There goes geekhack again

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16 Aug 2012, 10:35

deleet wrote:Wow, this guy must be a real charmer.
Findecanor wrote:I think that Ripster's problem is that he believes that he is entitled to spam a lot just because he has contributed a lot in the past.
I don't think he weighs up his former contributions vs his spam.
You'll find persons like him in many enthusiast communties, people who have seen everything and then at some point get bored and go off topic a lot. Big egos of course.
There's nothing wrong with that in general but if the admins/mods/userbase tell you to give it a break you should listen to it. It's like friends in reallife telling you "you're developing into an asshole", if you don't listen to them you're gambling what you have. It's then a matter of respect you either give the other side or you don't.
There's just a certain amount of special behaviour a community can cope with and if you overdo you'll wake up alone in the morning while the tribe has moved on.

bottom line: If you don't fit into an online community any longer you can always leave or take a break, but if you can't adapt you'll risk being banned regardless of how nice you are in real life or how helpful you've been in the past.

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12 Oct 2012, 05:21

And down again...?

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12 Oct 2012, 06:10

another reason to stay on DT :·þ

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12 Oct 2012, 06:33

Anyone disagree that he did not contribute?
I do like his posts, They gave lots of good info.

So to be clear did the hacker trolls ban him or did the admins?(or was he the hacking troll???)

and is KeyboardLover still here?

edit: did anyone archive his old stuff?

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12 Oct 2012, 14:44

The admins banned him, not the script kiddies.

The problem is that he was trying to monopolize GH, and later DT, for the sake of inflating his ego. (For fuck's sake, he called himself the #1 Keyboard Expert.) Contribution is great, monopolization is not. If you contribute a lot, you will often get more leeway, but even considering his contributions, he was well past any reasonable line.

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12 Oct 2012, 15:04

TheQsanity wrote:edit: did anyone archive his old stuff?
No, they deleted all of his posts. There is no reference to him anywhere on Geekhack, except for a few people that have "R.I.P.ster" in their signatures...

I don't understand the big issue here. Does anyone give a shit about the First Amendment anymore? And if people really had that much of a problem with him, WHY COULDN'T THEY JUST IGNORE HIM? Seems like a simple enough idea to me... and it's worked for me whenever I've come across a potential asshole.

Nuff said, I'll probably be ridiculed for this anyways...


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Wild Duck

12 Oct 2012, 15:19

On deskthority he started flood spamming in some anger attack, with the explicit aim to get banned and force admin's hand. Now he lies about that to whoever wants to hear, playing the victim. The R.I.P.ster idiots should ask that pathetic cunt why he is lying to them like it's nothing.

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12 Oct 2012, 15:30

First amendment doesn't apply to private property, which Geekhack is.

(And it could never apply to Deskthority - instead, Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Article 7 of the Dutch Constitution are what apply. And again, those only apply to government intervention, not private property.)

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12 Oct 2012, 15:35

Why are we ripping on somebody that can't be here to defend himself? I mean, I understand he was being a massive douche and an ego-maniac, but he's not here anymore, so why are we still talking about it? I'm out... will not partake in this anymore.


Back to Geekhack...

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Wild Duck

12 Oct 2012, 15:36

I do it because he actively is spreading lies. Action - reaction.

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12 Oct 2012, 15:40

And it's not like we're talking about him behind his back - he can certainly read, and then go bawwwwww all over /r/Ripster.

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12 Oct 2012, 15:56

bhtooefr wrote:(For fuck's sake, he called himself the #1 Keyboard Expert.)
Actually, he was voted the #1 keyboard expert in a public poll on Geekhack. Many people called him that...
bhtooefr wrote:And it's not like we're talking about him behind his back - he can certainly read, and then go bawwwwww all over /r/Ripster.
That's even worse. Are you guys saying that Ripster is so evil that he doesn't deserve to directly defend himself as we insult him to his face? It's like sending somebody to trial without representation; it doesn't seem fair to me.
webwit wrote:I do it because he actively is spreading lies. Action - reaction.
Everybody lies. I'm sure you've done it before yourself. Action - reaction is a lame reason to dis someone... being a douche towards a douche just makes you a bigger douche.

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Wild Duck

12 Oct 2012, 16:53

Oh fuck off.

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12 Oct 2012, 17:00

webwit wrote:Oh fuck off.
I'm a cunt.
Last edited by CLiB on 12 Oct 2012, 17:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

12 Oct 2012, 17:07

13 posts about ripster and gh and calling me a liar and douche, eh? Hello ripster.


12 Oct 2012, 17:09

webwit wrote:Oh fuck off.

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12 Oct 2012, 17:14

webwit wrote:13 posts about ripster and gh and calling me a liar and douche, eh? Hello ripster.
Abusing your power as an admin to edit my posts because you can't make your own legitimate arguments? Hmm, sounds like something Ripster would do...

CLiB wrote:I'm a cunt.
CLiB wrote:Thanks for making my point...
Last edited by CLiB on 12 Oct 2012, 17:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

12 Oct 2012, 17:20

Hey ripster, that open proxy you are using, did you know it's a spam trojan? I bet it loves you feeding it your login details.

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12 Oct 2012, 17:25

Yeah, I'm actually not Ripster... nice try though. Your obviously just as much of an ego-maniac as he was if your changing and locking other peoples posts just because they made you look bad...

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Wild Duck

12 Oct 2012, 17:36

Bet you're ripster, glossy or kl. For a newbie, you have too much opinion to pull off a realistic act.

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12 Oct 2012, 17:42

Actually, I'm just a newbie here... I've been a Geekhack member since 2009. Hence the source of my opinions.

CLiB is abbreviated for Computer-Lab in Basement, in case you completely forgot about me after you left GH so long ago...

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Elite +1

12 Oct 2012, 17:46

I was keeping out, but did you change and lock the post? If so, not cool.

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Wild Duck

12 Oct 2012, 17:48

We are arguing because he spam attacked deskthority and there were 200+ members who witnessed it, yet you called me a liar, a douche and an ego-maniac. So why not fuck off and crawl into ripster's ass? I think it is an excellent idea for you to return to your natural habitat. We can stop this. I just did.

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12 Oct 2012, 18:13

CLiB just go away please I'm tired of contemplating your magnificent dialog with Webwit.

PM each other, you just annoy people.

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12 Oct 2012, 22:21

CLiB wrote:
TheQsanity wrote:edit: did anyone archive his old stuff?

That is what I would do:) if someone is not one your level of maturity then simply ignore them. Why would you respond to a 5/10 y/o if you know that they don't understand what you know? Ignoring hate comments/issues is a great tool on the internet. Truth is not everyone on the internet is the same person, has the same mind-set, or opinions. We are all human and all of us have flaws; instead of hating those who have flaws we should pity them. This is my opinion and does not have to be yours if you disagree with me that is fine, at least you too the time to read this :)

There may have been some hurtful things that Ripster may have said to you all and I don't know what he may have said but as time goes on you may forgive him and understand that he is human and must have some type of insecurities that made him act the way he did, just like the rest of us. It is a form of defense that we all know of since we were really young, it comes across differently for all of us.

Again this is just a thought, if you think that I am wrong, then I am wrong nothing more to it. :)

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12 Oct 2012, 22:30

Yes, ignoring someone on the internet is generally the best way to deal with someone you don't like. However like mentioned before, ripster started intentionally spamming DT and thus was banned for it. Yes, he was very knowledgeable about keyboards, and I found a lot of his posts humorous at the very least.

Some say he intentionally spammed gh/dt to get himself banned, and maybe it's true. But whatever happened, happened. You can always find him on reddit.


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13 Oct 2012, 03:55

[edit] my reaction is about a trolling post which no longer exist[/edit]

What the frack HardGay is doing with this ?! It seems homophobic to me but perhaps I'm wrong.

BTW This shouldn't stay here' even if we don't carry GH in our hearts.

This thread more and more looks like crap, fortunately we don't have the smell…
Last edited by Vierax on 13 Oct 2012, 14:09, edited 2 times in total.

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13 Oct 2012, 04:06

Well this thread was meant for discussing the GH downtime, dunno why we had to bring ripster into this.

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13 Oct 2012, 04:06

[edit] my reaction is about a trolling post which no longer exist[/edit]

You really want to be banned, would you ?
Last edited by Vierax on 13 Oct 2012, 14:08, edited 1 time in total.


13 Oct 2012, 04:37

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