Help converting old vintage mx black board

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21 Apr 2019, 23:04

I got this board a while ago, its a Tatung C1250 (apparently) and i've been trying to convert it without using teensys or things like that because they are super expensive on my area (on Chile they can easily cost twice or 3 times more)

The thing is that I am not very experienced on converting keyboards and first tried to get the pinout of the board, which I got GND and +5V, but nothing more:
Captura.PNG (456.71 KiB) Viewed 915 times
(I have marked the GND pin with blue on each of the chips for orientation)
I looked for datasheets of the microcontroller and what appears to be 4 buffers (not sure):

The microcontroller is part of the MCS-48 family (p8049ah), whose datasheet is here:
And those buffer's datasheet is here: ... DLS0327100 (14 pin version)

Could anyone tell me if at least it's possible to convert this thing without teensys?
If so, I would be really grateful :D

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