Where to find Pok3r stabilizers?

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05 Dec 2015, 19:41

Hi, the stabilizers on my Pok3r make too much rattle noise and squeek so I decided to replace them with new ones. Where.do I order stabilizer clips and stems from for my Pok3r? I think Pok3r uses cherry stabilizers.

I also heard lubing might help but the stabilizers are plate mounted, so is there any easier way to lube without desoldering the switch?
Thanks for reply


05 Dec 2015, 20:36

WASD is selling MX stabilizers/lube:
http://www.wasdkeyboards.com/index.php/ ... parts.html

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05 Dec 2015, 22:12

Thanks for the quick link... I just checked it out, found lube and stabilizer clips but I wasn't able to find stabilizer stems (that little cross shaped part of the stabilizer that the key lays on).

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06 Dec 2015, 03:02

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06 Dec 2015, 03:07

Why on earth are you guys linking to "Costar" stabilizers?
Pok3r uses plate mount cherry stabilizers.
Rainman, replacing them will not help. Your best bet is a bit of light grease where the wire clips in the stabilizer base.

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06 Dec 2015, 03:12

I believe OLKB sell the correct plate-mount CherryMX-style stabilizer. But agree with chzel you shouldn't need to replace your stabilizer if you haven't tried lubing it.

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06 Dec 2015, 03:27

Yes, the OLKB link is fine, the other two are not!
Also, Rainman, if you take a look at the pic from the ortholinear keyboards link, you will see the two points you need to lube. Right where the wire bends, it clips on the stabilizer base.

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06 Dec 2015, 23:46

Thank chzel, you saved me from ordering wrong stabilizers, and from a great amount of disappointment if they'd arrived. :) Now, I've read this topic here (http://deskthority.net/keyboards-f2/how ... 12131.html) is having same problems with noisy space bar. and you wrote:
chzel wrote: If the wire is mounted towards the top (cvbnm,) there is little you can do besides putting some thin oil at the gap on the top of the stabilizer and hope it will penetrate deep enough to stop the squeak. Or desolder every switch and lube it properly. :cry:

If the wire is toward the bottom add a bit of lubrication where the wire clips on the stabilizer.

And welcome!

My wire is mounted towards the top... that means I'm screwed right? Would it be possible to only desolder one switch and remove the stabilizer, instead of all switches?
Here is a picture from my kb:


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07 Dec 2015, 00:10

When I made that comment, I was referring to PCB mounted stabilizers, you have plate mount.
So either lube a bit where the arrow points, or you can remove the stabilizer by desoldering just that one switch.
lQ1TQpK.jpg (283.61 KiB) Viewed 4444 times

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07 Dec 2015, 00:59

Thanks for the info... It's pretty late here where I am, so I must have misread the mount type. Thank for the tip, I will try to lube as soon as I get my hands on some good grease (WD 40 might do the thing). Hopefully it'll work without desoldering... never did it before :)

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07 Dec 2015, 15:03

Good news,
I just successfully lubed the stabilizers and the "rattling" is reduced by a large amount. It still can be heard, but I can live with it. I really don't wanna risk over-lubrication and have a sticky spacebar. I can always add silicone grease later. thanks chzel for the tip...

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