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The *Ping* Award 2014

Posted: 03 Dec 2014, 01:00
by webwit

Please vote for your winner of The *Ping* Award 2014. What was the worst keyboard or keyboard/input device related experience in 2014?

By voting in this category you can win a Matias of your choice from The Keyboard Company!

This is the final round. See the first round and second round for reference.

The final round ends on Monday 8 December, 20:00hrs UTC. You can change your vote until the end of the round. The winner and full results will be released soon after the vote closes.
The official nominees are:

Cherry for campaigning against quality mech keyboards in the workplace
"Upgrade your old-fashioned, hopelessly outdated keyboard. Technically, ergonomically and from a data-protection perspective. Outdated inside, with yesterday’s performance, technology, and security. Switch to our modern, wafer-thin wet newspaper and dead octopus designs. Yours, Cherry."

Exchange your filthy, loud and ugly keyboard for something more elegant and silent.

Corsair for the double whammy of logo and RGB facepalms
Corsair's new Corsair Gaming logo didn't quite meet the expectations of their following, while their new RGB keyboards' advertised colour range of 16777216 different colours just came short a measly 16776704 colours.

Woman demonstrating Corsair's classy restyled logo, in full "Corsair RGB" colours.

GH60 delays, delays...
Please be patient for your PCB. Our guy went on a world trip trying to discover his inner Yin radiance. His replacements just need the stabilizers, but the bridge was open. Unfortunately the new group buy for stabilizers is on hold because the dog ate them. Please review your address in the Google Document, and all will be well!

Some Geekhack members who have been waiting for a long time, trying to keep themselves entertained in the meantime.

Razer's marketing for BlackWidow 2014 with "Razer" switches "designed ground-up for gaming"
"The all-new Razer Mechanical Switch - Green (Clicky) and Orange (Non-Clicky). Designed from the ground up for gaming.", said Razer's CEO. Of course they turned out to be mere clones.
Reported creaky sounds not included.

The crushing of the banking Kishsavers
Our favorite vintage keyboard dealer Electronics Plus found a number of extremely rare IBM Kishsavers... only to see them crushed due to the bank's data destruction policy! A thousand cries were heard, they echoed in the wind.
*Warning: Extremely Graphic*

Posted: 03 Dec 2014, 10:55
by Miko
I can't decide between cherry and razor... Quite a lot of competition in this category.

Posted: 03 Dec 2014, 12:10
by Madhias
Hard to decide for me between Cherry and the crushing of the Kishsavers...

Posted: 03 Dec 2014, 23:32
by JBert
webwit wrote: Image
Exchange your filthy, loud and ugly keyboard for something more elegant and silent.
I see you haven't wasted the extra time you gained by letting others help with nominee texts. Well done!

Posted: 03 Dec 2014, 23:41
by Hypersphere
Well, I voted for the horrible crime of crushing the Kishsavers, because I felt the pain of this quite acutely. The other candidates had also committed egregious acts, but they did not strike at the heart the way the Kishsaver Killer did.

However, whichever one wins the most votes, I would hope that the others would live in infamy as well, perhaps by our giving out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places as well as a couple of dishonorable mentions.

Posted: 04 Dec 2014, 00:04
by Parak
Well, technically thousands of 4704s have been crushed entirely unbeknownst to us. Still are, obviously, it's just that we happened to hear second hand about it for once. So, at least other voting choices are fresher :P

Posted: 05 Dec 2014, 22:19
by webwit
The vote closes on Monday 8 December at 20:00 UTC. Vote now!

The two nominees with currently the most votes are (in alphabetical order):
Cherry for campaigning against quality mech keyboards in the workplace
The crushing of the banking Kishsavers