Crypto-currencies and Alt-coins

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ISO Advocate

14 Jun 2017, 12:59

webwit wrote: Luckily ordinary money was and is never used for crime.
Pretty much everything is used for crime ... but when something is heavily and dominantly used for crime, it's time to reconsider.

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14 Jun 2017, 13:02

Swish is awesome. I live in Sweden and rarely ever have cash on me.

I literally just Swished 400:- over to the babysitter who is helping my wife right now, since she has been conducting a job search and hard to do with a kid at home. Takes about 10 seconds of putting in personal pin codes and boom. It is linked to your phone number (to receive) and your device (to send) so it is pretty crypologically secure. Someone needs to physically have your device and know your codes. If you change phones but keep numbers, you can get a new activation and cancel old ones.

Street vendors take it. Produce sellers that set up in squares take it. Picking up things second hand via Facebook groups, Blocket or Tradera (Craigslist and eBay equivalent respectively), 99% of everyone has Swish. It is so convenient.

Basically the idea (since the firm that built it for Norea and other Swedish banks) was that Paypal was trying to edge in, but the banks hated trying to deal with disputes. All the banks in Sweden collectively operate a universal ATM network (so no fees at any bank, just a yearly charge of like 100-something kronor). So they decided to make something that will facilitate secure, person-to-person transactions without going through a third party. It was put into place just over 4 years ago and is no ubiquitous.

I mean a lot of retail won't take it yet, but normal people pretty much all have it. Actually forgot my wallet once and had a cashier buy something for me with her bank card once I Swished the cash over to her.

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14 Jun 2017, 13:16

wobbled wrote: Waste of time and electricity. The only people that truly benefited from it were those who collected it prior to its initial surge in popularity and price when its only place of use was on tor.
I know people who are living in Russia-occupied parts of Ukraine and they are supporting themselves by mining Ethereum. Electricity is "free" there (theoretically they should be paying for it, but the Ukrainian electrical company that supplies the power is located on the other side, and Ukraine can't afford to cut out two huge regions because of political repercussions).

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14 Jun 2017, 13:53

seebart wrote: Reagrdless of Bitcoin from what I read the "road" to a cashless society is quite long and difficult but may work in the long run.
A truly cashless society would be worrying. It would be very easy for a governments to oppress people they don't like. It also means total surveillance of most of your daily activities.

Cashless is comfortable, but I quite like to have cash for it's reliability, anonymity and universality. But I guess this is a typical German sentiment. Something like swish already breaks down if there's no internet or you're at a festival where the cell phone network is congested.
Luckily ordinary money was and is never used for crime.
Most criminal business is done with cash because it's anonymous and universally accepted.
when something is heavily and dominantly used for crime, it's time to reconsider
Buying drugs through a market on TOR and paying with bitcoin is much safer for buyers and sellers than buying in person. If you buy drugs from a drug dealer, you can't be sure what you're getting exactly and how much. You might also just be robbed of your money. Online markets with vendor reviews are a lot better. Vendors have to care about quality, reliability, and purity, because they get bad ratings otherwise. Dealers also don't risk being robbed by their customers or getting killed by their competitors.

When drug users have more secure access to drugs, there will be less associated crimes like robberies. If drug users can be sure what substance they're getting, there will be less overdoses, hospitalisations, and deaths. I would count all of that as positive.

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14 Jun 2017, 15:17

I hope for the future that I'll be able to pay anything cashless but that cash will be optional. So both ways of payment coexists. Me personally don't likes cash very much.

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14 Jun 2017, 17:42

It seems that I may be one of the few who likes cash. I always pay cash unless I don't meet the other party in person or the amount is more than about 200 bucks. Everyday personal life is 100% cash, the occasional higher sums bank transfer and online stuff mostly paypal.

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14 Jun 2017, 18:10

I think that there are many benefits to cash.

One of these is that you are harder to track if you pay cash. Even if you do nothing wrong, it is good to have the option not to leave a trail every time.

I think it is important for a society for people to be able to carry out their daily lives privately.

It is also harder for a third party to freeze assets unjustly.

I do not believe in the idea "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear".

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14 Jun 2017, 18:18

I basically like that there's no third party involved, with all the benefits you get from that. And when I say "benefits", I don't think of them as a bonus; it's the basic stuff I would want from money, that other payment options don't give.

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14 Jun 2017, 20:33

I thought these currencies are basically there to fund ransomware people :p .

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Offtopicthority Instigator

14 Jun 2017, 20:53

Chyros wrote: I thought these currencies are basically there to fund ransomware people :p .
Unbenannt.JPG (25.34 KiB) Viewed 5663 times

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-Horned Rabbit-

14 Jun 2017, 21:04

Ray wrote: It seems that I may be one of the few who likes cash. I always pay cash unless I don't meet the other party in person or the amount is more than about 200 bucks. Everyday personal life is 100% cash, the occasional higher sums bank transfer and online stuff mostly paypal.

I'm with you 100%, I'm a cash guy myself, occasionally debit on large sums and paypal online.

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Daniel Beardsmore

15 Jun 2017, 00:25

Chyros wrote: I thought these currencies are basically there to fund ransomware people :p .
This came through to a work address yesterday:

We are the Meridian Collective and we have chosen your website/network as target for our next DDoS attack.

1 - We checked your security system. The system works is very bad
2 - On Friday 16_06_2017_8:00p.m. GMT !!! We begin to attack your network servers and computers
3 - We will produce a powerful DDoS attack - up to 300 Gbps
4 - Your servers will be hacking the database is damaged
5 - All data will be encrypted on computers Crypto-Ransomware
4 - You can stop the attack beginning, if payment 1 bitcoin.
5 - Do you have time to pay. If you do not pay before the attack 1 bitcoin the price will increase to 10 bitcoins
6 - After payment we will advice how to fix bugs in your system

Please send the bitcoin to the following Bitcoin address:


Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment.
I found just one mention of this on the Tubes, using a different scammer name, but curiously, the same Bitcoin address. Since both messages used the same Bitcoin address, and there is no facility to contact the scammers to identify yourself, they can't determine who sent the money. (Also, nothing in the message carries any identifying data besides maybe the To header.)

I've read about Bitcoins before and it has never made a word of sense to me. I have to wonder though, if 1 BTC is worth nearly £2000 now, what would 250 BTC mined in 2013 be worth now? Would it really be worth £500,000?

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15 Jun 2017, 07:41

Daniel Beardsmore wrote:
Chyros wrote: I thought these currencies are basically there to fund ransomware people :p .
This came through to a work address yesterday:

We are the Meridian Collective and we have chosen your website/network as target for our next DDoS attack.

1 - We checked your security system. The system works is very bad
2 - On Friday 16_06_2017_8:00p.m. GMT !!! We begin to attack your network servers and computers
3 - We will produce a powerful DDoS attack - up to 300 Gbps
4 - Your servers will be hacking the database is damaged
5 - All data will be encrypted on computers Crypto-Ransomware
4 - You can stop the attack beginning, if payment 1 bitcoin.
5 - Do you have time to pay. If you do not pay before the attack 1 bitcoin the price will increase to 10 bitcoins
6 - After payment we will advice how to fix bugs in your system

Please send the bitcoin to the following Bitcoin address:


Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment.
I found just one mention of this on the Tubes, using a different scammer name, but curiously, the same Bitcoin address. Since both messages used the same Bitcoin address, and there is no facility to contact the scammers to identify yourself, they can't determine who sent the money. (Also, nothing in the message carries any identifying data besides maybe the To header.)

I've read about Bitcoins before and it has never made a word of sense to me. I have to wonder though, if 1 BTC is worth nearly £2000 now, what would 250 BTC mined in 2013 be worth now?
Would it really be worth £500,000?
Yes it would, if you would still have your Bitcoin wallet. :lol:

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17 Jun 2017, 09:09

I am invested in ETH at this time.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jun 2017, 09:22

Lord_Molvin wrote: I am invested in ETH at this time.
How is it going MrDuul ?

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17 Jun 2017, 09:36

seebart wrote:
Lord_Molvin wrote: I am invested in ETH at this time.
How is it going MrDuul ?
MrDuul is on vacation, let's try to stay on topic. This thread is for great and interesting finds, you can always PM me if you would like to talk. I am open to calm peaceful conversation through PM anytime with anyone on this forum.

You are spamming and overpopulating the Spy.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jun 2017, 09:39

Lord_Molvin wrote: You are spamming and overpopulating the Spy.
Haha you of all people telling me that...why don't you PM matt3o about it ?!?
tumblr_m162jfE3dT1r1c6jgo2_500.jpg (55.46 KiB) Viewed 5549 times

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17 Jun 2017, 09:42

seebart wrote:
Lord_Molvin wrote: You are spamming and overpopulating the Spy.
Haha you of all people telling me that...why don't you PM matt3o about it ?!?

I just want to stay on topic. Everything is resolved, everything is peace and love. Please.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jun 2017, 09:44

Lord_Molvin wrote: ...everything is peace and love. Please.
8b79140eaa4926d5cc7ab34e6dca56d2.jpg (208.15 KiB) Viewed 5537 times

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17 Jun 2017, 09:47

seebart wrote:
Lord_Molvin wrote: ...everything is peace and love. Please.
I do think I bring out the best in you tho. Your posts were getting really boring man.

When I am around you become the ultimate meme lord. We really would make a great team.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jun 2017, 09:49

Lord_Molvin wrote:
seebart wrote:
Lord_Molvin wrote: ...everything is peace and love. Please.
I do think I bring out the best in you tho. Your posts were getting really boring man.

When I am around you become the ultimate meme lord. We really would make a great team.
You want better posts from me MrDuul ?? Here, follow the links in the list:


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17 Jun 2017, 09:54

That is indeed impressive Mr. Seebart.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jun 2017, 09:59

Alright enough, we all know your MrDuul and there's nothing wrong with that it's more like a childrens game.

My little collection is far from impressive.

This is impressive: ... 417889224/

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17 Jun 2017, 10:05

seebart wrote: Alright enough, we all know your Lord Molvin and there's nothing wrong with that it's more like a childrens game.

My little collection is far from impressive.

This is impressive: ... 417889224/
I am indeed Lord Molvin.

Yes I was eyeballing Haata's flickr the other day. Legendary tier of keyboard finds.


17 Jun 2017, 15:57

Ether is a nice place to be in right now, it has a brighter future then BTC for sure

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19 Jun 2017, 19:49

Hi, At the moment I have Monero and Bitcoins. I'm interested in ETH, is it any good?

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