Acer 6311, what's inside?


20 Jul 2021, 01:59

Hi hey,

I have just found 2 different 6311keyboards and after looking at model numbers, I couldn't quite figure out what was inside with the desthority wiki about this keyboard.
The chinese 6311 is made in china and has the chinese caps, there was no picture of the switch. Although on the second board, with the CZ legends, it has acer branded black alps-looking switches.

Both are about 50 bucky, I think it's worth it for at least the CZ 6311, does anyone know what's inside the first chinese one?
I have put the pictures of each keyboard below, I have also named them so you know which ones which.

Thanks, and have a good day!
CH6311.jpg (603.76 KiB) Viewed 1027 times
CZ6311.jpg (271.45 KiB) Viewed 1027 times
CZ6311MODELNUMBER.jpg (107.25 KiB) Viewed 1027 times
CZ6311SWITCH.jpg (150.81 KiB) Viewed 1027 times
CH6311MODELNUMBER.jpg (348.13 KiB) Viewed 1027 times

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20 Jul 2021, 03:39

Those are Acer switches, I think all 6311 keyboards use them. They clip into a plastic plate and use a hammer over membrane design with a click leaf.

They're usable but imo the weighting is too light and the tactility is too strong, plus the tactility can be really inconsistent among the switches. But they're not bad.

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20 Jul 2021, 03:42

The Chinese one looks like a 6311-AW 4C/CH. I think the wiki page is actually quite thorough on this keyboard and its variants:


They all use Acer switches - wiki/Acer_switch - and the main variable is the case shape. The keycaps are quite nice - good feel, crisp font, Alps mount - but opinions vary on switch feel. I own a few of these and sometimes I like it, other times I find it a bit crunchy. They may look like Alps switches, but because they're really hammer over membrane, they don't feel like Alps.


21 Jul 2021, 00:12

For what it's worth, I like my 6311 more than my black Alps board. They're definitely a light keystroke, good tactility, with a touch of crunch to make it interesting. By that I mean they can be scratchy but in one of those oddly satisfying ways, not the black Alps kind.

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