Phantom Custom Keyboard Group Buy (CLOSED)


17 Sep 2012, 20:17

If anyone in the EU has a spare WIN key with plate and teensy then please sell it to me!

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17 Sep 2012, 20:18

7bit wrote:I sell 2 Phantom PCBs with 7BIT-layout and Teensy.


Phantom PCB: 40 EUR
7BIT mountplate: 20 EUR

Exchange rate is 1 EUR = $1.3 .
I present all of you with an alternative. If anyone wants to switch their plates with these 7BIT plates, I will buy your PHISOWIN so you can get one of these instead.


17 Sep 2012, 20:22

I am pretty sure I promised to sell you one of my spares. And I got an original Filco mounting plate as well, missing the easy switch open cutouts then of course...

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17 Sep 2012, 20:26

7bit wrote:
Swede wrote:Still not gotten mine, hoping it's on it's way :)

Guess I get it sometime next week :)
You need to decide if you want the G80-2100 or just the key caps.


All remaining orders are packed and will ship today, along with some CherryMX orders.
I have a feeling you're talking about me now. We Swedes are not the same person, I promise. ;)

By the way, if there's anyone who have a PCB and a PHANSI150 plate they don't need/want, I'm the man to talk to. :)

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17 Sep 2012, 20:31

fruktstund wrote:...
I have a feeling you're talking about me now. We Swedes are not the same person, I promise. ;)

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17 Sep 2012, 20:32

fruktstund wrote:I have a feeling you're talking about me now. We Swedes are not the same person, I promise. ;)
Shit, they're multiplying?! :mrgreen:


17 Sep 2012, 20:32

7bit wrote:
fruktstund wrote:...
I have a feeling you're talking about me now. We Swedes are not the same person, I promise. ;)
Don't worry about that, everyone makes mistakes ;)


17 Sep 2012, 20:33

gimpster wrote:
fruktstund wrote:I have a feeling you're talking about me now. We Swedes are not the same person, I promise. ;)
Shit, they're multiplying?! :mrgreen:
Yep, almost 10million of us now.

Be afraid! :evilgeek:

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17 Sep 2012, 21:15

I know six Swedes of the top of my head that are active here. Compared to our population, we have a large representation, don't we?

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17 Sep 2012, 21:34

I know 8 from Round 4 alone...


17 Sep 2012, 22:55

I keep a file of all Swedish guys I come across on Deskthority and Geekhack. It has 37 entries so far.

BTW, I just finished modding my PHISO plate to have a bottom row of 1.5-1-1.5 - 6 - 1.5-1-1-1.5.
In other words, one-unit Windows and Menu keys and the Alt Gr key under '.', like on a Topre Realforce or a iOne keyboard.
Thanks again to bpiphany (PrinsValium) for making the PCB support it!!! :D
Unfortunately, my camera does not work, so I can't show it.
Last edited by Findecanor on 17 Sep 2012, 23:00, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

17 Sep 2012, 22:58

Hmmm... should they be worried?


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17 Sep 2012, 22:59

Well, now it just became creepy, you are off my list sir :P

On a more serious note, that is nice to have if you ever want to ship things together and want to scan through a list of people who have already bought an item.


17 Sep 2012, 23:05

I keep only board-names. Otherwise, I might get Datainspektionen on my ass ... ;)
I started when there was a thread on Geekhack about how many people there were from each country.

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17 Sep 2012, 23:15

Findecanor wrote:I keep only board-names. Otherwise, I might get Datainspektionen on my ass ... ;)
I started when there was a thread on Geekhack about how many people there were from each country.
I can deliver names. addresses, bank account numbers. Let me know if you need anything else.


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Asperger's... SQUIRREL!

17 Sep 2012, 23:31

I only started keeping a list after GH was R00TW0RMed. But it only contains the names and addresses of the usernames. I would have to manually dig through paypal for their email addresses.


18 Sep 2012, 17:28

Just got mine :D

Now of to the wiki to get this thing working :)


18 Sep 2012, 20:59

My modified PHISO plate overlaid over an unmodified plate of the same type.
platemod.jpg (59.69 KiB) Viewed 5075 times
How I did it:
1. Using another plate as mask, I spray painted where I was going to cut. However, there was some gap between the plates so I got paint where I wasn't supposed to.
2. Cut most of the holes using a hacksaw. Unfortunately, I screwed up and marred some of the surface.
3. Filed with small file and then with needle files. Now and then I matched up another plate to make sure that the hole had the right position and size. This took most of the time. I used a 1 cm wide triangular file, a flat needle file and a square-profile needle file.
4. Removed excess paint using acetone.
4. Blackened the exposed metal using Birchwood-Casey "Aluminum Black", from a gun store. I applied it with q-tips three times with drying and rinsing. I blackened also where I had marred the finish. It does not look like the chemical has affected the anodized finish.


18 Sep 2012, 21:35

My solderpump decided to die just in time as I forgot to add the Teensy. So I have 4 solderpoints that hold the plate in place...

Arrrgh, But then again I have other stuff to worry about ;)

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19 Sep 2012, 00:09

Received all my stuff :) Now to buy LEDs, Diodes, and Stabilizers. Any EU sources for Costar?

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19 Sep 2012, 11:12

WASDkeyboards ships costar stabilizers to EU.


19 Sep 2012, 15:28

So, just got it working, and after soldering the switches I have now got my first problems.

89 ui jk nm is not working. I wonder if I have missed a solderpoint on the teensy, but I can't find any missed solder points.

Then we have <, space left shift and Down, that does not work.

I think <, space and left shift may have to do with software.
Down, I have no idea, all solderpoints look good.

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19 Sep 2012, 15:53

Swede when I did mine, I used teensy's I already had with the pins soldered down each side. I didn't pay attention to three additional pin's I should have soldered in there.

Not sure if that's your problem or not, just something I missed through rushing straight in.


19 Sep 2012, 16:02

I soldered my teensy like this:

...........:<-- reverse

I don't see any other hole that I may have missed, neither on the PCB or on the wiki.

But B6 was hard to solder, I think the solderpad was missing. But it looks good to me.

Also Space is probably in the wrong holes, will look into that.

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19 Sep 2012, 16:31

If you soldered the three pins, and it fit on the Phantom PCB later, then you did them correct. The only way to make it fit while still soldering the three extra pins would be if you mirrored it, but then you would have to solder the teensy on the other side of the PCB.

If you have a multimeter, you can check where the connection breaks. 89uijk are all connected and it seems as if there are two columns that aren't connected somewhere.


19 Sep 2012, 17:49

Fixed the problem. F1 and F4 on the teensy had lost connection. So me and a classmate fixed it.

Also he showed me that I have blasphemous and horrible soldering skills :oops:
I have no idea how that happened... Apart from me failing at soldering. :roll:

So we had to bridge it. Works fine now.

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19 Sep 2012, 18:41

Your case skills > Your soldering skills.

Is that lead free solder?


19 Sep 2012, 20:45

My CAD skills are ok, making stuff in real life is another thing entirely!

Really I'm only decent since I do stuff in cad a lot, compared to some in my class I'm a total scrub at that too :P

It's not leadfree, but it's cheap stuff. The floss in the solder is bad, leaves a gummy residue. And this is the first project I've done when it comes to soldering, so it's expected to be bad.

Edit: forgot to ask, I guess you need lubricant with the costar stabilizers?
My space bar is not really going up and down as it should, feels like it's 4kg of sand blocking it's path ;)

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Asperger's... SQUIRREL!

19 Sep 2012, 20:52

My soldering skills and equipment aren't at master level, but well into journeyman. I just fixed my razer imperator with a murdered cherry POS board micro-switch. I had to use my trusty liquid flux to get all the solder out of the holes without murdering the traces. Apparently Omron micro-switches DO fail. Hopefully the Cherry micro-switch will last.

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19 Sep 2012, 22:20

For some reason I didn't receive any new post notification, and I have been super busy, so I haven't been back. Glad to see EU folks are getting their Phantoms. Do you guys want to keepthe building and soldering discussion on this thread, or do you prefer a separate thread?

Please update the wiki if you see anything wrong with it. I wrote the wiki back in January/February, and the plate I used to build the prototype was not the same as the final plates you received. I did update the wiki to reflect the change. But feel free to beef up the wiki and add your tips to it.

Next I hope some of you can help in modifying the firmware to add new features. Some of the features I think would be are:
  • NKRO over USB
  • BIOS compatibility support
  • Reset via key combo instead of hitting the switch on teensy physically
  • layers, lots of layers
  • Aikon-like remapping client
  • possibly .hex level compatibility with Dox and Ergo Dox so we can share tools and features

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