Otrona Attache keyboard - Fujitsu switches?

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Vintage computer guy

06 Oct 2015, 01:47

This is the keyboard from an Otrona Attache computer. The Otrona Attache was a luggable computer that was based on a CP/M operating system but also had an optional 8086 board so it could also run DOS.

The keyboard is interesting because it's made up of Fujitsu key switches and they feel great. The keycaps are kinda weird because most of them are smooth but some of them (the back is all black) feel engraved. Here are some pics.
Otrona - full keyboard
Otrona - full keyboard
Otrona - full keyboard.jpg (270.2 KiB) Viewed 5531 times
Otrona - front of keyboard assembly
Otrona - front of keyboard assembly
Otrona - front switches.jpg (416.11 KiB) Viewed 5531 times
Otrona - back of keyboard assembly
Otrona - back of keyboard assembly
Otrona - keyboard assembly back.jpg (481.97 KiB) Viewed 5531 times
Otrona - key switches close up
Otrona - key switches close up
Otrona key switches close up.jpg (485.33 KiB) Viewed 5531 times
Otrona - keyboard assembly profile
Otrona - keyboard assembly profile
Otrona - keyboard assembly profile.jpg (394.68 KiB) Viewed 5531 times
Otrona - keyboard profile
Otrona - keyboard profile
Otrona - keyboard profile.jpg (319.64 KiB) Viewed 5531 times
Otrona - key caps assorted
Otrona - key caps assorted
Otrona - key caps assorted.jpg (259.87 KiB) Viewed 5531 times
Otrona - key caps profile
Otrona - key caps profile
Otrona - keycaps profile.jpg (249.64 KiB) Viewed 5531 times


06 Oct 2015, 06:59

Yes,it's the Fujitsu Leaf Spring 1st Generation. It's very rare to see. Thanks for the high resolution.
Could you pull out the space bar and take some picture?

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Oct 2015, 12:17

That`s the most awesome keyboard I have seen in a while! 60% Fujitsu Leaf Spring 1st Generation. :shock: Very impressive.

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06 Oct 2015, 12:29

Haha, I bet some people would kill for that xD . Very nice looking board, congrats! :)

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Oct 2015, 12:40

Chyros wrote: Haha, I bet some people would kill for that xD . Very nice looking board, congrats! :)
Yeah me. I`d also spend some $$$ on it. ;)

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Vintage computer guy

06 Oct 2015, 13:54

Thanks for the replies. This is a fairly rare luggable computer
terrycherry wrote: Could you pull out the space bar and take some picture?
I'm always a little hesitant to remove space bars when cleaning a keyboard but I'll give it a shot tonight.

As I mentioned, I'm not a keyboard collector per se but a vintage computer collector so forgive me for asking. Are some of these key caps known as "triple shots"? There appears to be three layers. There is an outer black layer, an middle white layer that is right up against the outer black layer for the key cap writing and then there is an inner black layer (seems more like an insert) that is where the key cap fits into the key switch. There is a gap between the middle white layer and the inner black layer so you can see the middle white layer through the key switch cross hole. It's three layers but is this "triple shot" or is triple shot like double shot with an extra molding for a second color on a key cap? Just wondering. The Wiki doesn't really describe this but it uses the term.

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[ XMIT ]

06 Oct 2015, 15:10

From what I can tell, looking at the photos you've posted, and knowing how second and third generation Fujitsu leaf spring key caps are designed, I don't think that these are triple shot. What I do think is that the key cap tops (double shot) sit on top of an additional piece that connects to the key stem. In other words, the key cap photos above, are showing two separate pieces stuck together, similar to a Model M. That's my guess anyway.


06 Oct 2015, 15:14

snuci wrote: Thanks for the replies. This is a fairly rare luggable computer
terrycherry wrote: Could you pull out the space bar and take some picture?
As I mentioned, I'm not a keyboard collector per se but a vintage computer collector so forgive me for asking. Are some of these key caps known as "triple shots"? There appears to be three layers. There is an outer black layer, an middle white layer that is right up against the outer black layer for the key cap writing and then there is an inner black layer (seems more like an insert) that is where the key cap fits into the key switch. There is a gap between the middle white layer and the inner black layer so you can see the middle white layer through the key switch cross hole. It's three layers but is this "triple shot" or is triple shot like double shot with an extra molding for a second color on a key cap? Just wondering. The Wiki doesn't really describe this but it uses the term.
Usually when people say triple shot they are referring to 3 colors on one cap, but strictly, it means that the cap was created with three separate injection "shots", so depending on how you caps were made, they could be. It sounds like they may be double shot with an pressed insert, as you hypothesized.

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Vintage computer guy

06 Oct 2015, 23:48

Engicoder wrote: It sounds like they may be double shot with an pressed insert, as you hypothesized.
Thanks to terrycherry's request for pics of the spacebar, I can tell you that they most likely are inserts to mate the key cap with the key switches. Here's some pics. You will note that the metal "stabilizer bar" is not on the space bar itself but on the two side key switches that go up and down simultaneously (because of the bar). That metal bar is why I always hesitate to take a space bar off. First time I've seen that set up.
Otrona - Space bar with insert stuck on key switch
Otrona - Space bar with insert stuck on key switch
Otrona - Space bar with insert stuck on key switch.jpg (313.98 KiB) Viewed 5396 times
Otrona - space bar insert removed
Otrona - space bar insert removed
Otrona - space bar insert removed.jpg (313.7 KiB) Viewed 5396 times
Otrona - insert back in space bar
Otrona - insert back in space bar
Otrona - insert back in space bar.jpg (316.31 KiB) Viewed 5396 times


07 Oct 2015, 17:33

Thanks again, snuci. I really like your high resolution photo.
As I imagined that keyboard has a strange design for space bar. I never seen this design before.
Double-shot means two different color plastic injected together by the molding machine.
Your keyboard isn't the triple-shot because each keycap has two different color only.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

07 Oct 2015, 17:44

XMIT wrote: From what I can tell, looking at the photos you've posted, and knowing how second and third generation Fujitsu leaf spring key caps are designed, I don't think that these are triple shot. What I do think is that the key cap tops (double shot) sit on top of an additional piece that connects to the key stem. In other words, the key cap photos above, are showing two separate pieces stuck together, similar to a Model M. That's my guess anyway.
Thats how I remember it also. I have not looked at my Fujitsu boards in a long time. Triple shots would be three colors.To be honest I don`t think it`s possible to see under the mount inside the keycap. I`ll have to take another look at mine.

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07 Oct 2015, 17:57

Engicoder is right. Doubleshot and tripleshot refer to a construction technique: subsequent shots of injection molding. But the way we actually use the term in keyboards is exclusively for multiple colours visible in the legends. Doubleshots give you the body colour and a single colour legend. Tripleshots add a second legend colour. Like this:


I can't find a good picture of inside of my IBM tripleshots, but they're a lot like regular doubleshots, only with a smaller third shot underneath the area with the secondary legend. The way IBM did them, that extra colour is limited to a particular area.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

07 Oct 2015, 18:00

Muirium wrote: But the way we actually use the term in keyboards is exclusively for multiple colours visible in the legends.
Easy to spot then.

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Vintage computer guy

07 Oct 2015, 18:02

Ah, very cool on the triple shots. I'd love to see a pic of the back of the "J", "K" or "L" key caps for reference. Perhaps an article in the Wiki is in order? That resource is invaluable for a newbie like me.

Thanks again.

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Master Kiibohd Hunter

07 Oct 2015, 18:48


Fujitsu had a neat idea engraving doubleshot keycaps for legends that they didn't have available.

You can see the engraved doubleshot in this pic:

The blank in that pic is also doubleshot.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

07 Oct 2015, 19:01

Some of the caps on my 1.gen are also engraved, as you pointed that out to me HaaTa!

http://deskthority.net/keyboards-f2/fuj ... it=fujitsu

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07 Oct 2015, 20:02

Very nice and attractive board indeed. :)


08 Oct 2015, 13:29

I also owned the double-shot keycap has two engraved from NEC 8801 layout keyboard(NEC white switch).
That's strange.
02.jpg (172.85 KiB) Viewed 5269 times

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Vintage computer guy

08 Oct 2015, 18:59

terrycherry wrote: Double-shot means two different color plastic injected together by the molding machine.
Your keyboard isn't the triple-shot because each keycap has two different color only.
So is a key with a light that has clear plastic in the molding a triple shot like this "reset" button? The top half has a clear plastic lens for the light underneath. This is an Alps key cap.


The key switch underneath looks like this:


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Offtopicthority Instigator

08 Oct 2015, 20:02

It's triple shot if you see three colors, clear plastic or not.

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