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Triumph Adler Typewriters, Typewriters, Typewriters....

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 20:35
by foxtrott

Some beautyful Doubleshots, Dyesubs :o .. und Crap ! :mrgreen:

1. Triumph Adler CompacTA 600 DS

Thick Dyesubs.. fits on MX !!


the side diverter; or as they say in English?


2. Triumph Adler Gabriele 7007L

Thick Dyesubs.. fits on MX too !


3. Gabriele Cyclo :oops:

Crap.. unfortunately :roll:


4. Triumph Adler Gabiele 9009

I love it !! Old Doubleshots.. Fits perfekt on MX :shock:



i love this Caps.. on my Keyboards.. ;)


can complement these types in the Deskthority wiki?

who manages this list?

I have some more here I will probably also sell ...

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 20:45
by Ascaii
Very nice. Ive had a 600 and 7007 before, but the 9009 was new to me...nice finds! There are also QWERTY versions of these caps :)

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 20:55
by Nuum
Indeed very nice! I have some dyesubs from a TA BSM 100 myself, some day I'll clean them and actually use them, too. Maybe on the FaceU!?
The color combination with the purple mods looks quite interesting, not sure if I like it, but it's interesting. We need some darkish blue mods for these!
If you have some of these doubleshots for sale, I'd love to take a set. Have always been watching these on Ebay, but I didn't want to sacrifice the typewriter behind them just for keycaps. The only one I bid on failed, because the seller threw it away accidentally.

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 21:53
by Ascaii
You mean like this color? :P+
g80_uknown_board_switch_caps.jpg (239.91 KiB) Viewed 15730 times
g80_unknown_board.jpg (344.5 KiB) Viewed 15729 times

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 21:59
by SL89
the caps on that Triumph Adler Gabiele look so nice... low pro but scooped!

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 22:01
by Nuum
;) , yeah, the original color of the Triumph Adler Cherry boards of course fits very well. Something like the new Leopold navy blue ones would fit quite nice, too, that's what I was thinking of. Unfortunatly the Leopold set doesn't contain an ISO enter.

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 22:18
by Ascaii
Nuum, I have no proof that this is a TA board. The TA 3000 boards are on record, this one isn't.

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 22:22
by Nuum
Oh ok, didn't know that, but it has exactly the same color scheme as the G80-3000 from TA and the typewriters.
Who made the keycaps for the typewriters? They are a little bit smaller than Cherry profile ones and also they don't have the supports around the stem.

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 22:51
by Daniel Beardsmore
foxtrott wrote: can complement these types in the Deskthority wiki?

who manages this list?
Anyone is free to edit it.

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 23:11
by SL89
Nuum wrote: ;) , yeah, the original color of the Triumph Adler Cherry boards of course fits very well. Something like the new Leopold navy blue ones would fit quite nice, too, that's what I was thinking of. Unfortunatly the Leopold set doesn't contain an ISO enter.
I meant the 9009 but dat blue is nice too!

Triumph Adler Typewriters, Typewriters, Typewriters....

Posted: 25 Jul 2014, 05:57
by bazh
Yeah the blue and grey color mix of TA is so nice. Also anyone know when these typewritters were manufactured? I find these keycaps are a bit smaller than those of Cherry keyboards (or now GMK things), the double-shot mold is quite diferent also.

Posted: 25 Jul 2014, 09:44
by Findecanor
Daniel Beardsmore wrote:
foxtrott wrote: can complement these types in the Deskthority wiki?

who manages this list?
Anyone is free to edit it.
All edits are tracked in the History for each article. I have done the most edits. I copied the list from the Geekhack Wiki, and then added a typewriter now and then when I've seen threads like this one.

Posted: 25 Jul 2014, 19:09
by Mikelittoris
Saw this on the Swedish site might also be dyesubs, altought the wiki says yellowed keys have been spotted, and pbt don't yellow.

Posted: 25 Jul 2014, 19:49
by IvanIvanovich
The 100 is the same as the Cyclo in the OP. Not Cherry and pad printed.

Re: Triumph Adler Typewriters, Typewriters, Typewriters....

Posted: 26 Jul 2014, 13:10
by foxtrott
Gabriele 100 fits NOT on MX.. crap

Posted: 26 Jul 2014, 13:33
by bazh
you can tell by the look of the keycaps, they have round corners bottom. But I wonder who made those too because the legend look much like what we call "Cherry legends"

Posted: 26 Jul 2014, 17:28
by Findecanor
Those are often called "Amstrad" switches because the same switches were found in Amstrad computers, but I wouldn't think that it was Amstrad who made them.
Of the Gabriele line, only those from the 7007L are known to be MX-compatible.

Posted: 04 Aug 2014, 19:21
by foxtrott
New one:

TA Gabriele 9009 C ! Dyesubs..


Posted: 18 Aug 2014, 15:23
by vivalarevolución
Shit typewriters. Good keycaps, though.

Posted: 18 Aug 2014, 17:50
by Nuum
How does the color of the keycaps of the TA Gabriele 9009 C compare to Cherry dyesubs/doubleshots? They seem to be almost the same color as the black on white/beige ones.

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 14:30
by gianni
Ascaii wrote: Nuum, I have no proof that this is a TA board. The TA 3000 boards are on record, this one isn't.
What do you mean? They are smaller in what way? The top-typing surface?

Posted: 16 Feb 2018, 11:40
by AdrianMan
Got something new for the wiki to complete wiki/Triumph-Adler:

Triumph Adler SE 515

keycaps back:

So it would be : (Cherry MX-compatible) - Blue on white/beige/grey whatever that color is :lol: - Dye-sublimated

Posted: 16 Feb 2018, 12:03
by gianni
No scoops or homing in the keys? It seems that there are no scoops in any of the TA keycaps.

Posted: 16 Feb 2018, 12:40
by AdrianMan
gianni wrote: No scoops or homing in the keys? It seems that there are no scoops in any of the TA keycaps.
Seems not, the keycaps are in the mail towards me, I will take a closer look when they arrive

Re: Triumph Adler Typewriters, Typewriters, Typewriters....

Posted: 04 May 2020, 18:05
by DevilZmods
Here's another colourscheme of the 9009 that I didn't even know existed. Blue on grey with the same lovely typewriter profile. I hope the caps are not yellowed too badly and clean up after an ultrasonic bath when they're here.
Screenshot_20200503-174626.png (782.88 KiB) Viewed 10340 times

Re: Triumph Adler Typewriters, Typewriters, Typewriters....

Posted: 04 May 2020, 18:14
by swampangel
Oh that is nice. I can imagine that unyellowed it would have a nice clean modern look.

I have a set of those in dark brown and I got a plate cut, but I goofed on the bottom row and I haven't had the patience to take the dremel to it or the money to just order a replacement.