Lightest Wireless Mouse?


19 Apr 2013, 17:22

I like a nice light mouse, like the most bargain basement logitech light, so it takes very little force to move it. That's easy to find with a wired mouse, since there's no battery, transmitter, etc. A wireless mouse requires a battery, obviously, which adds to weight. With lag times so low these days, there's really no excuse for a wire, so I'm looking to replace my old trust $20 lightweight wired with something without a tail.

Razer's wireless mice are all over 100gms, madcats are even heavier. What's the lightest wireless mouse you've encountered?

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19 Apr 2013, 19:05

You can use the logitech MX510 with one battery only (108g then); i use AA->AAA adapters for my LX8 which gets it down to 119g (of course battery life is shorter, but nothing dramatic);
(The MX510 has right-handed extra-buttons)

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19 Apr 2013, 19:12

Razer Orochi 67/113g. You are right. I wonder if there is any mouse with battery under 100g.

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21 Apr 2013, 03:59

Search ePay for 'slim wireless mouse' and the most common styles are under 80g including 1 AA battery. The white flat one here is 65g including 2 AAA. (None of them, needless to say, are stunningly well built.)

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24 Apr 2013, 13:09

My Magic Mouse weighs 55 grams without batteries and 92 total in use with my inductive Magic Charger. Wireless charging (when sitting back on its base) that weighs less than the 2xAA batteries it replaced. I consider it highly nifty.

Of course, being an Apple mouse, its bugger all use for gaming (no simultaneous left + right click, no traditional discrete scroll wheel, no further buttons) but the multitouch stuff works very nicely on a Mac, as designed.

The battery component of the Magic Charger, incidentally, is just shaped like the AAs it replaces, with a plate and clips on either end to snap into the Magic Mouse. For the ~£22 it cost me, I'd be tempted to buy another and mod it (glue!?) for a subsequent wireless mouse. Swapping out batteries every week or two got old real quick. Much happier with this.


24 Apr 2013, 19:29

That's a neat idea. It's nice to know we can cut 2 grams from most wireless mice by using that charger.

What a nightmare those touch-mice are, though.

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