Cherry G80-3000LSCGB-0 - 'PUDSEY' Special - Auction

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07 Nov 2012, 16:32

Okay people, I know (before I start!) that it's not usually the thing on here, but thought I'd give you all the chance - if, indeed, you want it.....

9pm this evening, ebay.

We're trying to gain a little publicity and at the same time, raise a good deal of money for a very worthwhile cause - The BBC's Children In Need charity. For the uninitiated, this is a charity set-up to help children in the UK who have a variety of issues - they could be underprivileged, carers for their own parents, have disabilities, all sorts - and the money goes to give them a bit of a chance in life.

We're putting up a G80-3000LSCGB-0 that's had the top housing customised for the event. Children in Need's mascot is Pudsey Bear and the keyboard has a series of them laser etched onto it. It also carries the BBC logo, plus the logo of our laser printing experts - Devlin Electronics - who provided their services FOC. It's completely unique - there's only been one produced for this event like this and a chance to own a piece of Cherry history as well as making the Charity some cash at the same time. Post will be free for UK mainland residents and starts at £49.99.

Item# 290808870599 when it goes on at 9pm this evening.

Good Luck if you bid. If you don't bid - tell your friends who have some cash.....we need to raise as much as we can!
Pudsey Keyboard 2012
Pudsey Keyboard 2012
Pudsey 2.jpg (719.62 KiB) Viewed 2370 times


07 Nov 2012, 17:30

This was done in 2009 and 2010 with G83 keyboards, this one has the same Pudsey graphics as the 2010 version but they have been moved around, this is the first to have the Cherry logo and the Devlin logo. And as mentioned, it is the first to be mechanical.

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07 Nov 2012, 17:32

It's nice to see how keyboards can raise money for needed people.

The case looks nice to me with those drawings. I understand it doesn't show up on ebay yet.

Will you post the link when it goes up?

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07 Nov 2012, 18:49

I only read Cherry and Devlin on the pic and was immediately hyped for some brandnew 2shots.

Well, GLWA, anyway!

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08 Nov 2012, 09:03

It's on ebay now folks - ... RK:MESE:IT should take you straight there....

Yes, we did this in 2009 & 2010 - once with a standard G83-6105, the next with the G83-6191 (lower case) version. This is the first to be done with a G80 though and there is only one of them - in 2009, there was only one and this sold to a buyer local to us (mainly thanks to a gigantic plug by a local radio station), in 2010, there were two produced, both of which sold through ebay, raising around £100 - not bad for G83's really.

I'm hopeful that this will sell for a bit more, so tell your friends it's available and unique!!

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Elite +1

08 Nov 2012, 09:17

But why should I want a product with BBC on it? I don't have a TV licence (don't want TV) but they send people round my house and treat me like a criminal because I choose not to buy their product! Not trying to shit on your auction, children in need is a good charity and for that reason I hope it sells for a good price, but I seriously don't like the BBC.

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08 Nov 2012, 09:40

fossala wrote:But why should I want a product with BBC on it? I don't have a TV licence (don't want TV) but they send people round my house and treat me like a criminal because I choose not to buy their product! Not trying to shit on your auction, children in need is a good charity and for that reason I hope it sells for a good price, but I seriously don't like the BBC.
You’re in serious danger of derailing the thread to express a sentiment that isn’t adding anything to the discussion. Your personal feelings on the BBC really have little bearing on an auction for charity, regardless of whether the BBC’s logo is engraved on the item being auctioned.

To quickly address the issue: that website you linked to is deliberately inflammatory. Whomever writes it is going out of their way to sensationalise the issue, which isn’t helping anyone and proves nothing except how childish they are. The language they use — “I enter my seventh year as a prisoner in my own home” — only serves to prove they want a circus rather than a rational discussion. This “lone crusader against the BBC” reads exactly like one of the Daily Mail’s endless articles about how ‘evil’ the BBC are.

The reminder letters that the Licensing Authority sends *are* computer generated, but all it takes to stop them is a letter informing them that you don't have a TV/don’t use your TV to receive broadcasts. I’ve done that at every single one of the six places I’ve lived over the last decade, and it’s worked every single time. The same for several of my friends, all with the same result — one letter, and then they never receive another. Naturally it might vary for other people, but the author of that website has obviously not even taken that simple step, so why should we take that website seriously? Linking to it makes your argument *less* credible, not more.

Standard boilerplate disclaimer: I am not, nor have I ever been, employed by the BBC or any company that works with or for the BBC.

Back to the topic: The keyboard looks great. Good luck with your sale!

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Elite +1

08 Nov 2012, 09:42

Yes the keyboard does look great, GLWS.

koralatov, PM'd.

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