Deskthority Secret Santa 2015

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Gotta start somewhere

23 Dec 2015, 19:25

Thanks, sending a message to 7bit now.

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23 Dec 2015, 19:26

You should also have a bunch of messages from the 30 November from 7bit or 7bot telling you about your giftee.

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Gotta start somewhere

23 Dec 2015, 19:30

I don't have anything. :?

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Cherry Picker

23 Dec 2015, 19:39

I got emails, not messages! Search your email for 'Secret Santa 2015'.

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23 Dec 2015, 19:41

Readmaus, check your email, you should have something from (check SPAM folders, it sure looks like spam :) ).

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[ XMIT ]

23 Dec 2015, 20:10

IIRC we omitted you Redmaus from Secret Santa due to lack of responsiveness around the time we were shipping things. There were several pings over a period of several days. So if you don't see anything from 7bit this is likely why.

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23 Dec 2015, 20:14

Yeah, I vaguely remember someone falling through the cracks. It wouldn't have been responsible to include a no-show.

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23 Dec 2015, 20:15

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Gotta start somewhere

23 Dec 2015, 23:41

Phew! Yeah nothing in my email either.

It would be quite unfortunate and embarrassing to have someone not get a gift because I wasn't paying attention.

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24 Dec 2015, 12:59

Just picked my secret Santa package from my German proxy, arrived just in time. Will post images later

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24 Dec 2015, 18:06

Merry Christmas everybody!

Code: Select all

Wed, 23.12.2015 09:22: Speyer, The shipment will be transported to the destination country and,
                        from there, handed over to the delivery organization.

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29 Dec 2015, 12:56

My package arrived yesterday, but I had no time to open it ...

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29 Dec 2015, 13:25

Mine arrived. Made crappy pics, maybe I'll post them later. Have to do some typing first. Will try out new o-rings while doing so.


29 Dec 2015, 19:24

Mine arrived today....Oh....My....GOD!!! thank you so much my SS!! I will post pictures later, I am still going trough the box!!

P.S. my gift will be sent out in a few days ;)

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31 Dec 2015, 17:30

Got my gift today!
It's great! Thank you Santa!
I'll post pics next year!

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05 Jan 2016, 23:06

My Santa got held up methinks.


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Gotta start somewhere

05 Jan 2016, 23:30

Well in a way, I did get my secret Santa present!
Secret Santa.jpg
Secret Santa.jpg (536.28 KiB) Viewed 4664 times
Me and XMIT went to an e-recycler and found all these goodies. He might have some better pictures as mine is very blurry, but we found a lot of really good stuff. Including a TEX Beetle that I am typing on now although this small shift is unbearable :x

Other noteworthy items:

XT Model F
Omron switch board
Blue alps
Model M13 Beige with the manual and floppy
XMIT's Siig Minitouch
Couple of XMIT's Osborne linear keyboards(big ones below top right corner)

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05 Jan 2016, 23:49

You found a TEX Beetle in recycling!?! Those only came out a couple of years ago…

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[ XMIT ]

06 Jan 2016, 03:41

Redmaus don't forget the actual Secret Santa presents that magically appeared this morning too! I think some key caps and a donor board for switches or something like that?

Yeah, we found a TEX Beetle today and I found an Cooler Master QuickFire TKL board last time. Both were Cherry MX Blues.

My SIIG MiniTouch today has Monterey Blues.

Some of my finds today will make their way to the wiki, the photos pages, or my sales thread. In time. I do still have a Hall effect board to reverse engineer.

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Gotta start somewhere

06 Jan 2016, 12:52

Oh right, the board with alps yellow switches and some one piece buckling spring caps.

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Cherry Picker

10 Jan 2016, 21:41

7bit wrote: My package arrived yesterday, but I had no time to open it ...
Still no pics!?

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Offtopicthority Instigator

10 Jan 2016, 23:15

Awesome finds Redmaus! Looking foreward to better pics.

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14 Jan 2016, 10:04

Who else is still waiting? Kbdfr?

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The Tiproman

14 Jan 2016, 11:47

Got news two days ago from my (now not Secret) Santa that my gift was returned to him.
Obviously DHL not only failed to deliver, but also "forgot" to notify me that I could fetch it :evil:
My Santa is giving it another try :mrgreen:

Halvar, perhaps you are just a victim of Portuguese procrastination:
29 Dec 2015, 19:24, lolpes wrote: […] P.S. my gift will be sent out in a few days ;)

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14 Jan 2016, 13:05

Yep, lolpes is my hope :geek: , that's why I hoped to find out how many other people are hoping for lolpes, too... ;)

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Gotta start somewhere

14 Jan 2016, 15:52

Oh my secret santa came through even though I forgot.

XMIT got me my yellow alps board when we were at a warehouse from his keypocalypse stores. :D

Also a set of one-piece caps for my Unsaver.
IMG_7700.JPG (343.53 KiB) Viewed 4466 times

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[ XMIT ]

14 Jan 2016, 18:20



18 Jan 2016, 13:28

Halvar wrote: Yep, lolpes is my hope :geek: , that's why I hoped to find out how many other people are hoping for lolpes, too... ;)
I shipped mine today Finnally :D:D:D Hope my giftee likes it whoever he may be :p


18 Jan 2016, 13:31

kbdfr wrote: Halvar, perhaps you are just a victim of Portuguese procrastination:
29 Dec 2015, 19:24, lolpes wrote: […] P.S. my gift will be sent out in a few days ;)
I am sorry to admit you were right xD

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