White Filco Full MX Browns?


05 Jul 2012, 19:30

So..since GH being gone and all, I've lost my ways of contacting people.

Anyone have a full size white filco mx browns for sale or trade?

i have a metallic pink ficlo tkl with browns for trade straight up.

let me know.


05 Jul 2012, 19:33

don't know if you want new or not but amazon has them up recently
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss? ... e+fkbn104m

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05 Jul 2012, 22:45

baldbrah/bellaisa, I know it doesn't really match the Red Alert keycaps you're planning on using, but my offer of the Metallic Blue Filco for your Metallic Pink Filco TKL still stands, if you change your mind.


06 Jul 2012, 16:31

hey jdcarpe, sorry pal, i'll have to pass on it. it'll save me some $$ but i'm not a big fan of the blue casing, no offense. but this search is looking bleak, will just probably buy it from amazon new from kb.co and try to sell the pink one.

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06 Jul 2012, 17:17

No problem, I guess there just aren't a lot of white full-size Filcos out there for trade.


06 Jul 2012, 17:35

yea, at this point, i'd even settle for a black one. but none of those either, lol. rough times.

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06 Jul 2012, 17:41

Interested in a black Rosewill with red switches + _____?


06 Jul 2012, 18:06

nope :) , heart is set on the browns. i have the blues and browns but prefer the browns. tried the reds but not a big fan.


07 Jul 2012, 08:27

I smash my way through browns. They feel just like reds, except with dirt in the switch :P

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