Transplanting AT101W to AT101


25 Apr 2023, 12:23

This may be heresy, but:

I have a black AT101W with a case that got smashed in transit. I also have an Old Logo Dell AT101 that, unforgivably, lacks Windows keys.

If I file off the tabs between Ctrl and Alt on the old case, will the AT101W chassis fit inside?

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25 Apr 2023, 12:31

Might be?


25 Apr 2023, 13:06

Sorry, one other question:

Does anyone know if the chassis changes the sound and feel at all? I plan to transplant the pine black switches.

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Elder Messenger

25 Apr 2023, 16:26

Do I know for absolute certain that the cases are interchangeable? No. But my strong guess is that they are.

The older switches will probably be better, if they are equally clean.

The old bottom case shells also have a rectangular iron weight which probably helps, and it takes a very small amount of Dremel work or filing to make it fit on the post of a newer case.

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