deskthority - Suggestions and Changelog

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The Tiproman

21 Jun 2015, 08:00

SL89 wrote: This is not a suggestion or changelog just a comment. But whoever designed this whole forum (I'm assuming webwit) designed it so well. It is the only website I enjoy looking at. GH is terrible, and Reddit ranges from terrible to just meh. But DT is very well done. So thanks. […]
I do agree. DT's design looks perfectly simple and simply perfect.

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Topre Enthusiast

21 Jun 2015, 08:11

It is so great that there is a guy who has asked to buy our (heavily modified) phpBB theme twice now via the Contact form :)

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21 Jun 2015, 19:33

SL89 wrote: That's what I meant by manual. Also I agree, Muirium inverted things, I just wanted a darker theme that looks as good as black on white.
I'd also vote for a night theme. Reading at night in the dark room (I know, I know, it is bad for your eyes, you can't sleep well afterwards, etc) is a pain with a white and light theme. Call me an idiot, but for switching easily to inverted colors without cracking something was the reason for me to get an iPad. It was not easy on my Nexus 7, and I really hated it for that missing feature. They added it now in Lollipop, but that was too late!

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21 Jun 2015, 20:03

Madhias wrote:
SL89 wrote: That's what I meant by manual. Also I agree, Muirium inverted things, I just wanted a darker theme that looks as good as black on white.
I'd also vote for a night theme. Reading at night in the dark room (I know, I know, it is bad for your eyes, you can't sleep well afterwards, etc) is a pain with a white and light theme. Call me an idiot, but for switching easily to inverted colors without cracking something was the reason for me to get an iPad. It was not easy on my Nexus 7, and I really hated it for that missing feature. They added it now in Lollipop, but that was too late!
+1 to this.

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21 Jun 2015, 20:09

I personally use f.lux or Redshift and the like. Works well in my experience, maybe you should try it out. No need for a Night theme :P

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21 Jun 2015, 20:12

I use both too! But a dark theme might be nice regardless. :)

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21 Jun 2015, 20:31

I'd be up for a dark theme too. Auto apply it whenever the sun is below the horizon in Edinburgh please! Or have a switch up by the (still broken) text size box. Either's good.

DT does actually have multiple themes already enabled behind the scenes. But they don't seem to work. Go check your account settings. (Or maybe only mods see it.)


21 Jun 2015, 20:38

no orange please no orange!

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-Horned Rabbit-

21 Jun 2015, 21:47

DT has hands down the classiest website. Uncluttered, easy to navigate, and pleasant to look at. A night time theme that essentially inverts the black and white would be interesting for reading in the dark though.

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22 Jun 2015, 01:24

I'm glad you guys all dig the idea, i don't want to put extra pressure on Webwit or anything.

@Mu no themes as i can see them

@andrewjoy no orange, that is for sure.

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22 Jun 2015, 15:29

Here's where I saw it: in admin land.
Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 02.26.18 pm.png
Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 02.26.18 pm.png (439.13 KiB) Viewed 3568 times
Those preferences are all stored per user. Think I remember picking another board style for myself a while ago, as an experiment, but found there was no difference. Probably because only deskthority_base is currently implemented.

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30 Jun 2015, 01:41

Not an option for us lowly users...

Also, can we exclude the Geekhack refugee camp from the Spy function.

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30 Jun 2015, 15:21

I also would like an optional dark theme :)

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30 Jun 2015, 15:54

I always see kbdfr posting this, can it be a required field when registering?

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Wild Duck

30 Jun 2015, 15:55

But what if someone doesn't want to give his or her location?

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30 Jun 2015, 15:57

I totally didn't even think of that possibility.

Maybe make it a required field, but then give the option to hide / show it.

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The Tiproman

30 Jun 2015, 16:45

SL89 wrote: […] Maybe make it a required field, but then give the option to hide / show it.
That in fact would be a good idea.
I could then open a new thread "Please show your country of residence in your profile".

By the way and while I'm at it, could we add a smiley similar to this one? ----> Image


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30 Jun 2015, 16:48

I guess I was thinking on my feet. I just figured if it was a required bit of info people would just fill it out. The only other option would be to night register. I guess I lack foresight :oops:

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17 Jul 2015, 21:28

Lately, I've been reading a lot about Soarer's converter and the thread here has a ton of interesting resource/configs. Another example is XMIT's nice write-up about magnetic valve switches. Really interesting content, that unfortunately, often is burried deep down in topics that span pages and pages and I have trouble remembering/saving it for future reference.

Currently, the forum has a Bookmark-button for topics only. What do you think about being able to bookmark individual posts? Maybe there's an easy workaround. How do you keep track of the fine content posted on Deskthority?

Of course, this requires support from phpBB, which I'm not sure about.

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17 Jul 2015, 21:39

I hit Command+D and add such pages to my browser's bookmarks. They're synced nowadays, there's not so much to gain from doing all that server side.

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28 Jul 2015, 12:51

"Don't know if you noticed. The last post is 2 FREAKING YEARS OLD, YOU CRAZY DIAMOND. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO HAUL THIS BODY OUT THE GROUND? It will be a bit smelly."

Deep necros happen more often around here than I'd like. Can we plz make automated warning? Like plz? The people who do these are so oblivious and, so very often, they just fuck off again after hitting Submit. Leaving a trail of WTF? responses and SWEET PROJECT IM IN! replies as a poison on the land.

Can we at least auto colour necromancy posts in green text and have a friendly little grim reaper warning on them? That'd make me smile.

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28 Jul 2015, 12:55

Maybe we could change the site theme to be black with spooky orange text on threads where the last post is 2 years old?

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28 Jul 2015, 12:57

That would be cool. But then whenever I followed a link to Geekhack, I'd think "oh, ANOTHER dead thread? What happened to these guys?"

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Offtopicthority Instigator

28 Jul 2015, 13:00

scottc wrote: Maybe we could change the site theme to be black with spooky orange text on threads where the last post is 2 years old?
Yeah pretty cool idea. Fade to GH. ;)

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Finally 60%

11 Aug 2015, 14:34

I'd like to make another suggestion to improve the marketplace.
Can we add shipping regions as either a new tag, or as sub-categories in the marketplace?
Because half of the time I spend in there is checking whether a sale or group buy actually applies to me.
With the GH downtime and influx of Americanos, pretty much half the items on the marketplace are located in the US with shipping to CONUS. Shipping to the EU is either no option, or ridiculously expensive.
Plus many of the sellers (still!) don't care to add their location because they assume that everyone is american just like them. So we always have to make educated guesses by the keyboard layout and currency specified.

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11 Aug 2015, 14:35

Who does the tagging? Those guys won't.

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Finally 60%

11 Aug 2015, 14:47

In that case, really simple. Make subsections for trading regions, e.g.:
-North America

That way, you would have to decide which region to post in before putting it up.

Or, stick with tags, instead of subsections, but make a choice of region obligatory.
Last edited by shreebles on 11 Aug 2015, 14:49, edited 1 time in total.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

11 Aug 2015, 14:49

Make the sales information mandatory for sales here! No need for tags or sub-categories that way.

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11 Aug 2015, 15:06

How do we do that? Nag disinterested posters in their threads? I believe we already do that!

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11 Aug 2015, 15:06

Summon webwit?

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