RIP Steve Jobs

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Wild Duck

06 Oct 2011, 02:16

Steve Jobs died after a long battle against cancer at the age of 56.

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Topre Enthusiast

06 Oct 2011, 02:30

RIP Steve.

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Wild Duck

06 Oct 2011, 03:30

I watched a bit of CNN for the *cough* expert views. I learned he was the inventor of the pc and the inventor of applications. Hmmm.


06 Oct 2011, 08:56

webwit wrote:I learned he was the inventor of the pc and the inventor of applications. Hmmm.
Mission accomplished.

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Wild Duck

06 Oct 2011, 10:17

So who invented the Internet? Was it Bill Gates or Al Gore?

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Daniel Beaver

06 Oct 2011, 14:37

webwit wrote:So who invented the Internet? Was it Bill Gates or Al Gore?

On a related note: cancer sucks.


06 Oct 2011, 16:31

Wow. On the internet you get 1 hour of respect and then become a meme.
Steve Jobs Dies.png
Steve Jobs Dies.png (101.33 KiB) Viewed 5347 times


06 Oct 2011, 19:23

Oh, Gates won't be there. He will go to hell. He is trying desperately to donate money to charity, but that won't be enough.

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Wild Duck

06 Oct 2011, 19:31

Steve Jobs won't get past the guys who committed suicide in the Chinese sweatshops.


06 Oct 2011, 19:45

webwit wrote:Steve Jobs won't get past the guys who committed suicide in the Chinese sweatshops.
Ouch. Well played.


06 Oct 2011, 19:48

Yesterday's news.

Today's news. AAPL at $373.


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Wild Duck

06 Oct 2011, 22:49

All this media stuff about Steve having revolutionized this or that is all over the top. In the bigger scope of things, Steve was a superb seller of gadgets to people with too much money.

If he would have brought to market the invention of the automobile or the airplane, he would have changed the world. If the whole world gets an iPad 2 tomorrow, the world and human society are not meaningfully changed in any way, except for the AAPL shareholders and the bad part that everyone would be in a company ecosystem.

In fact if the iPod, iPhone and iPad would not have existed, there would be mp3-players, mobile phones and applications consumed by people behind grey boxes instead of on the couch. And no one in Europe got an Apple II because it was a piece of crap. Our God in those times was Jay Miner. Jobs was a great shifter of decadent consumption and the Edward Bernays of our time.


06 Oct 2011, 23:52

I do admire some of the things that Steve Jobs has done, but they are not all good.

Being a software guy, I think that one of Steve Jobs' biggest achievements was founding and managing NeXT, who developed the NeXTStep operating system. The OS did not become a success on its own, but it was innovative and influential: AmigaOS 2.0, OS/2 and Windows 95 all had elements in them that were clearly inspired by NeXTStep.

When Steve Jobs became CEO of Apple for the second time, he reformed the look of Apple hardware with the use of translucent plastic in the first iMac. That aesthetic became very influential in the design world at the time. At one time, everything in stores looked like translucent iMacs. There was iMac - the radio, iMac - the alarm clock, iMac - the dish stand, and even iMac - the kitty litter. Absolutely horrible.

In 2005, I was lured into buying a Macintosh, thinking that I would get a nice Unix system with a modern UI, like an updated NeXTStep. I found it, however, to be worse to use than Linux + GNOME + my NeXTStep-like window manager so I sold the machine.

I don't think that anyone can deny that the Apple iPhone really set off the smartphone business and that the iPad set off the tablet business. People are now not using phones just to talk, but to browse web pages, read the newspaper and play games .. while they are connected. This increased wireless connection is not only a good thing -- it is exposing people to much more radiation than before. More children are given smartphones and tablets for play and study, and Apple is actively encouraging this trend. In my opinion, children should not use, or be forced to use, radiating equipment -- people should be educated about that there being risks with wireless technology and given a choice. Children are not able to balance risks and benefits and make that choice.
Last edited by Findecanor on 07 Oct 2011, 19:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

07 Oct 2011, 00:04



08 Oct 2011, 17:05

I always liked the ads. Rarely bought the product.

And Chiat Day, the ad agency, is very much like Steve Jobs. Prickly dificult to deal with assholes that innovate.

We crazy assholes are SO misunderstood.
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11 Oct 2011, 21:23

This guy has a point. Steve Jobs wasn't great; he wasn't even close.
steve_jobs_article.jpg (509.46 KiB) Viewed 5157 times


11 Oct 2011, 22:04

Those Indians are sure good at bows and arrows.

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Wild Duck

27 Oct 2011, 17:12

The local press here is occupied with the news Steve Jobs was building a superyacht by a company in my city. Similar on the outside as the one shown in the video, but apparently inside he was having it done with all glass walls, floors and ceilings. The big question is now what will happen with it. Any takers?

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27 Oct 2011, 21:23

iYacht prototype?

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Wild Duck

27 Oct 2011, 22:19

I like the message of that video. If you're a graying billionaire, you can lure a lot of alcoholic bikini bitches with a boat like that.

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30 Oct 2011, 21:31

webwit wrote:I like the message of that video. If you're a graying billionaire, you can lure a lot of alcoholic bikini bitches with a boat like that.
I'd just take the bitches without the bikini.

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30 Oct 2011, 22:02

I for one wouldn't like to give my billion dollar yacht herpes.


04 Nov 2011, 10:26

Steve was a prodigy..,who showed the world even impossible is possible ...!
Even in hard times when he lost everything, he did not lose his hope and eventually the fame and success he deserved dawned upon him...!
he will be remembered as the best engineer of our time..:)
R.I.P Steve
you'll always be missed..

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Elite +1

04 Nov 2011, 10:35

<rant>No, he was a greedy man that prospered on you giving up all your digital rights and money. I hate everything he did. He also gets credit for a lot that he didn't do like touch screen, mouse and gui.
He was the worst person that I know of in technology. </rant>

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04 Nov 2011, 21:31

he will be remembered as the best engineer of our time.. :)
You're being ironic, right? Accidentally hitting shift while typing the semicolon?

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04 Nov 2011, 21:45

He will be remembered as the best marketdroid of our time!
Fixed that for all times!

Ah, yes:
And thanks for NeXT, even if I'm only using a clone!

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Input Nirvana

10 Nov 2011, 22:53

He obviously had his place, and would have continued to do so for quite a while into the future, this is a given.

When I was 28-30 I had a beautiful 38 foot Ericson sloop, that ultimately had a 'no tops' policy for groups of girls. That worked very well for almost a year until I basically got caught enjoying the 'moods' that some of them would be in later in the evenings. Word got out and attendance dropped off by about half, and the dynamic was lost.

After that it was just boobies, hassle, and cost. The magic was gone. Sigh.

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Wild Duck

11 Nov 2011, 02:55

Was this when you found new magic and meaning in mechanical keyboards?

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Input Nirvana

11 Nov 2011, 09:19

What? Webwit has insight into my soul?


11 Nov 2011, 16:58

I now have an Apple Aluminum given to me by Aggiejy.
FLA_3574.jpg (632.79 KiB) Viewed 4840 times
I'm impressed! Better Industrial Design than any other keyboard I have.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs.

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