Post the ugliest keyboards you've seen!


07 Aug 2018, 22:30

I don´t know if it fits here because it´s not mechanical.
20180807_222724.jpg (3.04 MiB) Viewed 14392 times

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08 Aug 2018, 01:55

it doesn't fit here because it isn't an ugly keyboard.

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ALPS キーボード

08 Aug 2018, 15:20

Tacky perhaps but I don't think it's inherently ugly. Could be worse.


08 Aug 2018, 16:36

What's with that Alt gr with the lower case g!!!!

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08 Aug 2018, 16:45

andrewjoy wrote: What's with that Alt gr with the lower case g!!!!
Unnacceptable, indeed, but I'm more worried about the declaration of the Backspace key only working on three characters.

Also, numpad asterisk clearly has an X instead of an × (and that clearly ain't a hexapad).


08 Aug 2018, 16:49

LOL at the backspace.

i noticed the num pad too

someone is clearly skimping on the printing machine and just put an X on that profile of cap :P

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08 Aug 2018, 16:56

Oddly enough, that keyboard would be LESS tacky IF there were MORE colors for the keycaps — as the case is blue, Shift and Caps Lock should not be blue as well; Ins should be yellow, and the all of the gray keys (which definitely look like they belong in an office-grade keyboard) should have a different color. Orange for at least the F-row, perhaps?

Also, the space bar should definitely be white.

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08 Aug 2018, 18:00

Colours are mostly irrelevant. It is not like you are looking at the keyboard while you are typing.

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Elder Messenger

08 Aug 2018, 18:58

depletedvespene wrote:
the Backspace key only working on three characters.
I think that the alligator symbols on Delete and Backspace are the most inspired and informative educational symbols on the whole thing, as a learning device.

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08 Aug 2018, 20:10

Those alligators are a touch of genius!

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11 Aug 2018, 02:55


I feel nauseous just looking at this.

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11 Aug 2018, 02:59

As much as I dislike the 1800 layout, that thing does NOT deserve such a humiliation.

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11 Aug 2018, 03:15

ZedTheMan wrote: Image

I feel nauseous just looking at this.
Should of simply covered that keyboard with the current GMK Colour-way and it would be superb without question but we are dealing with 'kids' hence they have to show all their mates what they have in their possession.

Nothing different from hat badges and coat badges when I was growing up, we were covered in metal pins and that looked cool but now we have these 'fugly' key-caps destroying decent keyboards.


11 Aug 2018, 06:57

I find this keyboard really offputting. The minimal footprint along with the islands... It looks hideous to me.
71v8MtJUgwL._SL1500_.jpg (130.24 KiB) Viewed 14161 times

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11 Aug 2018, 14:29

ZedTheMan wrote:
I feel nauseous just looking at this.
eek. With some previous posts I've thought people are just being big meanies and that even the more way-out-there keyboards have some positives, but that is truly hideous. Apologies to whoever's keyboard that is, but... argh. etc.

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11 Aug 2018, 15:20

rich1051414 wrote: I find this keyboard really offputting. The minimal footprint along with the islands... It looks hideous to me.
It's indeed hideous. Besides what you've mentioned, the style of the keyboard is completely inconsistent to the point of looking like a frankenboard, almost as if it were a prototype. The worst offenders, design-wise:
  • The lock lights break the "red on black" scheme for no good reason.
  • The bottom row keys on the alphanum block have a particular style (convex profile, corners cut off) that is not present on the nav cluster and numpad).
  • The legend styling is absolutely inconsistent between groups of keys: the 1-0 keys have the Shift layer to the right, while most of the rest of the typographical characters do down/up... except ;/: and '/" which (with a different font!) do up/down.
  • The legend styling is inconsistent within a same group of keys! Just look at the top row of the nav cluster, then compare it to the middle rows. Also note how it says "HM" (should be "Home") and "PG Up" (while the rest are all in upper case).
  • Legend unalignment is scandalous - ignoring keys like WASD, some have their legends so out of place it's not even funny. F5 and P are particularly bad.

ALSO, the picture itself is horrendous. We like to complain about "potato pics" or "photatos", but this is supposed to be a commercial product picture, taken in a lightbox with a reflective surface, yet... not all of it is in proper focus, the bottom row has an undesirable glare... and the F6 key... look carefully at it: it was moving while the shot was taken. What the hell was going on there?

Finally, I know some people actually like the enlarged ~ (U+007e) legend that GMK popularized, but the one here is so exaggerated that it looks like it was ͠ (U+0360) instead.

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13 Aug 2018, 17:19

Jesus the longer I look the worse it gets.


13 Aug 2018, 21:46

Definitely this one. All you really have to do is look up "gaming keyboard" on Amazon and stuff like this pops up.
Capture.PNG (880.55 KiB) Viewed 14038 times

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13 Aug 2018, 21:55

I thought I had seen this one before in this very thread, but it's actually NOT the case. Are makers of "gaming" keyboards in some sort of contest about who can outgarish the others?

Also note (an admittedly difficult thing to do) that this particular unit is US-half ISO (not UK-ISO or even US-ISO proper).

And yet, somehow, I find the mouse even more disturbing. I can't figure out why, though.

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15 Aug 2018, 06:58

The brand names these have often make me smile; you know, the BlueDragonMoltenLavaKingEmperorUnicornMagicClamRoosterBloodTrail or something... must sound better in Mandarin, I guess.

No idea why, but there's LOTS of these cheap Cherry-clone "gaming" keyboards with this bastard layout combining an ANSI style left shift with an ISO style Enter. Is this a common Chinese layout? Because it's not ANSI, ISO or JIS (1u Backspace, lots of mods).

As far as the mouse goes, what's "voiceless" supposed to mean? Also 2000 DPI only? That's a bit low in my mind, I usually run at anywhere between 2400-4400.

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15 Aug 2018, 09:40

A lot of those "gaming" keyboards also don't seem eminently suitable for gaming. Okay, I'm not one to talk as my SSK gets used as much for gaming as it is for anything else and isn't generally the first thing that comes to mind; having said that, the absence of a keypad reduces the mouse-keyboard collisions somewhat. But regardless of one's preference in switch types, surely all that lighting is rather distracting? I'm currently using a Roccat mouse (which I got based on its apparent reliability more than its dpi or any other "gaming-friendly" features) and the first thing I did was to figure out how to turn off the LED.

I'm also guessing "voiceless" is a bizarrely random mistranslation of "wireless".

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15 Aug 2018, 10:24

depletedvespene wrote: The bottom row keys on the alphanum block have a particular style (convex profile, corners cut off) that is not present on the nav cluster and numpad).
Convex profile is used for keys which are pressed by thumbs. It is correct that bottom rows of the navigation cluster and numpad use a standard profile (they are pressed by fingers). Of course, convex profile is questionable for the control keys and the application key. Most people press those with pinkies.

But it is a garbage keyboard anyway.

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15 Aug 2018, 15:10

vvp wrote:
depletedvespene wrote: The bottom row keys on the alphanum block have a particular style (convex profile, corners cut off) that is not present on the nav cluster and numpad).
Convex profile is used for keys which are pressed by thumbs. It is correct that bottom rows of the navigation cluster and numpad use a standard profile (they are pressed by fingers). Of course, convex profile is questionable for the control keys and the application key. Most people press those with pinkies.

But it is a garbage keyboard anyway.
Against my better judgement (if any), I found the Amazon product page for the Rii keyboard. The first product picture is the one posted here, indeed, and the following ones... show us different keycaps, all with a consistent (if ugly) style — it seems that my first impression of that keyboard being a prototype was definitely not far off. Go to ... B01LVZU9B0 and marvel at the product's description, too, if your stomach can handle it.

Garbage keyboard from a garbage company.


15 Aug 2018, 15:16

not the real mechanical keyboard,,but it worth more

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15 Aug 2018, 15:25

davkol wrote:
not the real mechanical keyboard,,but it worth more
My personal favorite is:
3-colors LED could be exchanged
Well, why DIDN'T you exchange them, then?

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15 Aug 2018, 15:32

vometia wrote: I'm also guessing "voiceless" is a bizarrely random mistranslation of "wireless".
I have no mouth and I must scream? :D

Really though the design on that looks like the lava filter in gimp. Like, spot on.

It wouldn't be such a bad keyboard if you just replaced the keycaps, front plate, and case... and maybe got rid of the top row, LED setup, mouse, and mousepad. And the product picture.


15 Aug 2018, 15:43

depletedvespene wrote:
vvp wrote:
depletedvespene wrote: The bottom row keys on the alphanum block have a particular style (convex profile, corners cut off) that is not present on the nav cluster and numpad).
Convex profile is used for keys which are pressed by thumbs. It is correct that bottom rows of the navigation cluster and numpad use a standard profile (they are pressed by fingers). Of course, convex profile is questionable for the control keys and the application key. Most people press those with pinkies.

But it is a garbage keyboard anyway.
Against my better judgement (if any), I found the Amazon product page for the Rii keyboard. The first product picture is the one posted here, indeed, and the following ones... show us different keycaps, all with a consistent (if ugly) style — it seems that my first impression of that keyboard being a prototype was definitely not far off. Go to ... B01LVZU9B0 and marvel at the product's description, too, if your stomach can handle it.

Garbage keyboard from a garbage company.
It's a number 1 best seller for those who searched for mac gaming keyboard... Not that I am totally surprised. They are gaming on a mac after all.

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16 Aug 2018, 04:51

Sometimes i go to Reddit Mechanical keyboards i see the most shittiest looking keyboards. I am getting triggered sometimes when people don't have the right sized modifier key for there small right shift it just looks so out of place :s. I just had to vent this out after seeing some pictures that are posted here.

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18 Aug 2018, 19:39

701c wrote: Look what massdrop did

I actually kind of like it



18 Aug 2018, 23:58

davkol wrote: I'm sure plenty of people would consider my Phantom quite ugly. Good thing my thumbs don't care about ugly.

I like your keyboard. Was it a kit, or ready made? How can I get / make something similar? I especially like the thumb keys.

Your layout is very similar to one i've been using, except for me the split between t and y is two keys, not one.

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