Satan GH60 not recognized when connected


02 Sep 2016, 09:15

After seeing so many cool custom 60% keyboards, I wanted to try assembling one myself. I bought a Satan GH60 kit from AliExpress but am having trouble with it so I thought I'd ask some advice here.

When I plug in the pcb in my computer I get an error message like "Device Unknown (Device Descriptor Request Failed)". I have tried some suggestions I found online like disable fast boot, re-install USB drivers, I even upgraded the BIOS.
I tried connecting with 2 different USB cables and on 3 different pc's, on Windows 10, Windows 7 and Linux Mint (which gave a similar message).

I'm in contact with the seller who asked to look if anything looks broken, but the pcb looks perfect to me. There don't seem to be any loose components, I tested all the diodes and resistors with a multimeter and get a readout with all of them.
Some pictures of the pcb: ... sp=sharing

Am I right in thinking that the pcb (or the ATm32U4) is faulty?

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The Tiproman

02 Sep 2016, 10:00

The name says it: "Satan".

Be glad you didn't buy a Phantom, which would have simply disappeared,
a CS Storm, which would have put your kitchen under water,
a Corsair Vengeance, which would have raided and destroyed your home,
or a BlackWidow, which no doubt would have caused your death.

I hate to have to say that, but at least in this respect you should have bought a Topre Type Heaven.
And now back to topics :mrgreen:

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ISO Advocate

02 Sep 2016, 10:04

Have you tried re-flashing the firmware of the controller?

Put it into bootloader mode and then see if you can write to the controller.

This sounds a lot like the USB port is sensing some device but the device fails to identify itself. Every time I had that so far, either my USB wiring was faulty or the firmware didn't flash right.


02 Sep 2016, 11:34

I don't even know if there is any firmware on it yet. I was trying to follow some instructions online, something like:
- connect the pcb -> it should appear as ATm32U4DFU in device manager
- use Zadig USB driver tool thingy to install WinUSB drivers for this device
- use tkg toolkit to flash a keymap firmware (eep file made with keyboard layout editor and

Problem is the first step. It does not get recognized and I'm unable to install WinUSB driver for the unknown device, so tkg is unable to flash the firmware.
I may well be doing something wrong because I have zero experience, but it seems to me that the board should first be recognized correctly.

The seller seems to think that some resistor might not make proper contact so I should try adding some solder to them...

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emacs -nw

02 Sep 2016, 12:32

Probably it has already some firmware - you need to read about the keys (or the button on PCB) to press or keep pressed when plugging, in order to make the keyboard go into bootloader mode, and then follow the instructions.

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02 Sep 2016, 23:58

How long did you try to get it to work in Linux? Dunno about anyone else but I've found flashing boards from windows can be a really awful experience and I've had much better luck with Mac OS or Linux. I would get tkg toolkit installed on Linux, then run 'make dfu' from the keymap folder you want to flash. It should compile then stall while it waits for you to hold the reset button for ~5 seconds.

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02 Sep 2016, 23:59

Oh and I've definitely read before about people having to do odd things like hold the reset button for minutes on end to force a reset. Wouldn't hurt to rule it out.


03 Sep 2016, 09:50

Thanks for the suggestions. I tried the button many times, even holding it 2 minutes, but this does not help.
I know very little about Linux because I hardly ever use it. The command dmesg produces this output regarding the pcb:

Code: Select all

[  747.285875] usb 3-12: new full-speed USB device number 10 using xhci_hcd
[  747.397877] usb 3-12: device descriptor read/64, error -71
[  747.613870] usb 3-12: device descriptor read/64, error -71
[  747.829843] usb 3-12: new full-speed USB device number 11 using xhci_hcd
[  747.942081] usb 3-12: device descriptor read/64, error -71
[  748.157851] usb 3-12: device descriptor read/64, error -71
[  748.373838] usb 3-12: new full-speed USB device number 12 using xhci_hcd
[  748.479867] usb 3-12: Device not responding to setup address.
[  748.686360] usb 3-12: Device not responding to setup address.
[  748.889812] usb 3-12: device not accepting address 12, error -71
[  749.001810] usb 3-12: new full-speed USB device number 13 using xhci_hcd
[  749.001911] usb 3-12: Device not responding to setup address.
[  749.205900] usb 3-12: Device not responding to setup address.
[  749.409795] usb 3-12: device not accepting address 13, error -71
[  749.409834] usb usb3-port12: unable to enumerate USB device
So far I've not been able to get tkg to run, something about a missing }.


01 Feb 2017, 11:07

I am having this exact same problem.
I have tried the following under windows:

Installing Atmel Flip to obtain the .inf driver file for Atmel (ATm32U4DFU) . I can then update driver for the 'Unkown USB Device' under Device Manager by selecting either the folder or the .inf driver file itself, neither worked.

For Zadig, despite still appearing as 'Unknown USB device' I still tried installing WinUSB anyway ... nope.

On Linux, I tried flashing without checking if the PCB is recognised by the OS, but when it asked me to press the bootloader button and I did, nothing happened and it asked if I forgot to press the button, I'm guess this is because the PCB really isn't recognised by the OS.

I'm not too convinced I've tried everything I can on Linux, if anyone could point out if I missed a step that'll be great :))


01 Feb 2017, 11:56

I saw it posted previously, but, I can attest to FLIP being somewhat, hmmmmm, ineffective to put it nicely.
I would recommend ZADIG which has been mentioned. Following that, a choice of the tkg bash, or the chrome tkg plugin should work, granted you take the (short amount of) time to set up your board's layout and save the hex. The web version seems to be the best as you can edit the code live, while comparing and contrasting to your own layout.
I have skipped puling the trigger on those chinese pcb though, because the originals are still out there (though I have been seriously tempted by 84/96 clones). Techkeys had the rev c last time I checked. Food for thought... buy your important components from sources you can verify natively, the rest is pretty trivial as long as the product shipped is what you thought.

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01 Feb 2017, 17:43

I had a similar problem, using another USB cable fixed it for me.


06 Feb 2017, 17:33

uncletobai wrote: I had a similar problem, using another USB cable fixed it for me.
I've been experimenting with QMK for the board, and after flashing, using a cable that worked fine for a few days, it just stopped responding. Tried to put in in bootloader and kept getting that it wasn't found. Until I read your post and thought "There is NO f-ing way..."...and sure enough, it worked...I can't understand why for the life of me. But that did it. Thanks!


27 Mar 2017, 17:22

I found the source of my problem being that the capacitor on the PCB was actually broken. so there's that :)

-- side note:
I bought some capacitors to try and solder a new one on, but being a noob, I couldn't do surface mounted soldering properly and ended up ordering another PCB.... thank goodness it was one of the cheaper ones but my wallet still stings

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27 Mar 2017, 20:53

You can try to resolver, if you have a small tip soldering iron. I broke a cap connection on a Satan too and did that, it need just a little heat as the old solder is enough. If it's just that it's an easy repair and you will have two pcbs so two layouts possible!

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