Rollermouse free 2 remapping in Linux.

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Elite +1

02 Oct 2012, 20:23

Is there any way to remap the buttons on a rollermouse free 2 in Linux?

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02 Oct 2012, 20:38

Try to use xev to find out what it sends, if you're getting something distinct it should be doable with xmodmap. Otherwise it's probably not worth the trouble.

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Elite +1

02 Oct 2012, 20:40

It just sends normal keycodes. The problem because I have my system remapped to dvorak on a software level, even the copy and paste doesn't work.

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03 Oct 2012, 09:48

Well, I'm out of easy solutions then. Maybe somebody else has an idea but for me it's in the "too much trouble" corner now. :/

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