Cherry DS ANSI keys (first Round3 sets available)


12 Aug 2012, 05:56

Ascaii wrote:Apparently I missed some people or parcels vanished. If you paid and havent received any caps please contact me.
If you are on the list for round 2 and have not received an invoice, please pm me as well.
I've paid but currently still haven't been marked as sent. Does that. Count? Haha


12 Aug 2012, 17:19

I would love a lightly used set for my poker! How much is shipping to US? If you don't want to ship internationally, I know that feel bro.


12 Aug 2012, 17:26

sealcouch wrote:I would love a lightly used set for my poker! How much is shipping to US? If you don't want to ship internationally, I know that feel bro.

He ships internationnally, and shipping will be 5$ ~~


12 Aug 2012, 17:40

Cool. Then count me in.

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The Beard

12 Aug 2012, 19:27

sealcouch wrote:I would love a lightly used set for my poker! How much is shipping to US? If you don't want to ship internationally, I know that feel bro.
Lightly used sets are in very short supply. In a batch of 50 boards maybe one or two qualify. I recommend getting a used set, they can be restored to near new shape with just a bit of work and manual labor.

I am planning to write a guide on keycap restoration in the next weeks, including DIY instructions to make shiny caps regain a "normal" texture.


12 Aug 2012, 19:30

Any ETA on when you'll open the next sale?

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The Beard

12 Aug 2012, 22:07

Hoping ill have time to post them very soon. I want to make sure i have everyone from round 2 taken care of though.


12 Aug 2012, 22:45

I'll take a used set then! No problem at all.


12 Aug 2012, 23:09

I'll take a used set then! No problem at all. Does this mean I have one reserved or do I need to post again when they become available? Sorry for the double post.


12 Aug 2012, 23:11

sealcouch wrote:I'll take a used set then! No problem at all. Does this mean I have one reserved or do I need to post again when they become available? Sorry for the double post.
need to post again.


16 Aug 2012, 04:52

Got an invoice on May 4th, responded with my info, then never heard back with the payment info. Sent you a PM.

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16 Aug 2012, 09:57

I hope I'm not too late. I'd like to have one set, used or lightly used but no trackpoint hole.


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18 Aug 2012, 17:00

Would it be possible to get a set with both TP and non-TP G, H, and B keys?'
I know this would break up sets, but in case you get noncomplete sets or something. I could buy a TP set plus those three keys from a non-TP board in bad condition with other missing caps.

Edit: Or just the three key caps affected?

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The Beard

18 Aug 2012, 17:53

Yes, it is only those three keys affected. At the moment I have one single incomplete set...I would like to wait until I have all caps pulled to commit to breaking up this incomplete set, since I might need a key for a different set.

Another update...I have three TP sets in brand new condition, which I will put up for sale soon. Price will be a bargain compared to normal brand new sets.

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18 Aug 2012, 18:20

I will be interested in that brandnew TP set.

Btw, have you got the numpad from Deadadder, Ascaii?


18 Aug 2012, 18:26


Are the trackpoint devices usable? If yes why don't you keep them?

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The Beard

18 Aug 2012, 19:50

Yes, the trackpoints should be usable, but it is not worth the effort for me to disassemble the complete boards. Besides them being hardmounted on the g81 metal plate, their controller sits on the keyboard controller pcb, so one would need to use a teensy or other controller and write your own code for it. If anyone really wants a trackpoint from one of these boards, I would be willing to pull them out in return for a fee to cover my time. It is hard enough work to pull caps from 50 boards in a day without having to take them apart completely, so I wont do it for free.


18 Aug 2012, 19:54

Ascaii wrote:Yes, the trackpoints should be usable, but it is not worth the effort for me to disassemble the complete boards. Besides them being hardmounted on the g81 metal plate, their controller sits on the keyboard controller pcb, so one would need to use a teensy or other controller and write your own code for it. If anyone really wants a trackpoint from one of these boards, I would be willing to pull them out in return for a fee to cover my time. It is hard enough work to pull caps from 50 boards in a day without having to take them apart completely, so I wont do it for free.
how much of a fee are we talking about? :o

I may be interested.

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The Beard

18 Aug 2012, 20:56

No idea yet, Ill have to decide once i see how much effort it actually takes. Somewhere between 5 and 10 tops.


18 Aug 2012, 21:41

Ascaii wrote:No idea yet, Ill have to decide once i see how much effort it actually takes. Somewhere between 5 and 10 tops.
I'll gladely take one or two at this price, If I manage to get some of your DS sets.

Thanks !

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24 Aug 2012, 16:04

I'm in when the sales reopen!

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31 Aug 2012, 10:54

Hmm interesting.


05 Sep 2012, 07:51

Just got mine today, they're already in their denture-tab bath! Thanks Ascaii!


14 Sep 2012, 18:13

Any updates on the Round 3 orders?


14 Sep 2012, 21:13

I'm in for whatever I can get when R3 opens up. :D

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The Beard

18 Sep 2012, 18:43

I am very sorry for vanishing over and over in the past weeks...lots of personal stuff going on.

I am getting operated tomorrow, ill be stuck in hospital for a week at least...Ill try to get this back on track when im home again.

I still have a decent number of round 2 sets to send, and a suprisingly large number of round 2 "buyers" that never answered my confirmation email, so I am going to call their sets forfeit unless I receive an answer soon. If you are on the list for round 2 and havent received a pm from me, or never got an answer from me there is a good chance I screwed up and forgot you that case please contact me via PM and Ill get you sorted out as soon as I can.

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18 Sep 2012, 19:00

If any of those Round 2 people flaked out on a LU set, I'd love the chance to upgrade my Round 3 order from a U to a LU, if possible. And I hope you have a speedy recovery from the hospital and no complications. Going under the knife is never fun.

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The Beard

18 Sep 2012, 19:10

LU sets are all gone, but I will have a handful of near new and new sets once I get out.

Another information for whoever is interested:
I can pull complete trackpoint units from the boards since they have their own controller pcb inside the keyboard case.
I will pull one out, try it out, and take pictures of it once im back.

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18 Sep 2012, 19:16

New or near new would be even better. :) I just assumed those were no longer available.

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18 Sep 2012, 21:16

I hope you get well soon, back to business! :)

I'll be interested in one of the sets for the next round.

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