a wiki page for it. Went on Datacomp's wiki page and basically find nothing for DSK-131. Went in the OEM section because it's branded Neo-Post and found that it was a [wiki]Datacomp_MTX-124[/wiki].

But now I'm confused, how would I make a wiki page for the DSK-131 when it's a MTX-124 ? should I make a wiki page that redirects to the MTX-124 ? and add a section for the DSK-131 in it ? I'll probably do that but I wanted to know from you before.


Edit : this could be useful but unfortunately I don't speak Chinese :oops:

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 14:55
by Daniel Beardsmore
That's really curious — it's not even the same PCB. This could have been explained by the fact that the one on eBay has a bank of illuminated keys, but it seems that they're not illuminated at all!

The auction claims "Alps clones" (as well as white Alps) but it appears to be a rare example of simplified Alps switches from a mould other than mould 5.

It would make sense to have both examples on the same page, but what would this page be called?

I recognise the seller — he's a member here. Someone called Blaise was talking with Cherry about Aristotle Yellow switches, and he got some pictures of genuine Cherry MX Yellow, and then promptly vanished, and I've never managed to get those pictures off Michael at Cherry. Whether it's the same Blaise, I don't know. (Blaise170 hasn't visited in a year, and I've not heard from the same/other Blaise in some time.)

The thing is, you've not even bought it yet! Maybe there are some other clues inside that will help you. The Google Translate attempt at's page is terrible, but it seems to imply complicated white Alps, so I'm guessing that the one on eBay is newer (PCB design date is 1997). It would also be interesting to see if the PCB actually supports LEDs, and whether any other keys do in fact have LEDs inside.

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 15:59
by Myoth
I'll try to get it and I'll take picture of it if I do get it. At first I thought those windowes keycaps were going to be SKCL green or something like that, but Alps White ? hmmm ... Also, those alphanumeric keycaps don't look like they belong here ... If I didn't know the difference between Alps and MX, I'd said those were from a Cooler Master Novatouch :lol:

The pcb might not be the same since the MTX-124's pcb is noted "Ver 1.2" and the DSK-131 is noted "Ver 2.2". It got updated over time and the Ver2 brought simpler switches to bring costs down, making the switches clones rather than Alps ?

Note : The auction is confusing, it says all over the place that they are "original Alps" but claims they are clones ...

Though, this picture here shows a marking on the switch, I don't think it's written Alps but there is something...

about's pages, it has been translated by a user on discord :

Code: Select all

A keyboard with special key placements ATC-124KB
This keyboard is over 15 years old with ALPS “original white” switches, ink printed (legends).
The reason I want to introduce it is because the legends on its caps are strange and in Chinese.
長寬高=520x186x40mm  淨重 1.6 kg  它是Datacomp 1992.04.14生產。
Length:      Weight      This was made by Datacomp in 
Every keycap has a clearly visible legends in the center
English legends are centered and near the top of the keycaps
(idk what the fuck this guy’s saying here)
There are three spacebars
Yep, three. Each one is smaller than usual, so it’s less likely to get stuck or have smoothness issues.
The PCB has spaces left for unused switches, covered with 12 faux keycaps.
Comes with spare switches. Those switches with legendless caps are spares. The board was designed with long term use and repair in mind.
奇特6~有複合鍵設計,譬如P右邊的@=Shift+2,@右上的﹃︿鍵=Shift+6 ......等等
There are combination keys. For example, the @ next to P is Shift+2. The key to the upper-right of @, which is ﹃︿, is Shift+6… etc.

On the back, there are two (DIP?) switches
左邊是286←  →88    右邊是F.S+F ←  → S+F.F
Left is       Right is    (no idea what the fuck he’s saying here)

The PCB routing is very clean and organized.

The switches are PCB-mount (5 legged)

The tag on the back is enlarged

Thanks for reading

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 16:15
by Daniel Beardsmore
The eBay seller is a member here, so it would not surprise me if the keycaps got replaced. The black keycaps are from a KBParadise V60MTS, by the way.

Without being able to borrow from the CSI view of reality, my only "enhance" (since the shadow detail level in the eBay photos is very poor) gives me two characters in a large typeface, "4" on the left, and maybe "A" on the right, which with the minimum date of 1997, clearly indicates simplified Alps.

As for "three space bars" in the MTX-124, it's clearly Japanese layout, yet with Chinese characters on it (Cangjie or whatever). Only the middle one is actually space.

I guess this would go on the MTX-124 page for now.

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 16:26
by Myoth
if he is maybe I can buy it from him directly ... oh yeah I see now, I knew they were from somewhere else :D

Simplified Alps explains Ver2 and what I said. I'll add it to a "Speculation" tab in the wiki page.

Yeah, I knew it was JIS and the picture from the wiki looks pretty much exactly like what he's describing :

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 16:30
by Daniel Beardsmore
Complicated and simplified Alps are fully compatible (as are all the clones), and the PCB would not need to be changed.

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 16:44
by Myoth
I didn't mean that, I meant that Ver1 is Complicated Alps and that Ver2 is simplified Alps. Not that the PCB needed to be changed.

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 17:11
by Daniel Beardsmore
Why would the PCB version number change due to the switch internals changing?

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 17:13
by Myoth
I don't know. I'm just speculating. :oops:

Posted: 18 Sep 2017, 05:16
by Hak Foo
The wiki PCB shots show no drill-through or traces for the positions not stuffed with a switch. The "Version 2" could be wiring those .

Posted: 18 Sep 2017, 09:26
by Daniel Beardsmore
Curious, I never went looking for that. So we have a version with space for keys that the PCB cannot accommodate, and a version with illuminated keycaps that the switches don't cater for …

(Simplified Alps with space for an LED has never been seen; the technical drawing for the linear switch does not show an LED slot either. However, complicated linear Alps remained on the market until at least 2000, so that could have been used.)