deskthority - Suggestions and Changelog

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16 Sep 2015, 13:15

In Perl, "red but also green sometimes" can be written as /red|green/

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20 Sep 2015, 18:03

OK, enough programming language talk.

Is it possible to make these 2 marketplace threads non-sticky?
[Help] Please add your country of residence to your profile
[Help] Auto-cleanup & bumping threads

Both don't have much activity and don't fulfill a real purpose. We can use the banner to teach people certain things (like why to add your country, how to bump threads and how to use the bot).

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20 Sep 2015, 18:05

I think the "add your country" could remain a bit longer as a sticky, it makes finding it for nagging purposes much easier.

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Wild Duck

20 Sep 2015, 22:28

7bit wrote: Is it possible to make these 2 marketplace threads non-sticky?
That's 002's or 7bit's job to decide. Wait.

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Topre Enthusiast

20 Sep 2015, 22:57

Is everything mentioned in the 'Auto-cleanup' thread still correct?
If it is, then the purpose of the thread is still valid. The only compelling reason I can think off to remove the sticky would be if we worked that information in somewhere else but I can't really think of where that might be.

Edit: I see you mentioned the banner...I don't feel like that's the best place but if you can convince us otherwise... :)

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20 Sep 2015, 23:41

I doubt anyone ever reads stickies. (Gotta admit I don't.) We're forever pointing people to the location one, and will be for a while yet as existing members update their profiles. Today was the first time I even noticed the auto-cleanup thread!

Perhaps a single forum FAQ would work better for all this stuff. With linkable sections… hmm… sounds like I'm arguing in favour of a wiki article. That's not like me!

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Topre Enthusiast

20 Sep 2015, 23:55

That's actually a pretty good idea. We could just have one master sticky that links to a wiki page with all the most up to date rules and info.

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Wild Duck

20 Sep 2015, 23:57

My main problem with stickies is that once you have read them, they are just in the way forever above the topics with the newest posts.

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21 Sep 2015, 00:10

Exactly. And then everyone starts asking for their threads to be sticky too, because reasons.

I don't often see them in my main view (the forum spy) because few sticky threads here have routine action. We're pretty good at keeping their number under control, anyway. Although I'm sure 7bit would like his sales threads similarly privileged!

Perhaps the Workshop Threads of Interest model is a good one. One sticky thread in each subforum, full of pointers to the good stuff. For instance, Soarer's Converter is a great thing (I use mine very heavily) but I don't agree it should have its own sticky thread. Newbs don't know what it is before they're told about it.

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21 Sep 2015, 08:31

I do not mind the other 2 sticky threads, because they prevent us from flooding the marketplace with tons of "Look what I fount at $salesplatform"-threads, but the other 2 go in the way.

Wiki-article with a changing 1-line banner, including a link.

If possible, the banner could go between the 2 sticky threads (Grat finds / Price check), or above the thread-listing.

Make it animated for those guys who have always JavaScript on.

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The Tiproman

21 Sep 2015, 08:47

chzel wrote: I think the "add your country" could remain a bit longer as a sticky, it makes finding it for nagging purposes much easier.
I would say this is rather not what a sticky thread is for :lol:
As a matter of fact, all but one of the 79 people who registered since registering was adapted did enter a location, so obviously the "Please add your country…" thread isn't needed any more. Those who registered before without entering a location won't do it now just because of the sticky thread - after all, it was there all the time.

Away with it!
Even if it's my thread :mrgreen:

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21 Sep 2015, 10:28

One down, one to go.

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23 Oct 2015, 21:53

Incoming first world problem. Or maybe even zeroth world:
Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 8.47.40 p.m..png
Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 8.47.40 p.m..png (49.09 KiB) Viewed 3900 times
Note the space after "Great artists steal." Trouble is: not's not what I wrote. This isn't a one off either, I see it happen every time someone uses [url] tags to include an inline link. The forum spy inserts an ungainly space as the tags are closed. Easiest to see when a period is the next immediate character, but I've seen double spaces show up in my stuff before. And by Christ, I never use those!

So yeah, major top number one priority to fix this one. How can we sleep!?

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Offtopicthority Instigator

23 Oct 2015, 21:57

Right this little "bug" aint gonna bring DT down. Still, a pesky one.


23 Oct 2015, 22:02

What? You're worried about a little fricken space?

I came here to complain that the annoying login problem from a couple years ago is back. I can't login until I delete cookies and restart the browser.

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23 Oct 2015, 22:05

I'm more than worried. I am positively devastated!

What's this login problem, anyway? I've never encountered it. You're not running junk like Firefox are you?

Anyway, another good one is what happens when you quote a post with attached images. (Not much! You wind up with the bare [attachment] text in your quote.) But let's not fill Webwit's weekend with a todo list…

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Offtopicthority Instigator

23 Oct 2015, 22:09

I do run junk like FF and don't have any login issues. :mrgreen:

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23 Oct 2015, 22:12

Perhaps it's the junk in the middle of his username that's the problem. I hear that's his excuse for not contributing to the wiki: can't log in. Instead of mine: I'll break things *and* I'm a lazy bastard!


23 Oct 2015, 22:13

Muirium wrote: I'm more than worried. I am positively devastated!

What's this login problem, anyway? I've never encountered it. You're not running junk like Firefox are you?
I was joking. That space problem would kill me too. I'd just sit there seething at it, getting madder and madder.

Here's an older post on the login problem: ... ml#p165336

Yes, I'm using Firefux. I'm not thrilled with it, but it's the only browser I know that can block all the annoying ads and trackers.

I had to delete cookies to log in and post this, by the way.

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23 Oct 2015, 22:15

I use Ghostery for that. Runs on just about anything.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

23 Oct 2015, 22:17

Let's not get into the wiki thing Mu! Our canadian sailor contributes plenty here with his feedback.


23 Oct 2015, 22:19

I use Ghostery and Adblock on Safari and Firefox, but Safari has other annoyances and I don't trust it.

The "wiki thing" is not an excuse! Somebody fix that and I'll post stuff there, damn it. Actually, maybe I'll just change my username. Yes, I'll call myself "MisterAngryBastardWhoLikesVintageKeyboardsButHatesUnderscores".

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Offtopicthority Instigator

23 Oct 2015, 22:26

That's a pretty good username, a bit long but hell why not. ;)

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23 Oct 2015, 22:37

MrAngryBastard works well! It is the second greatest username suggestion yet to grace the forum.


23 Oct 2015, 22:40

Hmm... MrAngryBastard.. but what about the 500 bit? MrAngryBastard500.

But then people might wonder where the other 499 bastards are.

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23 Oct 2015, 22:42

Your avatar will still guide them to the peculiarities of your anger, and bastardliness.


15 Nov 2015, 06:29

can we get a webchat on the site and not one that goes to a different page one that stay on this page and follow the theme and webpage theme for one u can use and can skin and theme it to fit in with webpage look and it supports freenode

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20 Dec 2015, 16:18

Kiwiirc would be great. I know an other forum which use it and it's pretty good.

What really bother me right now is the lack of mobile support. I'm on my phone right now and it's a PITA to navigate on DT!

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20 Dec 2015, 17:31

I use DT about 50:50 between mobile and desktop. Definitely easier on desktop, but it's just good enough on the iPad and iPhone I have to make it worthwhile. I'd much, much rather use DT in a browser than a generic forum app like Tapatalk.

We used to promote Tapatalk here for mobile users, and GH still does. Glad we gave it up. I loathe nag messages. To reach the newbies you're aiming for, you have to hit the regulars hard. Even with a stored cookie, I see that App Store banner right across the page most times I follow a link to GH.

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Finally 60%

20 Dec 2015, 18:01

I love the idea of an in-page chat. I often find myself clicking the Spy way too often because I feel out of the loop and just want to know what's new. Would be cool to have a "live" interactive option to chat with DT nerds who are also lurking with nothing to do :D

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