First custom build, TMK issues


06 Mar 2019, 01:32

Hey there, I'm pretty new to the forum and mechanical keyboards in general. I've finally started a working on my first custom build using a couple guides (mostly Matt3o's) for reference and as far as I can tell everything has been going well up until the firmware. I've been reading though issues on the github and Matt3o's TMK guide, but have hit one of those snags that I might just need some input from more experienced users.
The guide for reference, if others like me are similarly lost: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7177&start=#p141386

I've heard that qmk might be the way to go and easier but I found Matt3o's guide more helpful and well described. Doing this primarily to learn some basics for keyboards and linux has given me plenty of hours troubleshooting and memorising, but I think I just need a hand here. It might be worth noting that I'm doing all this (and will be using the keyboard with) a raspberry pi and ubuntu, but I really don't know if it's important enough for this.

When I try

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make -f Makefile
it errors out.

So, here's what I got:
from config.h

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#define MATRIX_ROWS 6
#define MATRIX_COLS 15
from matrix.c:

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#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "print.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "matrix.h"

#ifndef DEBOUNCE

#   define DEBOUNCE	5
static uint8_t debouncing = DEBOUNCE;

/* matrix state(1:on, 0:off) */
static matrix_row_t matrix[MATRIX_ROWS];
static matrix_row_t matrix_debouncing[MATRIX_ROWS];

static matrix_row_t read_cols(void);
static void init_cols(void);
static void unselect_rows(void);
static void select_row(uint8_t row);

void matrix_init(void)
    // initialize row and col

    // initialize matrix state: all keys off
    for (uint8_t i=0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) {
        matrix[i] = 0;
        matrix_debouncing[i] = 0;

uint8_t matrix_scan(void)
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) {
        _delay_us(30);  // without this wait read unstable value.
        matrix_row_t cols = read_cols();
        if (matrix_debouncing[i] != cols) {
            matrix_debouncing[i] = cols;
            if (debouncing) {
                debug("bounce!: "); debug_hex(debouncing); debug("\n");
            debouncing = DEBOUNCE;

    if (debouncing) {
        if (--debouncing) {
        } else {
            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) {
                matrix[i] = matrix_debouncing[i];

    return 1;

matrix_row_t matrix_get_row(uint8_t row)
    return matrix[row];

/* Column pin configuration
 * col: 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13
 * pin: F0  F1  E6  C7  C6  B6  D4  B1  B0  B5  B4  D7  D6  B3  (Rev.A)
 * pin:                                 B7                      (Rev.B)
static void  init_cols(void)
    // Input with pull-up(DDR:0, PORT:1)

    DDRD  &= ~(1<<7 | 1<<3 | 1<<2 | 1<<1 | 1<<0 );
    PORTD |=  (1<<7 | 1<<3 | 1<<2 | 1<<1 | 1<<0 );
    DDRC  &= ~(1<<7 | 1<<6);
    PORTC |=  (1<<7 | 1<<6);
    DDRB  &= ~(1<<7 | 1<<6 | 1<< 5 | 1<<4 | 1<<3 | 1<<2 | 1<<1 | 1<<0);
    PORTB |=  (1<<7 | 1<<6 | 1<< 5 | 1<<4 | 1<<3 | 1<<2 | 1<<1 | 1<<0);

static matrix_row_t read_cols(void)

    return (PINB&(1<<6) ? 0 : (1<<14)) |
           (PINB&(1<<5) ? 0 : (1<<13)) |
           (PINB&(1<<4) ? 0 : (1<<12)) |
           (PIND&(1<<7) ? 0 : (1<<11)) |
           (PINC&(1<<7) ? 0 : (1<<10)) |
           (PINC&(1<<6) ? 0 : (1<<9)) |
           (PIND&(1<<3) ? 0 : (1<<8)) |
           (PIND&(1<<2) ? 0 : (1<<7)) |
           (PIND&(1<<1) ? 0 : (1<<6)) |
           (PIND&(1<<0) ? 0 : (1<<5)) |
           (PINB&(1<<7) ? 0 : (1<<4)) |
           (PINB&(1<<3) ? 0 : (1<<3)) |
           (PINB&(1<<2) ? 0 : (1<<2)) |
           (PINB&(1<<1) ? 0 : (1<<1)) |
           (PINB&(1<<0) ? 0 : (1<<0));

/* Row pin configuration
 * row: 0   1   2   3   4
 * pin: D0  D1  D2  D3  D5
static void unselect_rows(void)
    // Hi-Z(DDR:0, PORT:0) to unselect
    DDRF  &= ~0b11110011;
    PORTF &= ~0b11110011;

static void select_row(uint8_t row)
    // Output low(DDR:1, PORT:0) to select
    switch (row) {
        case 0:
            DDRF  |= (1<<0);
            PORTF &= ~(1<<0);
        case 1:
            DDRF  |= (1<<1);
            PORTF &= ~(1<<1);
        case 2:
            DDRF  |= (1<<4);
            PORTF &= ~(1<<4);
        case 3:
            DDRF  |= (1<<5);
            PORTF &= ~(1<<5);
        case 4:
            DDRF  |= (1<<6);
            PORTF &= ~(1<<6);
        case 5:
            DDRF  |= (1<<7);
            PORTF &= ~(1<<7);
I don't have an LED for capslock, but would like to add one once this is all working. So far I left the LED file alone.

from keymap_common.h

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#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "keycode.h"
#include "action.h"
#include "action_macro.h"
#include "report.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "keymap.h"

/* GH60 keymap definition macro
 * K2C, K31 and  K3C are extra keys for ISO
#define KEYMAP(
    K00, K01, K02, K03, K04, K05, K06, K07, K08, K09, K0A, K0B, K0C, K0D, K0E, \
    K10, K11, K12, K13, K14, K15, K16, K17, K18, K19, K1A, K1B, K1C, K1D,      \
    K20, K21, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K27, K28, K29, K2A, K2B, K2C, K2D,      \
    K30,      K32, K33, K34, K35, K36, K37, K38, K39, K3A, K3B, K3C, K3D,      \
    K40,      K42, K43, K44, K45, K46, K47, K48, K49, K4A, K4B, K4C, K4D, K4E, \
    K50, K51,                K55,                K59, K5A, K5B, K5C, K5D, K5E \
) { \
    { KC_##K00, KC_##K01, KC_##K02, KC_##K03, KC_##K04, KC_##K05, KC_##K06, KC_##K07, KC_##K08, KC_##K09, KC_##K0A, KC_##K0B, KC_##K0C, KC_##K0D, KC_##K0E }, \
    { KC_##K10, KC_##K11, KC_##K12, KC_##K13, KC_##K14, KC_##K15, KC_##K16, KC_##K17, KC_##K18, KC_##K19, KC_##K1A, KC_##K1B, KC_##K1C, KC_##K1D, KC_NO    }, \
    { KC_##K20, KC_##K21, KC_##K22, KC_##K23, KC_##K24, KC_##K25, KC_##K26, KC_##K27, KC_##K28, KC_##K29, KC_##K2A, KC_##K2B, KC_##K2C, KC_##K2D, KC_NO    }, \
    { KC_##K30, KC_NO,    KC_##K32, KC_##K33, KC_##K34, KC_##K35, KC_##K36, KC_##K37, KC_##K38, KC_##K39, KC_##K3A, KC_##K3B, KC_##K3C, KC_##K3D, KC_NO    }, \
    { KC_##K40, KC_NO,    KC_##K42, KC_##K43, KC_##K44, KC_##K45, KC_##K46, KC_##K47, KC_##K48, KC_##K49, KC_##K4A, KC_##K4B, KC_##K4C, KC_##K3D, KC_##K4E }, \
    { KC_##K50, KC_##K51, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K55, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K59, KC_##K5A, KC_##K5B, KC_##K5C, KC_##K5D, KC_##K5E }, \

/* ANSI variant. No extra keys for ISO */
#define KEYMAP_ANSI( \
    K00, K01, K02, K03, K04, K05, K06, K07, K08, K09, K0A, K0B, K0C, K0D, \
    K10, K11, K12, K13, K14, K15, K16, K17, K18, K19, K1A, K1B, K1C, K1D, \
    K20, K21, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K27, K28, K29, K2A, K2B,      K2D, \
    K30, K32, K33, K34, K35, K36, K37, K38, K39, K3A, K3B,           K3D, \
    K40, K41, K42,           K45,                     K4A, K4B, K4C, K4D  \
    K00, K01, K02, K03, K04, K05, K06, K07, K08, K09, K0A, K0B, K0C, K0D, \
    K10, K11, K12, K13, K14, K15, K16, K17, K18, K19, K1A, K1B, K1C, K1D, \
    K20, K21, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K27, K28, K29, K2A, K2B, NO,  K2D, \
    K30, NO,  K32, K33, K34, K35, K36, K37, K38, K39, K3A, K3B, NO,  K3D, \
    K40, K41, K42,           K45,                NO,  K4A, K4B, K4C, K4D  \

#define KEYMAP_HHKB( \
    K00, K01, K02, K03, K04, K05, K06, K07, K08, K09, K0A, K0B, K0C, K0D, K49,\
    K10, K11, K12, K13, K14, K15, K16, K17, K18, K19, K1A, K1B, K1C, K1D, \
    K20, K21, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K27, K28, K29, K2A, K2B,      K2D, \
    K30, K32, K33, K34, K35, K36, K37, K38, K39, K3A, K3B,      K3D, K3C, \
    K40, K41, K42,           K45,                     K4A, K4B, K4C, K4D  \
    K00, K01, K02, K03, K04, K05, K06, K07, K08, K09, K0A, K0B, K0C, K0D, \
    K10, K11, K12, K13, K14, K15, K16, K17, K18, K19, K1A, K1B, K1C, K1D, \
    K20, K21, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K27, K28, K29, K2A, K2B, NO,  K2D, \
    K30, NO,  K32, K33, K34, K35, K36, K37, K38, K39, K3A, K3B, K3C, K3D, \
    K40, K41, K42,           K45,                K49, K4A, K4B, K4C, K4D  \

Lastly, the keymap_poker.c file:

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#include "keymap_common.h"

const uint8_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
// O:qwerty
KEYMAP(ESC,  F1,  F2,  F3,  F4,  F5,  F6,  F7,  F8,  F9,  F10, F11,  F12, HOME,PGUP, \
       FN,   1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,   0,   MINS, EQL, BSPC,      \
       TAB,  Q,   W,   E,   R,   T,   Y,   U,   I,   O,   P,   LBRC, RBRC,BSLS,      \
       CAPS,      A,   S,   D,   F,   G,   H,   J,   K,   L,   SCLN, QUOT,ENT,       \
       LSFT,      Z,   X,   C,   V,   B,   N,   M,   COMM,DOT, SLSH,END,  UP,  PGDN  \
       LCTL, LALT,               SPC,                GRV, RALT,RCTL, LEFT,DOWN,RGHT),
// 1: FN 1
       LGUI, TRNS,               TRNS,               TRNS,TRNS,RGUI,TRNS,TRNS,TRNS),

const uint16_t PROGMEM fn_actions[] = {
Thanks for looking it over and helping a beginner.

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