Search found 57 matches

by yab8433408
16 Jan 2018, 14:13
Forum: Gallery
Topic: 樱桃黄轴 Cherry yellow
Replies: 16
Views: 5400

I am curious that this keyboard just happens to be the same model (Chicony KB-5191) that mine and Michael Schmid's switches came from — I will invite cherry-jade to comment on this, as he was the original supplier of those switches. It seems a strange idea, to take the PCB from a broken keyboard, a...
by yab8433408
16 Jan 2018, 05:44
Forum: Gallery
Topic: 樱桃黄轴 Cherry yellow
Replies: 16
Views: 5400

樱桃黄轴 Cherry yellow

从2013年开始,中国的淘宝中,部分无良商贩,利用紫金黄轴等黄色轴芯,制作假的所谓“樱桃黄轴” 这些轴体基本有一个特性,他们都出现在各类非樱桃产无钢板键盘上,利用无钢板键盘更换轴心较为方便较为方便 将原有樱桃轴上盖打开,将紫金黄轴轴心替换掉原有轴体的轴芯和弹簧,装上樱桃轴上盖,仿冒“樱桃黄轴” 一般人拿到后,因为电路板无二次焊接痕迹,轴体上盖及底座均为真实樱桃轴无疑,所以很多人上当受骗。 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 从2013年开始,断断续续有一些朋友购买了黄轴后,找我对比我手中的樱桃黄轴 但经过经对比后,一些朋友购买的所谓樱...
by yab8433408
15 Jan 2018, 02:46
Forum: Gallery
Topic: 樱桃黄轴 Cherry yellow
Replies: 3
Views: 1885

樱桃黄轴 Cherry yellow

最近很多人质疑,到底樱桃出过黄轴没有,加上市面有人恶意仿冒,造成大家对樱桃是否生产过黄轴产生诸多疑惑。 我有幸于2010年从中国台湾地区得到了一颗樱桃黄轴,从各方面来说比较符合樱桃的做工及其风格,个人认为是樱桃生产。 由于我完全不懂英语,不经常登录国外论坛,机缘巧合之下,之前拍摄的黄轴的拆解图片并没有发至DT论坛。 最近得知有人对黄轴的真伪有不同的见解,并且大多数人购买黄轴的途径是中国的淘宝,且很多买到的仿冒的黄轴。 故现在特将2011年拍摄的,凯华黄轴和樱桃黄轴的对比图片发布出来,希望对大家的鉴定有一定帮助。 如果不同见解,欢迎大家提出,由于我不懂英语,所以我会使用翻译软件和大家交流。 如果...
by yab8433408
29 Nov 2013, 01:41
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Is that kind of dolch?
Replies: 30
Views: 8135

by yab8433408
20 Oct 2013, 03:42
Forum: Gallery
Topic: cherry MX1A - ?
Replies: 3
Views: 1943

cherry MX1A - ?

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cherry MX1A - ?

不好意识 我不会英文 我暂时只能将中文通过谷歌翻译与大家交流~~~

Good sense I do I will not only be Chinese English via Google Translate to share with you ~ ~ ~
by yab8433408
17 Oct 2013, 17:28
Forum: Gallery
Topic: MX1A-B1xx
Replies: 60
Views: 15382

7bit wrote:I think, what he want to tell us, is that the wiki entry is wrong and MX1A-B1xx is not a super black but a super grey.

Thanks for your great contributions!


by yab8433408
17 Oct 2013, 16:56
Forum: Gallery
Topic: MX1A-B1xx
Replies: 60
Views: 15382

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1CN ≠ 1g

MX1A-B1xx ≠ 150g
by yab8433408
17 Oct 2013, 16:30
Forum: Gallery
Topic: MX1A-B1xx
Replies: 60
Views: 15382


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by yab8433408
16 Feb 2013, 12:57
Forum: Gallery
Topic: 356mini
Replies: 44
Views: 25437

不好意识 我通过谷歌大体了解了你们的疑问

由于我不懂得任何外语 所以我使用中文回答你们的问题

首先 弹簧是OTD论坛团购所得 不是任何一款轴体中的弹簧

其次 我使用灰色轴体 并不是我喜欢灰色 是因为我想学韩国人那样 做一把比较轻白轴

白轴相对普通 索性拿十字杆结构和白轴一样的有段落灰 也还比较好看
by yab8433408
11 Jan 2013, 02:14
Forum: Gallery
Topic: A few select finds of the past months
Replies: 14
Views: 5130

好多好东西啊 老帅了~~~

by yab8433408
29 Dec 2012, 04:45
Forum: Gallery
Topic: G80-1700 SAUx2, NCR G80-3077 SAU
Replies: 9
Views: 5210

Josh wrote:谢谢龙哥指正。。

不敢不敢 我也就是纯属玩我呢罢了 饿饿饿
by yab8433408
27 Dec 2012, 02:46
Forum: Gallery
Topic: G80-1700 SAUx2, NCR G80-3077 SAU
Replies: 9
Views: 5210

g81 3077 ncr is good, I also have one. your keycaps are better than mine. haha I changed the pcb into g80 3234's pcb and changed the switches into red is a great fun to find these things and make them to become the keyboard you like. if you like, you can click the link to see my keybo...
by yab8433408
27 Dec 2012, 02:42
Forum: Gallery
Topic: yab8433408's Cherry Switches
Replies: 36
Views: 50410

Josh wrote:my god, 龙哥,您怎么又来这里了
我到处玩 就是不会外语 哈哈哈啊
by yab8433408
17 Dec 2012, 02:44
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry Russian Dyesub Keyboard ESA-3000-HASRO
Replies: 80
Views: 53372

by yab8433408
16 Dec 2012, 13:31
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry Russian Dyesub Keyboard ESA-3000-HASRO
Replies: 80
Views: 53372

呵呵, 之前在 售 85€,現在就 495€ 了 ---------------------------------------- 香港的这位大哥 您好 小弟由于不懂外语 很少逛易趣 国外论坛也只是看图 但是这个事情我略有耳闻 听我朋友说 前段时间有两把全新键盘在德国易趣上出售 由于是一口价 在发布后很快就被人买下 成交价格不到100欧元 而卖家将另外一把非全新的这款键盘发布拍卖 最后以565欧元结束 所以 litster大哥 确实算是十分好运气了 可惜我们没有发现啊 现在原厂二色键帽复刻 希望原厂热升华键帽也能丛焕青春 不过值得一说的是 我之前花较贵的价格买的原厂红二色ESC...
by yab8433408
16 Dec 2012, 13:15
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry Russian Dyesub Keyboard ESA-3000-HASRO
Replies: 80
Views: 53372

龍兄,歡迎再來DT。小弟十分好運,平價85€買到這罕見珍品. ------------------------------------------ litster 大哥您好 您叫我龙兄就是折杀我也 您叫我龙儿就成~~ 我主要是英语不好 一般都只过来看看图片而已 偶尔看到好东西 用中文惊叹一下 这一把ESA-3000-HASRO键盘实在稀有 之前只在韩国键盘爱好者手中见到过 但并非全新 哪怕是G81-3000SAV 在全世界键盘爱好者中也并不算多 而全新就更加少见了 更显得您这把的稀有 而我非常喜欢带有俄罗斯字符的键盘 我只有能力搜集到一把全新G80-3000HAV 用这么低的价格购买到这种稀...
by yab8433408
16 Dec 2012, 05:44
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry Russian Dyesub Keyboard ESA-3000-HASRO
Replies: 80
Views: 53372

tinlong117 wrote:
yab8433408 wrote:它到底是热升华吗 它太美了~~~
是热升华 :) :)
不会英文真痛苦啊 哈哈~~~

我也很想拥有它 可惜它不是每个人都拥有的东西
by yab8433408
15 Dec 2012, 13:51
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry Russian Dyesub Keyboard ESA-3000-HASRO
Replies: 80
Views: 53372

它到底是热升华吗 它太美了~~~
by yab8433408
10 Nov 2012, 04:26
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Vintage Cherry finds. Blue doubleshots + vintage switches
Replies: 22
Views: 6626

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by yab8433408
28 Jul 2012, 17:11
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry R_B Control and Alt Double Shot 1.5x modifiers
Replies: 9
Views: 44537

看上去很不错 可能更为稀有吧 谢谢您的解答~~~
by yab8433408
28 Jul 2012, 03:49
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry R_B Control and Alt Double Shot 1.5x modifiers
Replies: 9
Views: 44537

litster wrote:These came off of an RGB Desko keyboard. the green shifts are dye sub, but the Control and Alt keys are surprisingly double shot keycaps. The blue ones are a little faded.

Worthy for the banner? :D
Cherry Double Shot Ctrl and Alt-lores-1.jpg

他和一般常见到的RGB的颜色好像有少许区别 不知道他的特别之处 他来之什么地方呢!?
by yab8433408
06 Jul 2012, 16:06
Forum: Gallery
Topic: cherry olivetti hau
Replies: 21
Views: 5270

cherry olivetti hau

cherry olivetti hau

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by yab8433408
03 Jul 2012, 12:40
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Olivetti KBD 2812
Replies: 17
Views: 4256

by yab8433408
22 Apr 2012, 02:59
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Ergonomic keyboard spotted on Captain Scarlet
Replies: 21
Views: 7220


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by yab8433408
15 Apr 2012, 04:01
Forum: Gallery
Topic: RGB —— G80-1800
Replies: 15
Views: 3785

I heard that on the Korean special double shot RGB, the right shift has some shine even when it is new, and could be due to the mold. Has anyone heard of this? Nope, definitely not. I got two sets and both are flawless. Mail reply if you have other questions can contact me if you need In addition t...
by yab8433408
13 Apr 2012, 07:54
Forum: Gallery
Topic: RGB —— G80-1800
Replies: 15
Views: 3785

RGB —— G80-1800

RGB —— G80-1800
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by yab8433408
02 Apr 2012, 14:44
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry 5000 trilogy
Replies: 8
Views: 4217

@yab8433408 8433408, what a coincidence, my lucky number! Anyway, interesting, the stock art seems to be much more like the V80-5000. There's also the slant underneath the bottom row leading to the wrist rest that is much steeper. Could mean nothing. Could be just stock art. But maybe there's a ver...
by yab8433408
02 Apr 2012, 05:49
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry 5000 trilogy
Replies: 8
Views: 4217

webwit wrote:HAU? Appears to be the same as the HAAUS.

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by yab8433408
01 Apr 2012, 16:37
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Cherry 5000 trilogy
Replies: 8
Views: 4217

4 :?:
by yab8433408
14 Mar 2012, 08:12
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Vortex NEW Metal keycap
Replies: 14
Views: 4553

wzz47 wrote:李哥就是以前无极一直出现的李哥 ~~

你也来了啊 哈哈哈

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