Future of DT

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29 May 2024, 07:55

I'd buy just for the sheer pleasure of banning Ellipse

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29 May 2024, 07:59

Muirium wrote:
06 Feb 2024, 11:01
That little X button is getting quite the workout again this morning. Our man in Pakistan is on a bender.

Just think of all his effort registering new accounts, picking a place to post or starting a new thread, pasting in his payload links—which he presumably has to manage to some extent as well—then finally hit Submit on the post.

And then I click X. :mrgreen:
All of it is solvable by simply disabling hyperlinks being hyperlinks. $15k? So, less than a cost of one class 103 mold? I'm mostly worried about MRC here, but again, for the sheer pleasure of banning Ellipse, where do I sign?

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31 May 2024, 00:37

DMA wrote:
29 May 2024, 07:55
I'd buy just for the sheer pleasure of banning Ellipse
I think we've found our next leader :lol:

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31 May 2024, 16:24

Just needs to cough up the cash, right? Imagine what we could do here if we had an admin again? The occasional security update! Maybe even freshen up those headers. Radical stuff. :P

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31 May 2024, 23:50

Muirium wrote:
31 May 2024, 16:24
Just needs to cough up the cash, right? Imagine what we could do here if we had an admin again? The occasional security update! Maybe even freshen up those headers. Radical stuff. :P
And I'd happily develop plugins and modules for phpBB for here. Especially for the couple of suggestions I have for improving the user experience.

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01 Jun 2024, 02:34

I’d love a dark mode.

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01 Jun 2024, 17:49

Dark mode is essential.

IMG_6638.png (450.62 KiB) Viewed 5177 times
That’s using the Noir extension in Safari. But I’ve been on the dark side for quite a while now.

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02 Jun 2024, 14:06

Thanks Mu! I got the extension and it looks perfect now.

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10 Jun 2024, 08:12

Seriously though - who do I talk to and what amounts we're talking about? I do have some cash on hand - which I plan to use for certain injection molding parts, but I still have job so there will be more.

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10 Jun 2024, 14:40

keyboardjoy is the person/user account you want to ask. You may reach him faster through the discord channel, username to look for is "felotus".

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12 Jun 2024, 07:58

keyboard joy doesn't have anything to do w/ DT anymore and he's not the same person as felotus. They're "felotus_" on discord.

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12 Jun 2024, 16:26

Dunno why this whole situation reminds me more and more of the M$ operation to destroy Nokia from inside.

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21 Jun 2024, 17:11

Muirium wrote:
01 Jun 2024, 17:49
Dark mode is essential.
Essential if you wanna go blind.

Albeit, that particular dark mode looks rather better than many other "dark modes" that are, frankly, a sin. I mean, who in his/her/their/its right mind thought that "mid-gray text on a slightly brownish dark gray background" would be easy to read?

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21 Jun 2024, 19:07

I bought Noir and love it! But I like everything dark in low light places and at night. I think it does a perfect job on Deskthority.

I’ve found that dark mode seems to be a generational thing where I work. Older folks aren’t a fan but the younger people love it.

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21 Jun 2024, 19:29

thefarside wrote:
21 Jun 2024, 19:07
I bought Noir and love it! But I like everything dark in low light places and at night. I think it does a perfect job on Deskthority.

I’ve found that dark mode seems to be a generational thing where I work. Older folks aren’t a fan but the younger people love it.
Thing is, they don't know what a REAL "dark mode" is.

Discord ("dark mode") and a REAL white-on-black text window.
Discord ("dark mode") and a REAL white-on-black text window.
darkmodes.png (88.87 KiB) Viewed 3809 times

(some areas censored to protect the innocent)


22 Jun 2024, 04:26

depletedvespene wrote:
21 Jun 2024, 19:29
Thing is, they don't know what a REAL "dark mode" is.
Some apps have a dark mode (dark grey) and an AMOLED dark mode (black). Dark grey themes are preferable because grey to grey transitions are faster and less smeary than white to black.

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22 Jun 2024, 13:50

xxhellfirexx wrote:
22 Jun 2024, 04:26
depletedvespene wrote:
21 Jun 2024, 19:29
Thing is, they don't know what a REAL "dark mode" is.
Some apps have a dark mode (dark grey) and an AMOLED dark mode (black). Dark grey themes are preferable because grey to grey transitions are faster and less smeary than white to black.
The monitor's (paper's, whatever's) convenience should be secondary to the user's convenience. In my experience, text in those "dark" (dark gray) modes is generally harder and more fatiguing to read, due to the pointlessly reduced difference between background and foreground.

I suspect this is nothing but a repetition of the "black or mid-gray letters on the white screen" arguments I had 20+ years ago with the web developers when I worked at the Green Mud Bank. They could not understand that while mid-gray text might look better when eye-scanning the page as a whole (a subjective take I didn't agree with in the first place), the customer needed to READ what was on screen, not scan, and their bad choice of color degraded the user experience (to say nothing of disclaimers, always written with a stupidly small font for no good reason).


25 Jun 2024, 22:58

depletedvespene wrote:
22 Jun 2024, 13:50
I suspect this is nothing but a repetition of the "black or mid-gray letters on the white screen" arguments I had 20+ years ago with the web developers when I worked at the Green Mud Bank. They could not understand that while mid-gray text might look better when eye-scanning the page as a whole (a subjective take I didn't agree with in the first place), the customer needed to READ what was on screen, not scan, and their bad choice of color degraded the user experience (to say nothing of disclaimers, always written with a stupidly small font for no good reason).
I think it is striking a balance between too little contrast and too much contrast. Both situations can make text harder to read and may cause eye strain. In fact, the text on this forum is not black, but dark grey (#333333).

To improve scanning, that is more affected by the content structure. For example by using headings, lists, and bolding the main points.

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28 Jun 2024, 03:24

@depletedvespene dark mode isn't for normal people - it's for people with light sensitivity. When my light sensitivity flares up - basically everything above #808080 burns my eyes. When you say about "light gray on dark gray" - you probably refer to "solarized" color palette, which is an abomination indeed.
But dark mode as in "gray on black" or "colors on dark gray" is a life saver.

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06 Jul 2024, 17:51


I know that I am not very active in the forum, but I really believe that loosing the knowledge contained in these pages will be a pity.

I do not like the idea on contributing to ensure that others (i.e. ellipse) own the site. I have no problem on him making money selling keyboards, but since years he has been gathering ideas and support from the members, and to my best knowledge, he does not share the benefits. He is running a business supported by the Desthority, a non-profit forum. I wonder what would happen if he would take over.

I also find "interesting" that he announces his business in the "Group Buy" when he is actually a "vendor". In my opinion, he has been using this site as a "marketing tool" too often.

I would have no problem to support the maintenance of Deskthority provided that the community manages it.

In the meanwhile, I would like to thank all of you for sharing your knowledge and work.

Thanks a lot !



14 Jul 2024, 22:09

Here is an interesting article discussing how most forum discussion has moved to reddit and discord. An interesting read. I definitely prefer the organization and design of the sites like Deskthority and geekhack over the other forum sites as they are far more challenging to navigate and organize long-term information and topics.

https://www-xataka-com.translate.goog/s ... r_pto=wapp

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15 Jul 2024, 23:22

The tracking cookies and datamining have begun. lol.


19 Jul 2024, 00:40

It’s been a while since I’ve been here. I couldn’t help notice a gigantic overlay thing asking for permission to do stuff I don’t need or like. It’s new, and it’s beyond annoying. I have to undo several checkboxes saying something about legitimate interest. BS. Not that I have been around here a lot, but if that insulting impudance (i.e. selling peoples data to the whole world and make it look unquestionable or even important) persists, DT is finally dead for me.

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