Who makes a good, cheap mouse?

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02 Jun 2011, 09:22

Any recommendations for a good cheap (not trackball :p) mouse? Just for web browsing and stuff... really all it needs to do is be flexible on tracking with different surface types.

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Buckler Of Springs

02 Jun 2011, 14:02

Logitech made a decent basic mouse called the RX250. I dont see it on their site or on any retailers, so it must be out of production. You can probably get new ones off eBay though.

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02 Jun 2011, 18:48

There's the microsoft wireless optical 2000, it works, no cord, nice demure click, comfortable to use but be aware that the transmitter is a little over-size (some people find it aesthetic).
I find the plastic shell to be much more durable than the rubberized material used in the construction of most current mouse. I have one in use with a desktop and purchased a spare at £6 delivered last Month.

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03 Jun 2011, 02:01

daedalus wrote:Logitech made a decent basic mouse called the RX250. I dont see it on their site or on any retailers, so it must be out of production. You can probably get new ones off eBay though.
That looks perfect. I found one for $9 shipped on ebay :) .

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The Beard

12 Jun 2011, 21:23

I can recommend the Cherry Gentix.

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The Solutor

24 Aug 2011, 09:33

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Buckler Of Springs

24 Aug 2011, 09:54

Odd, there's still no sign of it on their US or UK sites.

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The Solutor

24 Aug 2011, 10:14

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Elite +1

24 Aug 2011, 10:24

Logitech MX 620 is what I use, it comfortable and only cost £25. Batteries last forever as well, 4-6months.

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The Solutor

24 Aug 2011, 10:28

fossala wrote:Logitech MX 620 is what I use, it comfortable and only cost £25. Batteries last forever as well, 4-6months.

Yes, another great mouse, available in the left handed version too.

BTW on the battery side the M705 will beat it hands down (three years with two batteries, more than one year with one battery)


25 Aug 2011, 17:09

Everybody makes good cheap mice. They are so generic and the technology so stale that they'll be like trackballs in 20 years.

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The Solutor

25 Aug 2011, 17:42

BTW a logitech is still a logitech, even when it cost 9€

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26 Aug 2011, 12:01

Microsoft Comfort mouse 4500 is a bargain. It tracks on pretty much any surface (except glass), is comfortable and affordable. I bought one for my laptop for 10 € new. Microsoft Wireless mouse 2000 is the same mouse, but wireless. Both of them are Bluetrack mice.

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15 Sep 2011, 12:58

http://www.officemax.com/catalog/sku.js ... urn_skus~Y

Looks amazing for the price, Was going to pick one up as a "backup mouse/laptop mouse" but didnt. Really wanna get my hands on it though. Seems like a cheap mx518 variant

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24 Sep 2011, 08:01

MoarMAtt wrote:http://www.officemax.com/catalog/sku.js ... urn_skus~Y

Looks amazing for the price, Was going to pick one up as a "backup mouse/laptop mouse" but didnt. Really wanna get my hands on it though. Seems like a cheap mx518 variant
I've tried out a mouse that looks to be very close to the one you linked. To be more exact, the Ace MLUC100.

I bought it for my laptop and I must say it's a very good mouse for its price. Perhaps it's a bit too plastic and doesn't weight very much (it's extremely light).

The scroll wheel might not be the best, but it's alright to scroll with, but the actual button has an extreme awful feeling when you push it down, you might accidentally scroll at the same time as you do it (which I did experience a few times). I do like however that you can scroll it sideways.

The glide is acceptable on most mousepads (or without). It comes with some okay glides.

But it's design is good and it feels pretty comfortable in your hand. Feels pretty solid. Like I stated in the beginning, it's clearly worth its price though!

+ Low price
+ Ergonomic design
+ Thumb keys
+ Can also scroll sideways
+ Laser sensor

- Feels extremely plastic
- Doesn't weight very much (which some people might like)
- Mouse wheel button feels pretty bizarre (when you press it down)
Ace MLUC100
Ace MLUC100
mluc100.jpg (36.17 KiB) Viewed 11868 times

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08 Oct 2011, 04:22

I just got one and im trying it out tonight. :D :D :D :D
Also picked up a circular looking mouse pad to replace the Xtracpad (going to probably use it at work instead.)
I think it will just take awhile to get used to the multiple button placement but so far so good.
It feels smooth but a bit smaller around the middle where i like to hold the mouse...


Here it is next to my Steel series Ikari Optical.
Under 20bucks isn't bad since i saw the G400 for 50$ at Best Buy.


08 Dec 2011, 00:38

MX518 simple&easy to use

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08 Dec 2011, 01:31

I have the MX518, it's not that cheap, and its buttons (especially the middle button) are too stiff. I am much happier with the Logitech M500 (which costs about half).

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08 Dec 2011, 17:48

For cheap basic optical I would go with Micro Soft or Logitech...

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05 Jan 2012, 03:39

G400 looks amazing.
I recently found one of these in my drawer at work and i decided to try it out... i gave away my ACE MLUC100 for it.

http://xahlee.org/kbd/im/tb/Logitech_Tr ... Marble.jpg

i found the Ace alot lighter then i thought it was going to be...
Also i have brought in my blue switch Leopold into work and with the Trackman right next to it
the wrist rest works well.
Im very please with this config but i love coming home to Blacks and my Ikari so its really what im feeling up to that day.
I really really want to try buckling springs but finding a space saver on Ebay is CRAZY! :D


20 Jan 2012, 01:27

The Xornet should be quite nice. I ordered the Spawn though, because of lower cpi.


20 Jan 2012, 22:35

I am using the Logitech MX518 for close to 6 years now (I think I bought it some time around mid 2006). I am still very happy with it and consider it to be a great buy. It has just the right size for my large hands, its neither too light nor too heavy, and it can take a fair amount of abuse (I spilled Coke, Ginger Ale, Tonic Water, beer, coffee on it, and those are just the drinks I can remember). After the Ginger Ale it was very sticky, the buttons didn't work correctly, and the thing in general behaved rather odd. But that was almost 2 years ago and I am still happily using it. :-)


31 Jan 2012, 04:29

Got the Spawn for now. really nice mouse, good grip, firmware and software(non-customizable dpi a bit of a drag), but for someone with large hands such as mine probably no real palm/claw hybrid, because its too small. i'll get the Naga and the Ikari next, to see if i like the palm grip.


06 Feb 2012, 20:22

One of the best nowadays price/money is the Cm Storm Xornet, it hasn't got acceleration and the switches are Omron and it has a very nice rubber feel. The only inconvenience is to get used to the shape, although is very ergonomic it feels strange if you are used to "normal" shape mouses.

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Lurker Prime

10 Feb 2012, 02:28

Can't go wrong with the cheapest Logitech you can find... only issue with something like an M110 is the weight. It feels extremely light, so modding by hot gluing a few washers inside isn't a bad idea.

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13 Feb 2012, 23:37

Izza wrote:Can't go wrong with the cheapest Logitech you can find... only issue with something like an M110 is the weight. It feels extremely light, so modding by hot gluing a few washers inside isn't a bad idea.
I thought i wouldnt be able to stand a 3 button mouse but the Trackman works well with what im doing.


08 Mar 2012, 01:41

Izza wrote:Can't go wrong with the cheapest Logitech you can find... only issue with something like an M110 is the weight. It feels extremely light, so modding by hot gluing a few washers inside isn't a bad idea.
The cheapest Logitech mouse you can find is the worst thing you'll ever find.

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18 Mar 2012, 08:22

http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/70986/l ... AAAHOT4yhg

Not a bad deal... Good feel and its got extra buttons but def even on sale not the CHEAPEST.

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18 Mar 2012, 08:24

Happy St Pattys day everyone btw!
Jameson in one hand and the remote control in the other!

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02 Apr 2012, 13:19

bumpity bump, i know- topic was undead anyhow.
On the CM Storm Spawn, got it like a month ago, coming from an MX500 (still alive, though, thanks to Logitech's planned obsolescence it can only do 400 instead of 800dpi in w7x64; and I play high sens (meaning I did so at the cost of much accuracy); so change was in order after all this time (+-10yrs)).
I play with a fingertip type grip (yes on that huge logi shell), and I was hoping the Storm would give me just that, with more comfort for my pinky that normally gets dragged over the pad a bit (during long sessions ;)), it does allow me to, although there's one sad part, I hoped my pinky could use the ringfinger-support-ridge-thingy and keep three fingers on the mouse buttons as I used to do most of the time (middle mouse button is used often, and I dislike leaving M1 for that, very annoying), and that just plain doesn't work. The mouse is just too thin for that (with my hands ofcourse), gets too cramped up; if you try to put your hand on it like that (middle finger on the wheel, ring on rmb, pinky on the supportpart) you'll automatically end up with some clawgrip thing, I dislike that, much prefer more relaxt fingers. *which this mouse does allow quite smoothly, see below
Also, when trying that hold I have too little grip on the mouse to press the side buttons without nudging the mouse.
Sooo, fingertipping works, but only with three instead of four fingers on buttons (thumb+pointer+middle, no ring).
Incidentally, perhaps related, perhaps not, I'm getting mayor rsi-like aches in my elbow/shoulder lately.
It is a light mouse btw.
Which makes the cord really bad, waay too stiff (actually thinking of some kinda cable hanging system to counter that).
EDIT: forgot to mention the scroll wheel, it's bad. Up feels way diff than down, though I haven't had the dreaded noscroll/doublescroll happening that I've know from my MX500. yet.
EDIT2: ALSO: Please be adviced that the support from CM Storm to fix the issues that have been reported way back when it was released is quite lackluster. As in, there's no fix thus far (approx a year later). Issues like: high cpu usage causing massive lag in the cursor (without the cm drivers installed) and moreso than on other mice (f.i. mx500@1000hz was nothing like this; even though that should strain the usb bus more), and firmware options are iffy, look at their forum for more info. EDIT3: sigh.. alright, seems they haven't abbandoned the Spawn owners completely, 3 weeks ago a new beta firmware was posted on the forums. Maybe there's hope. EDIT4: for more info on what issues there are, http://www.cmstorm.com/forum/showpost.p ... ostcount=1

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