Do you type properly?

Do you type properly

Total votes: 134

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07 Dec 2018, 16:35

Pumaeggs wrote: the answer for me is nnnnnnyyyyeesss? i dont really know. I actually built a 60% recently and went for blank black PBT caps so i could force myself to learn to touch type. It worked sort of, basically i do a cross between hunt and peck and touch typing, but i still use the homing bumps and the homerow to orient my typing. so im gonna say yes, yes i do type correctly.
Hey! There’s plenty of us that definitely, categorically “type wrong” yet can type perfectly well on blanks / without looking for legends! I don’t even use the homing bumps, what with all the Model F time. Home row isn’t so special when you fly around in decades trained of effective wrongness like I do!

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10 Dec 2018, 14:23

Probably not. The last person that tried to explain to me how to properly type was capable of doing 70WPM and I do 130+. I’ll keep my “improper” ways.

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emacs -nw

10 Dec 2018, 16:19

WPM is not the measure of success :P - effort is. And who knows what speed *you* could have achieved, if you *would* have learned to type properly ...

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10 Dec 2018, 17:19

No, a keyboard is a tool and I am much more effective in using that tool than people telling me how I am supposed to be using it.

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10 Dec 2018, 17:28

A tool… for making arguments!

(Been there, done that, and got the shirt.)

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10 Dec 2018, 17:45

I write my shitposts on various fori / social media pretty much exclusively from my cell phone. Like when I'm taking a dump. Or I'm on a smoke break.

I thought we all did this. I have so many more interesting things to do when I'm sitting behind a desktop.

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10 Dec 2018, 17:55

I doubt really anybody types "properly" without some kind of strange quirk as to how they do it. Though this has probably already been said...

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The Tiproman

10 Dec 2018, 18:02

adhoc wrote: No, a keyboard is a tool and I am much more effective in using that tool than people telling me how I am supposed to be using it.
You’re not "much more effective", you simply type a limited quantity of pre-existing text faster than others.
And as if the use of a keyboard just implied such a pattern taken ad infinitum, you simply extrapolate the limited test result and assert it as a general assessment.

I’m quite certain you find it normal to never look at switches and commands when driving a car,
and that you consider it absurd that people doing exactly that could claim to be better drivers
just because after you both start when the traffic light turns green they reach the next one first.

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10 Dec 2018, 18:13

What an incredibly stupid comparison. Not really worth my time to dismantle it, sorry.

I'm also sorry you do not understand how someone faster behind a computer will be more productive than somebody who is slower, given all other circumstances are equal.

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emacs -nw

10 Dec 2018, 19:27

You're right, you really write shitposts. With this attitude, you won't be seeing any PBT HHKB spacebar from me, either :P

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10 Dec 2018, 19:42

Laser wrote: You're right, you really write shitposts. With this attitude, you won't be seeing any PBT HHKB spacebar from me, either :P
Now that's just mean.

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11 Dec 2018, 02:25

low quality of posts aside the only thing that matter is speed and whether you get any repetitive strain injury issues. If you're fast and uninjured you're doing fine. (although elrick would certainly disagree with applying the fast portion of that motto to all aspects of life, im sure :P)

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The Tiproman

11 Dec 2018, 09:38

adhoc wrote: What an incredibly stupid comparison. Not really worth my time to dismantle it, sorry.
So basically you are telling me "You're wrong, but I'm not going to explain why". Nice line of discussion :lol:
I'm also sorry you do not understand how someone faster behind a computer will be more productive than somebody who is slower, given all other circumstances are equal.
Here you are right, I do not understand it.
The person typing faster will certainly be… typing faster, but not necessarily more productive.

It will of course be the case if you are a stenotypist whose task is simply to type fast.
But it will not be the case if typing speed is not the priority.
Accountants, authors, programmers, editors, translators, clerks, as a matter of fact nearly all keyboard users not simply "retyping" do not write as fast as possible, but have to reflect on what they write, and they also perform additional tasks simply not taken into account in typing velocity tests (like editing or formatting).
They'll have to at times stop typing in between to perform their task correctly as soon as brain work is required***.
And not having to consciously interact with their keyboard, they will be able to mix both activities (reflecting on what comes next while still typing or restart typing while still visually checking things already typed).
*** Which (echoing your kind remark) is probably the reason why you don't see it :mrgreen:

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11 Dec 2018, 14:13

No, I’m telling you you’re not worth my time.

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The Tiproman

11 Dec 2018, 15:39

adhoc wrote: No, I’m telling you you’re not worth my time.

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11 Dec 2018, 16:44

Sure do. Learned basic skills my freshman year in High School, but wasn't great. Then I started Playing Diablo 2 and quickly learned that typing fast was a invaluable skill, so I quickly honed my skills, and learned to spell much better in the process.


13 Feb 2019, 19:39

I just got my first ever split keyboard and noticed im struggling with the B key specifically, due to the b key being directly in the middle of g and h it is not made very celar what hand you are supposed to hit it with, keyboards like the tgr alice have 2 b keys for this reason
17WRDxI.png (555.55 KiB) Viewed 4955 times
I know now that it is meant to be hit with left hand but it still messes me up on my g80-5000

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13 Feb 2019, 22:20

Split ergos are an excellent test of whether you really touch type or not. I first tried a Microsoft dome model in the 90s and found it excruciating. My typing improved in the 2000s and they’re not a problem now, though I still don’t prefer them and don’t own any for myself.

B really belongs on the left hand, mind. While 6 belongs to the right. Quite what Alice thinks she’s up to with that!


17 Feb 2020, 21:31

I am now running a Minidox loaded with the RSTHD layout. Never having been bothered about correct position on the Qwerty layout it is not hard to keep your fingers on the home row of this setup due to a carrot and stick approach. The carrot is that the layout is so efficient where else would your hands want to be? The stick is the keyboard being so small that if your hands are not in the right position then various digits will be suspended over the edge of the minidox.

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17 Feb 2020, 21:47

Of course I type properly. I just don't keep my fingers on the home row, use two to four fingers (just depends) and do peek at the keyboard. The letters seem to come out in the right order for the most part so I'm happy.

keyboard Kultist

18 Feb 2020, 00:32

Currently at my office I'm using an Apple Extended Keyboard (orange alps, yum). The homing bumps on d and k were bugging me so I swapped the key caps on f and d also with j and k.

I was just thinking today that I ought to swap a lot of the keys around to discourage peeking....also to mess with a friend who sometimes uses my
computer >:)


18 Feb 2020, 13:07

If I don't type properly my speed decreases by so much!

I guess when I think about it some more I don't always keep my feet flat on the floor like you're supposed to, but that's just about the only thing that I don't do properly while typing. I don't really know of anybody who always keeps their feet flat on the floor while typing, though.

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