Replacing the click module of a mouse - how?


20 May 2013, 00:46

Hello again, guys. One of my mice has a problem with its clicker module. The little cylinder does not push itself upwards upon clicking, essentially rendering the left click unusable. The mouse itself has 3 more clickers, exact copies of each other. Two of them I don't use ever, so I was thinking about switching the left click module with one of them. I looked around them to try and get an idea of how to approach this, but they seem glued, even though there is a small plastic holder on the side which I hope can be pushed to release the upper part of the module (tried this to no avail). I am afraid that it might be impossible to reverse engineer them without breaking anything.

Has anyone done this or have an idea on how to do it? The mouse itself is a Cooler Master Inferno, which I do not recommend to anyone. Do not buy CM mice - they suck. It's still worth to try and save the thing, though.



20 May 2013, 00:53

It is difficult for me to approach this without a picture.

Is it the microswitch for the left mouse button that is faulty, or is there something wrong with the plastic?
If it is the microswitch, then you should be able to swap it with another that you don't use - You would need to do some soldering.

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Asperger's... SQUIRREL!

20 May 2013, 01:33

I used a cherry microswitch to fix my razer imperator (which had omrons, which are SUPPOSED to be the good ones...). I have to say that I LOVE cherry microswitches. They feel so much better than any other mouse microswitch I've ever used. If 7bit ever offers the 2 compatible models (DG23C1AA (~75g), and DG23B1AA (~150g)) I would buy a few hundred (price permitting).


20 May 2013, 03:13

Thanks for the replies, guys. Yeah, I am referring to the microswitch, as the plastic part is not really an issue (unless you glue it with superglue so that it doesn't move as I did with my Naga...) but the little gadget that is actually the clicker itself. For some time I thought there was something wrong with the plastic and I was examining the upper part of the mouse for ages. I was idiotic enough not to actually check the clicker module box to see if the problem is there. And yeah, it's there. How should I go about doing the soldiering? I don't want to break it and I imagine I might not be able to disintegrate that part of the mouse completely. ... 834483.jpg

That is what needs changing, to avoid any further confusion. I was looking at the little white holder thingie, thinking about popping it out somehow. If that is possible I wouldn't have to solider it at all, I'll just have to change the upper side of the switch with the one from a working one... Or is that not possible?

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Asperger's... SQUIRREL!

20 May 2013, 04:17

You have to replace the whole switch.

I had to use a LOT of liquid flux along with my fluxed desoldering braid to desolder that one microswitch on my imperator. It did NOT want to come out without a fight. Do NOT force your microswitch out. If it doesn't come out with a "reasonable" amount of force, then it hasn't been fully desoldered yet.


20 May 2013, 13:51

Thank you for the advice. I just need to get myself a mini soldiering kit for once and do this thing properly. Now to unglue my other mouse. Q_Q

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