Daewoo IBM model M clones?

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24 Aug 2012, 16:58

Just found some Daewoo DTC-4000 UK keyboards and wondered what the deal was?

I realize that after the popularity of the model M there were a lot of clones... but these seem like complete replicas, Same caps, same stem (same buckling spring) - if it wernt for the Daewoo logo it would be identical in every way I can conceive.

I have two of the keyboards here - neither have a back label.

I'll take them home and compare directly to be sure.


24 Aug 2012, 17:00

What does it say on the label?

It is not necessarily a clone. Model M's were OEM:d. Ambra and Dell are two that I know of.

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24 Aug 2012, 17:02

Nothing on the back - some sticky where the usual IBM back label would have gone.

in the small sticker above the ESC/F1 Key

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Daemon Raccoon

24 Aug 2012, 17:06

Have any pictures of these 'boards?

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24 Aug 2012, 17:17

IMG_20120824_160940.jpg (585.45 KiB) Viewed 2870 times
IMG_20120824_160408.jpg (602.61 KiB) Viewed 2870 times

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24 Aug 2012, 17:18

IBM clones? That'll be the Daewoo.

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24 Aug 2012, 17:45

So clone or OEM'ed?

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Daemon Raccoon

24 Aug 2012, 17:48

That looks like an OEM'd 42H-style Model M.

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The Beard

24 Aug 2012, 21:10

Open the board with your handy 5.5 mm or 7/32th inch hex driver and look at the PCB. Pretty sure youve got a greenock produced OEM.


24 Aug 2012, 22:19

looks OEM to me, the caps 2pc or 1 pc ? They look too rounded on the edge to be 1pc and not round enough to be 2pc.

( this is from observation of 1 pc F caps with 2 pc M )

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